Pokémon GO US Paying Population down 79%

>Pokémon GO US Paying Population down 79%
>miles below pretty much any other popular mobile game released in the last 5 years

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All the normies moved on. What a surprise

You mean the strategy of doing fucking nothing for months on end for a game that didn't have much depth to begin with didn't keep normies? How?

>comparing a single title to EVERY OTHER GAME ON THE MARKET COMBINED.

AEven still, yeah the fad is going down because the devs aren't releasing any of the big important updates that the user base expects the game to get.
So you have normies just moving on like they do and you also have core users dropping it because the game is actively getting worse as time goes on, ie wild poke detection

>mobile game with repetitive gameplay and 0 events died
Wow. What a shocker.

>mobile game players are fickle

no shit

Nintendo's new CEO's strategies in a nutshell.

inb4 he sells nintendo to disney so the jews can put their dirty paws on it

>"all other mobile games"
>someone thought that was a serious, professional data to put on a real graph

just fucking what?

they made millions off what probably took a month to make

they aren't exactly sad about it

>there were people who unironically suggested this game was not a fad because of how big it was
My fucking sides.

>all those Sup Forumsirgins that used this shit fad game as an excuse to "make friends" and become "healthy"


Didn't they recently cockblock rooted devices?

>all other games
>the blue line is literally a million games put together
>versus one
OP is fucking butthurt nothing he likes will ever be that played.

>they were self proclaimed mobile game market experts saying the decrease in players was going to pass and the game had strong roots

No, it's the average life of the flavor of the months smartphone game.

The blue line is the average amount of players in other games, not numbers put together.

What's there to buy though? Even during its peak there wasn't anything worth spending money on.

>make a game about searching and finding pokemon in real life
>remove options of tracking pokemon


The key to player retention with a game like this is the PVP aspect.

There is no PVP aspect.

>nintendo isn't doomed guys, this shitty fotm mobile game will surely bring in billions of dollars in revenue

>self proclaimed gaming expert adam sessler

>less cringey mainstream media news about Pokemon Go on the airwaves as a result

Shouldn't have fucked up the tracking fuccbois.

Lucky eggs for powerleveling, incubators for fitfags, lures for buisnesses.

And yet idiots paid hundreds for Pokeballs, incense and modules.

Normies have an attention span of 1 month

Flavor of the month

All that shit they release now should have been there from the start

Pokémon GO garnered six times the revenue made by the second most profitable game in this period.

In addition to generating the most revenue, Pokémon GO still maintains a relatively large amount of paying Pokémon trainers. As of September third, nearly a quarter of all mobile game buyers made a purchase with Pokémon GO, despite the massive decline of in-game spenders.

The "game" is absolute trash, even by mobile game standards. I don't understand why people defend it so vehemently.

>no battling other players
>no trading with other players
>no multiplayer at all
>not even pokemon battles, just screen slapping to control a spot
>don't even have to screen slap to catch pokemon
>no character customization

Literally the only thing you can do in this game is collect pictures of pokemon. It's not a game. How could it stay popular?

It always made me think of those round toys you give to babies with different shaped holes you put different shaped blocks in, but somehow all my adult friends were enjoying playing with it? I was so confused, I guess that's the power of groupthink.

>Nintendo's new CEO's strategies in a nutshell.
They are literally their own enemies.
They seem to have very little to no understanding of the market

>unstable as fuck
>no events at all
>barely any gameplay at all
>can't trade
>battles are retarded , even for a mobile game standards
>remove the only interesting feature instead of fixing it (tracking)

Wew lad, it was almost impossible to fuck this game up, but somehow they did it. Even retarded normies eventually realize when the game is shit

>Even retarded normies eventually realize when the game is shit

They didn't realize though. It's a fucking fad game for fucks sake, and the fad is over now.

Nintendo literally had literally no exposure in this thing, it did boost 3ds and pokemon sales by A LOT though, don't trust a bunch of angsty teenagers in economic matters for fuck sake

I don't really know if Sup Forums is this gullible but that's comparing it to every other mobile game combined. It also got more revenue than every other game combined in august.

No it isn't

>but that's comparing it to every other mobile game combined.
No it's not you idiot


But it did?

I don't see your point here


>it did boost 3ds and pokemon sales by A LOT though, don't trust a bunch of angsty teenagers in economic matters for fuck sake
source: your angsty manchild ass

It boosted 3ds sales by A LOT though

I'm fucking shocked that you retards don't know how to read a graph

Making 20% of all game revenue on the app store long after the hype is gone is still really good.

Here you go

And only 10% of that goes to nintendo.

If they updated it with something, say, once a week, nothing major just little additions, they'd hold people's attention better. As it is, there's such a gap between updates, and the things added are so inconsequential that casual players will.just forget about it.

Wow, larger numbers mean a bigger decline when casuals move on to the next bit of trash?

This reeks desperation.

no bitch

i want relics and demons who text me

>goalpost moving

It's still the most profitable game. Sorry that you want Nintendo to die so bad

This tbqh.
They are trying too hard to do things differently from the other company without even questioning the market

i want to track ghosts as well

How the fuck are they doing anything wrong by dumping shit, money making games into mobile?

>most profitable
>$20 million gross on a $30 million budget
There needs to be profit before it can be considered profitable.

[Citation needed]

The 30 million is for all the future mobile projects user

And source on the profits?

You forgot to mention that it's still the most profitable mobile game ever. I wonder why.

What kind of fucking graph is that?

I mean I don't give a shit about the games but c'mon.

>Pokemon go makes money
>Pokémon go doesn't make money

You can't really make up data on the go like that, faggot. pretty sure the last data was 20 million per day.

Yeah, cause school started.

Fun fact. When I was at the nerd fucking capital of the army there was literally groups of 50+ people in spots constantly trying to catch gyms to the point where the post commander put out a notice to stop playing while walking even if you're in civies. I recently pcsd to a not nerd post and it's banned from being played on post altogether