Why is no one talking about this on Sup Forums?
Nier: Automata TGS 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing new for now. Last time, steam version also available
Caim madness lives on.
There're no people on the Moon or anywhere - it's all the ruse by Angels. Defective robots MC's are sent on Earth to break seals\get rid of the resistance\stop the Accord by Angels. You're killing innocent robots protectors and human AI's that tries to ward off Angels invasion before Accord plan is ready to reverse human extinction.
>Why is no one talking about this on Sup Forums?
It went multiplatform so Sonyfriends stopped caring about it.
Will 9S be the tragic shota character this time?
so whats the timeline of this one do you think? is it far future after first contact or right after the whole white phosphorus thing?
So we got 2 character reveals from this trailer right? The white haired boy with the tattoos and this person?
It's sometime in the future after the first Nier. I think they confirmed Kaine is alive still?
Hey that's Emil's voice
>tfw localization will be mid to late 2017
All those cubes are making me think of the PS2 startup.
that cringe
and anime crazy laughing
oh no
hopefully it will be released worldwide like they intended to r-right?
and this robot, too
Voice actors and brief characters descriptions
>Pod 042 - Hiroki Yasumoto
YoRHa units support
>Pod 153 - Kaoru Akiyama
YoRHa units support
>General - Chiaki Kano
Directs YoRHa operations from the space base
>Operator 60 - Keiko Isobe
Transmits communications between deployed YoRHa units and the space station
>Operator 120 - Hatsumi Mari
Transmits communications between deployed YoRHa units and the space station
>Adam - Daisuke Namikawa
Hansome and mysterious silver-haired guy
>Eve - Suzuki Tatsuhisa
Adam's younger twin brother
>Pascal - Yuki Aoi
An harmless biomachine interested in human culture
>Emil - Mai Kadowaki
He used to travel with Nier. Most of his memories are long gone
>Devola and Popola - Ryoko Shiraishi
The oldest androids in the Resistance team, they help 2B and 9S in their task
>>Devola and Popola
Wait, what?
yep...I don't know either
whoops, forgot source: gamestalk.net
>Devola and Popola
>He used to travel with Nier. Most of his memories are long gone
Jesus thats the worst thing I can imagine.
I hope its just one of his wayward clones or something.
>Devola and Popola - Ryoko Shiraishi
Well I'm guessing all observer androids were each a pair of devola&popola, pretty cool we'll get to see them again, I wonder they will be properly sentient like ours would've been if you know, we didn't kill them straight after.
Emil's condition reminds me when Killy spends thousands of years walking to the outer layers of the Dyson Sphere, to the point he doesn't even remember his origin anymore. It makes sense that he'd completely forget about Nier at this point.
Gematsu's translation implies it's not the same Devola/Popola we know, but merely androids from the same line.
Emil is specifically the Emil we know.
Super gay.
I like it
>Calm down, Eren. You're in a wrong game.
>It makes sense that he'd completely forget about Nier at this point.
Nah, he was already thousands+ when Nier met him and he remembered his sister and all that.
Though no doubt theres an explanation in there considering he spent this thousand years endlessly modifying his body and battling aliens. Also replicated himself a bunch.
Game just needs a big bara dude now to cover all the bases.
Don't forget to read Grimoire Nier and the drama CDs transcripts! That's where it actually ends.
Thanks! That's undoubtedly way more accurate
>a big bara dude
We can only dream.
>>Emil - Mai Kadowaki
>He used to travel with Nier. Most of his memories are long gone
Oh god this means Taro won't actually make us kill him as a boss or something.
I worried more about that then my impending wizardom or life in general.
>this means Taro won't actually make us kill him as a boss
>this means Taro won't actually make us kill him as a boss or something
how so?
I feel the same way btw, I really hope it won't happen
I need this.
I know he can make his power run rampant again and thus force our hand.
But I refuse it.
If that happens I'll literally turn off the game before killing Emil and never continue.
There's literally zero chance that you don't wind up killing Emil. Come on.
I don't believe you.
Though maybe killing him is a mercy at some point
Still won't do it.
Emil would be a good boss fight
Look at him.
