RIP VITA 2011-2016


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They announced new colors and games are still being released for it.

The japan playstation conference was our last hope. we got nothing.

new colors announcement

SaGa: Scarlet Grace

Danganronpa 3

nah lmao

I thought 2014 was said last hope

or last year, I forgot

It was a stillbirth, dude.

>new colors announcement
ooh new colors and some silly little japanese games we wont get. the vita is dead. bury it. im done with portable handelds.

This. SaGa Scarlet Grace, an honest to goodness new SaGa game? my fucking dick.

Who knows if we'll ever see it in english but we got fucking dragon quest builders so you never know.

Recolove soon!

Why can't we overclock the vita and enable some fucking AA?

>worse graphics than aa2
>no actual H
I do hope Illusion puts more effort into aa3 dialogue. personalities should have thousands of different lines, instead of just a few hundred.

Can't you just turn it into a portable emulator?

Exactly what I did. Have 1 with 3.60 and one with 3.61.

>comparing dogshit porn games to actual dating sims
Fucking adorable, EOP scum.

>new color is suprise!

isn't it possible to take the case off and paint it yourself? at least that's what I did with my xbone.

>RIP VITA 2011-2011



I bought the Vita in 2012 and I only ended up getting a few games for it, with most of them being portable ports of older games. Doesn't help that a preowned 32GB memory card costs as much as a 2TB HDD.

not their fault that western dudebros didn't want to buy it

Is the PS Vita the only vidya system to ever trigger normies this much?

MeiQ release today


>Wii U has:
-Sm4sh (the most competitive fighting game right now, also the most popular one overall)
-Bayonetta 2 (one of the best action games this generation)
-MH3U (is more challenging, entertaining, and has more content than any Souls game)
-Mario Maker
-Xenoblade Chronicles X (better than any RPG on PS4 and Xbone)
-Pikmin 3
-many Zelda games

>Vita has:
-mediocre boring exclusives that people don't play and don't give a shit about
-waifu games for virgins who don't know that they can fap to anime girls online for free instead of paying to fap on a small handheld screen
-works as a dust collector/paperweight/laughing stock of the entire world

When it comes to gameplay and fun, Wii U shits on the Vita. But when it comes to pandering to fedora wearing weebs on the internet, Vita clearly takes it. That is all.

>comparing a console to a hand held
awesome logic dude
now compare your WiiU to your 3DS

You can overclock some pirated games so far if you hacked your vita. Buyfags are fucked though.

I love kissing Nonoka on my Vita!

What games?

they are similar sales wise. Yet Sup Forums always shits on WiiU and praises the fuck out of Vita.

is Recolove
is Photokano Kiss


>-waifu games for virgins who don't know that they can fap to anime girls online
Vita has anime boys tho

Still getting more games than the Wii U

Its been dead since a week after it launched besides Lumines and a few other games its worthless.

Sony just shoulda kept making the psp

>many Zelda games
>ports and a musou game


>baby stroller has
>motorcycle has

What good games does the Vita have that are not Weeb titles?

Welcome Park

MonHun 3 killed vita at birth


>gullible fucks saying the usual Vita ded shit
>It's actually getting all the worthwhile PS4 games with next to no quality loss

Not challenging, feels like Moe Chronicle but with mecha and no lewd monster girls and rubbing mechanic.

Thankfully none

what are the new colors?

New Vita colours announced

post yfw people actually thought a vita "2" would happen

That red one is sexy

muh trinity

DV3 is coming on PS4 as well, so Vita is dead.

>New Vita colors...
>but Vita is dead outside of Japan...

I love my Vita, but Sony EU and US are garbage...

>playing handheld games on consoles

i thought about buying a vita because i'm into jrpgs but then i found out that it actually only has persona 4 (and maybe FFTactics with the slowdown patch). i don't care for the ports because i own a ps4. why is the library still so bad?

Search harder.

Pretty much every Vita game from this year is multi or port, but still my most played hardware since its launch

>Cold Steel 2
>Diva X
>World of FF
>Estival Versus
>Psycho Pass

But Vita has lots of rpgs, user.

i love jrpgs but i need them to be an actual game instead of "cute girls doing cute things". moeshit can go to hell.

Why are ports a bad thing anyway.
You can literally play PS4 games with nearly no graphical difference on this thing.

There are still plenty. The GOTY rpg is on Vita too.

>more new colors than games

I kind of wonder if the VIta's fate would've been different if Sony didn't abandon the console so fast. Despite the rampant piracy for the psp, Sony supported the system for quite sometime. It's like once Sony saw the low sales of the Vita they just gave up and now with piracy in full swing the Japanese games, which is the only support the vita gets, will start to fizzle out.

2 new colors bro

world of final fantasy coming out on vita
dragon quest builders coming out on vita
several anime-girl-face game coming out on vita
just because nobody advertises it, its not dead.
Plenty of games coming out.

>Plenty of games coming out.

B-But they are not made by Nintendo so they are bad!

