Sony TGS

Let's discuss what happened

>sonycucks discussing nothing

it's like pottery

I missed it, condense it to a few sentences.

It's just more waiting, but as Sony fans you're probably used to it

The Bloodborne prequel looked good.

EDF and shit nobody cares about

the only news was bad news
what do you expect


motherfucking GUNDAM EXTREME 4 FOR THE PS4

Let's not

sony honey dicked us

new EDF and that was the most interesting thing

>That whole conference

Death Stranding is open world.


EDF 5, Platinum-made Granblue game, new SaGa, Nioh and Nier Automata release dates and some Musou crossover game.

iPhone killed Japanese video gaming


No games, western shit, VR.

absolute JUST tier

EDF 5, yay

Summer Lesson girl turned into generic asian who.

New Fortune Street

That's it.

Nioh worldwide release Feb 9th.

nitencucks get the fuck out. what happened to our sonyntendomination alliance

>release date for Nioh for February 2017
>release date for Nier Automata also for February 2017

I have all I want.
Everyone else can fuck off.


some fuck spoiled p5 for me in the thread thats what happened

Kingdom Hearts 2.8 got delayed

>Sony is treating Vita like a blood sucking lice that time to time gets some shit adaptations for low quality games

Will it stop?


Not even Japan gives a shit about Gravity Rush or TLG holy fuck.

Monster Hunter Never ever

Thats all you need to know. Now go to sleep, tomorrow you have a long day of damage control in /vitagen/

gundam and pretty much nothing else

Hot Shots Golf

Just mess my stuff up?

Absolutely garbage. Last two years were great i don't know what the hell happened.

Fortune Street: Dragon Quest + Final Fantasy for Vita/PS4
Musou Stars (Musou game with Koei Tecmo IP characters) for Vita/PS4
Earth Defense Force 5 for PS4
Gundam Versus for PS4

Otherwise everything else was news on already announced games, VR and services.

FF XV, KH, Death Stranding and a few other big titles showed up but nothing significant was really said about them.

Weaker than average conference for Sony TGS, which means everyone will say it's literally the worst thing ever.

it had spoiler tags mate your own fault


what the fuck were you talking about kojima

>I made the name Death Stranding because it sounds complicated and deep
>Here is my napkin sketch of chibi Del Torro, Norman Reedus, and me playing jump rope
>This is a 50 million dollar game, it is important to show young game makers they don't need money to create a good product

Other than Kojima coming out of the pure, utterly evil person closet, not a whole lot. Granblue Fantasy having a real game in two years, I guess.

His collaboration with Van Darkholme.

>your only conference announcement is leaked shit

Go to bed Lucky.



This is not the actual TGS. It's a pre-show, aka press conference.

>this is the state of the video game board supposedly made for """"""""""enthusiasts""""""""""

You people are more clueless than fucking facebook randoms.

What the fuck is happening to Sony?

Worst Sony conference since last week.

Watch the opening montage and assume it was the whole thing. You'll be happier.

>Fortune Street
>no longer Nintendo exclusive

Fucking why? Why is Square fucking over Nintendo for no reason?

this conference reminded me of nintendos e3 2015

Just Kojima things

No suprise titles in the upcoming days? I want to believe.

>YFW Ubisoft crashed the stream

Literally every year is full of people who don't even know what TGS is.

he's explained it before

Anons saying there will be an actual show when TGS starts.

Will sony fags get a second chance on a sticky? Or is it over for them? Will they ever recover?

>its not the real thing guys, surely they'll pull more games out of their ass

lmao sonygger damage control

That's what happens when your hobby-dedicated board gets swarmed by underage shitstains coming from reddit.

The only good thing they've done in a decade. They tried to save us.

>Nier, Persona, and Nioh all in the same month

that was a pre show not TGS fool

the nigga from watchdogs 2 hacked the stream

ps4 has no gaems

Except new titles and shit are announced at the Pre-TGS conference faggot, and this one was trash

No other info on the depressingly bad looking badman game?

>that one white guy


Sony's show is a Pre-event conference.

TGS itself is over the next week. Yes, more games will be announced during the event itself.

Only highlight was Gundam VS

Was seriously bad with no games compared to the previous conferences.

it's wasn't

+ Gravity Rush coming to PS+ as the """free""" game of the month to help prepare people for GR2 (verify this please)
+ EDF5
+ Granblue Fantasy
+ Gundam Versus
+ Summer Lesson

~ Some VR games and apps look genuinely good, though I doubt I'll ever buy a PSVR
~ Koei All-Stars (Its Warriors-shit, but I like some of the characters)
~ Dragon Quest X Fire Fantasy: Mario Party Edition

- Fucking Nioh and Nier releasing in the same month as Persona. What the fuck are the devs thinking? Do they hate getting money?
- The FFXV limited edition PS4 is just a fucking moon.
- Too much focus on VR garbage, like fucking VR music performance or VR outside.

- - - - - Absolutely no hype announcements. No FF7R. No KH3. Really no reason to have stayed up and watch the conference at all since release dates were like the only things they showed.

Can't think of anything else.

honestly the only game I care about right now

Except Sony usually blows their load at the pre show. You are the newfag here.

Source: my gapping anus

knew it

This is the real conference, equivalent to the E3 conferences. There will rarely be any more games announced at TGS itself if they're on Sony platforms.

every year is the same
>Is not the real conference there will be another
Which will consist on 1hr shilling interviews of what was shown here. The only good anouncements will come from 3rd party own conferences. But at this point i doubt anything really new will be shown

SaGa: Scarlet Grace
Danganronpa 3
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and Nioh release date

It was still bad because the lack of big announcement and surprises.

Shut the fuck up spic boy, this was a pretty shit conference

>Gundam Versus
Just another arcade game ported over to the PS4 like all the other extreme vs games in the last decade.

>EDF 5
EDF is a massive hit or miss series and this got leaked days ago.

>musous stars
Lol. Probably the only actual interesting game that was announced and it's musou shit.


Karma is a thing and you'll remember what you did for the rest of your life.

That's next year

Just fuck my japanese industry up fAm

There will be on third party "conferences". Just stage shows where people can come and watch.



You know the game got released in nip land, and you stay here knowing that there's a potential to get spoiled? You have no one to blame but yourself.

>- Fucking Nioh and Nier releasing in the same month as Persona. What the fuck are the devs thinking? Do they hate getting money?
You realize those games are primarily aimed at Japs and Japs will have already played P5 long before they come out

I just wanted to see Sen III
Fuck me

+ Gravity Rush coming to PS+ as the """free""" game of the month to help prepare people for GR2 (verify this please)
old game

+ EDF5

+ Granblue Fantasy

+ Gundam Versus

+ Summer Lesson
Not even a ge

*will be no

>No Ace Combat

0/10 conference

I hope we get to.see everyones deaths. This entry designs were atrocious

Karma isn't a thing outside of India, Abdul

His life will continue happily without repercussion for the suffering he causes you

I'm so glad that I'm not a big Resident Evil fan. This is th 2nd year in a row that they shit all over the franchise live on stage.

what was that dokapon kingdom-like game?


TGS consistently has announcements throughout the show, as only Sony has a pre-show.

Literally every other Japanese company excluding Nintendo who doesn't bother showing up announces their games throughout the week on the showfloor.

this one?

I'm so glad I'm not interested in this game.

Borh atlus,capcom, and enix have little shows where they anounce their own shit like sony tried.

Reply with the game you wanted to get announce.
>Wild arms 6

>He didn't like Resident Evil goes J-Rock

it has 2 endings one good one bad