i wanted something that looked like my next post, not this fucking garbage on pic related in this post
Where are my NEXT GEN games?
THIS IS REAL next-gen graphics, not this shitty ps3-tier crap on the OP image
Blame consoles XDXDXD
>implying it's not the truth
Buy pcs fags.
In my experience, the more "realistic" the graphics, the less time is spent on other aspects of the game resulting in a hollow blockbuster experience.
You're right, my image was ps3-tier. I'm sorry.
blame PC because they do games with console graphics only because PC cucks pirate games and only platform that is selling games are consoles.
For example witcher 3
>75% copies sold on consoles physically
>25% sold on
-consoles digitally +
-pc physically+pc digitally
>Pay more than 2x the price of a PS4 Pro for a few more specks of dirt on the textures and a higher framerate
>Get all the cool exclusives like generic pixelshit indie game #127
>get to experience games 6 months later cause you got to wait to get it 33% off during a steam sale like a cuck
We should all buy PCs amirite???
Stop playing on xbox one.
another console cuck trying to blame PC
>still paying $60+ for shit-tier games
>not playing the exact same shit-tier games for absolutely nothing
Who's the cuck?
>it's a platform war thread #24618
Why can't we all just enjoy video games?
it's Sup Forums, you don't enjoy games here
>Pay $45 thanks to based amazon prime
>Get it the day it releases
>also not responsible for why don't give a shit about pc parts while also not adding to the reason pc is not a desired platform for games
console cucks i hate them
lmao stupid console cucks
fuck off, only reddit enjoys video games
Not necessarily, it's more about devs wanting to get the biggest audience possible. If you jack up your visuals and hence requirements you're reducing the potential number of people who can play your game, hence no incentive to really push the visuals AND it helps with console ports. Contrary to what some may think enthusiasts with cutting edge hardware are a minority on PC.
But why though? Why must it be like this?
Because Sup Forums is a place for shitposting.
If you want legitimate discussion go to /vg/ or Reddit.
'here you go OP!
graphics have been great since 2007, why are you all so bothered? shouldnt it all be about gameplay at this point?
>"lol you have to pay $60 for a game when I can pirate it"
>"B-but it can get it for $45 and day one!"
Wow great arguement
Consolefags never fail to amuse me
Skyrim with RCRN, texture and npc overhaul mod looks miles better than witcher 3
cucks are gonna cuck
My ass with a buttplug in looks better than the witcher 3.
I bet you bitch at bad PC ports too huh PCuck?
After reading so much good about w3 i decided to try out and its a disappointment, not bad but my expectation were high after all the shilling here
But i guess this board is like g, a hipster board where everything popular and good is bad and everything unpopular/old/bad is good
Also Witcher 3 looks better than Deep Down. That face especially is fuckawful.
Not really. The only port that I play that I can think of right now is dark souls
I would argue that lighting does the job better than making a game look good than textures and polygons.
It's funny then that you see so many preliminary showcases of games later lower or simply ditch their previous lighting setups.
The fuck is wrong with the player's amr ? Look like it was cut with paint and pasted on anbother pic. Also, these jaggies at the fingers, man, you could have put AA before taking the screenshot.
Jeebus christ. It's kind of sad too see consolefags lie and pull number out of their ass to support their argument. It's okay man, it's just video game, don't get mad to the point you have to spread lie on the internet.
Pc masterrace is an autistic circlejerk like the sonic or fnaf fandom
console cunt
>everybody is graphic fag now
kill me already i should buy nintenshit next time
>That face especially is fuckawful
ofc,it's a goblin
Master race here, this is click bait dude.
>a goblin
Sure, and pic related is a pair of minotaurs.
Last console i had was a nintendo copy when i was 6 or 7
Ps hot pic ;)
Ironic geralds face looks really unreal
>witcher 3 sold more on PC than consoles in POLAND
Self btfo
T.Hanks for not reading info that you linking.
>In fact, the console versions of The Witcher 3 comprised 70% of the game’s sales, with the PC version representing the other 30%. And despite over half a million GoG sales for The Witcher 3, 75% of its sales were for the physical retail copy, with only 25% of sales from digital storefronts.
pic very related
>Geralt's face looks really handsome.