>-Sm4sh (the most competitive fighting game right now, also the most popular one overall)

>fighting game
>most competitive

>paying to play inferior versions


So 2 square games available as better versions on ps4 and standard niche weeb shit nobody will ever play?

>lots of games

Because people here are a bunch of poorfags that can only afford one device per generation, so it's either a PC or a PS4.

You may not want to admit it but people can like different things. I know. Sit down for a whilst that sinks in.

To you it might be weeb shit, but others may like that! And there's a lot of weeb shit thus lots of games. There isn't, obviously, lots of games that you consider worthwhile.

Most games coming out in Japan have a Vita version and it's identical. Spend 5 minutes in any game shop in Akihabara and you'll know that.

I don't need to go to Japan I already have a PS3, PS4 and Vita, I already went out of my way to buy different versions of the same game (Coldsteel on Vita and PS3, Senran Kagura on Vita and Steam, AOT on PS4 and Vita) and you cannot tell me in all honesty that the Vita versions of these are on par with the others.

>I watch youtube videos of PS4 games on a CRT from 1995 and can't see any difference.

>actual game
They have moe game mechanics.

>cute butt

Reading comprehension?

>was our last hope
>having any hope beyond 2013

Damn... Blue and Gold version? Is this the vita's pokemon killer?!

Okay, near identical. Draw distances are less, graphics aren't quite as good, framerates drop a little more frequently but overall the gameplay is nigh on the same.

I'd not call it inferior, I'd call it more limited due to the confines of the system. As long as the gameplay is the same that's what matters most - especially as you can't take the ps3/4 with you on a train

>I'd not call it inferior, I'd call it more limited
So, inferior?

>As long as the gameplay is the same that's what matters most
Such an umbrella excuse.

It's shit no matter what color you coat it.

So there's some stuff on the Vita that I like the idea of. Bear in mind I'm not much of a weeb at all, but there're some $50 Vitas on my craigslist that I'm keeping an eye on.

I know a lot of it is ports, but that's fine because I like handhelds. A five inch screen in my hands is bigger from a perspective standpoint than the 32 inch four feet away, and I don't have to wear glasses.
I know I'd pick up (and I'm scanning the wiki page here)
God of War Collection
MGS Collection
Axiom Verge
Batman Blackgate
Some Musou or other
Gravity Rush
Portable Hotline Miami and Luftrausers sounds fantastic
Ninja Gaiden
RE Revelations 2
Risk of Rain
Sonic Kart

Super Robot Wars, not sure about how I feel about the series post-sprite art
The Ass Creed in colonial Louisiana
EDF, never played one (is the PSP one good?)
Apparently Monhun Frontier is on there, but it must not be good because Vita fans still cry about 4U and Generations.
Need for Speed looks pretty good
I hear you can use the second stick for PSP games so Freedom Unite would be happening for sure
Sony Smash Bros
Space Hulk

Fuck, I didn't realize this did have so many games, even if a lot of them are ports. That's not even counting titles and franchises I don't recognize.

I would not have started on this list had I known it would take that long to finish it.

Not really, it's a decent argument - the vita isn't a home console so it's never going to be as powerful so allowances must be made. If you can't see that, well, you're an idiot and we should stop discussing this any further.

If you're not taking it out of the house then there's no need for a vita version as you can remote play (except games that you can't), but you can't take your weeb games with you with a PS4

The umbrella excuse is not a decent argument, that's like saying, that Bayonetta's bad framerate on the PS3 doesn't matter because the gameplay is the same as the Wii U and 360 versions, or that any game that got a bad port doesn't really deserve to be treated as inferior because hey, the gameplay is the same, right?

The red one is sexy as fuck. Too bad it'll probably be on 3.61

Not really as PS3, Wii U and 360 are all the same kind of device - a home console.

You know a vita isn't plugged into a TV right? You understand it's a device that can be carried with you, outside of the home and away from a TV right? I need to check that you understand this.

i'd throw in risk of rain and the port of ios xcom enemy unkown

my bad, didn't you listed xcom already at the end of the list

Am I imagining things or did that artist draw hentai before?

God I am so sick of heart pupils

Look, my argument since my first post is that I would not buy the PSVita version of games that have PS3/PS4/Steam port, because they are inferior, the only argument you're giving me is that "it's portable on Vita", which isn't for everyone, most people want to buy the version that looks better, it being portable is just a bonus but at the sacrifice of visual fidelity.

Being able to play your games where ever you are is a big selling point though, and THE main reason a Vita exists in the first place.

You don't care about the portability of the Vita so thus handhelds aren't important to you. There are lots of people who do. In fact, the majority of people who buy a Vita do so specifically because they can take it with them.

The markets for both are completely different. One sits down in front of a TV with superior hardware and so can run the game at better specs - like a desktop PC running a game on ultra. The other is for running about and playing wherever you are - like a laptop running on low specs.

Possibly. Ryoji Nomura, he's got some lewd stuff.