Drinking our tears.
that xbox emulator better hurry up with emulating nier
>It's a boy
>that melodramatic voice acting
hopefully the english actors tone it down a bit
It's more like a teaser, yeah
Actual stuff will be shown on the 17th at TGS
>Emil loses control of powers and becomes boss fight
>once you get him low enough he starts talking about this reminds him of his time with nier
>once you beat him he spends his last few minutes believing that you actually are nier and finally came back to help him
This game will be solid fucking gold, mark my words.
I can totally see it happening, theres so many ways Taro can make me cry bitch tears with Emil.
But then the only way I'd be disappointed by this game if I didn't end up crying atleast once playing it.
>Devola and Popola - Ryoko Shiraishi
For fucks sake, thanks for spoiling that shit
Again, its a different pair of Devola and Popola, and we knew since Grimoire Nier that there were several.
They had also hinted at them being present in one of the early interviews
No spoilers there, cheer up
That's a lot of screaming. Looks like almost Drakengard levels of tormented characters.
Well, there's a red-eyed guy who also has the twin symbol "tattooed"
I'm not expecting anything less than that
>come to Sup Forums after a month
>get spoiled almost instantly
Great. I have no idea why I came back anyway.
>Looks like almost Drakengard levels of tormented characters.
And this is how Yoko Taro's "Happy Ending" themed video game is teased...
These are all official announcements to advertise the game.
I wish they would port Nier to PC or PS4 so I could go back and play the B and other endings.
360 is ded so I'm basically fucked.
>information from teasers and trailers
Are you retarded user?
Trailers are. A list of VAs including returning characters aren't. The first game is also known for spoiling itself anyway, I should probably dodge trailers too at this point.
>A list of VAs including returning characters aren't.
What if you can understand the trailer and recognize voices?
TGS is coming and new details about the game will be discussed soon.
This short trailer and tidbits of interviews that will accompany/follow TGS are being teased to build up hype.
Famitsu already showed they got their pages ready for the next issue and blurred images that have not yet being revealed.
This is all official info they want you to get and are not spoilers at all, come on man.
>all that screaming and overacting
What happened to Japan? They used to have some of the best actors and directors in the business.
There's no spoilers in the teaser.
Nah, revealing Popola & Devola is a spoiler. They straight up gave this info to media?
>yfw pic is the canonical ending that Automata picks up from
because they didnt show shit. Game looks like sonic 2006 with all that loading screen shit
Does that mean Kainé fucking that corpse in the ass is now the Canon of the series?
Also isn't Nier reborn in that?
Yes and yes.
>Does that mean Kainé fucking that corpse in the ass
w h e r e
Yeah, Nier gets reconstructed from data but he's a kid again.
Yes. It was even hinted since the very first interviews: nier2.com
>Name drops of the previous NieR characters such as Nier, Yonah, and Kaine are likely, but that is all; however, Yoko Taro said that Emil will make an appearance. Likewise, Accord will also make an appearance in name only. He also said that a certain ******* character(s) will appear. Could this be Devola & Popola (DE-VO-LA-&-PO-PO-LA) or maybe even the Red Dragon (RE-D-DO DO-RA-GO-N)? The Dengeki Online interviewer seemed quite shocked by this news and wondered how it could be possible.
Also, they are not THE Devola and Popola. Just androids of the same kind.
Rev up that imagination because its in the drama cd
Well this is curious, since any number of fucking things could've happened after that, fucking Nier him-new-self could be alive in this game, and ofcourse with over a thousand years he could've changed into whatever the fucking hell ever even, considering two other beings have basically become near-gods in that time. Though I guess Emil reverted? or as I'm guessing its one-of-Emil.
All the doors are open, its hard to theorize anything even though I really really want to.
I was talking about the info about VAs.
Yes again, the source is up there, read the thread.
It's all info from the Famitsu magazine teasing their next Automata article on their website.
that was anime as fuck
>Yakuza 0 in January
>Nioh, Persona 5, and Nier in February
>Adam's younger twin brother
w-what ?
I am about 99.9% sure Eve is that guy
Are we on the incest train? Is this the curse of Furiae?
That's Adam. OP pic is Eve.
I think it's the other way around, long haired guy with 'calm personaity' is Adam
Short hair, red eyes and Watcher cult tattoo = Eve
Long hair, fancy clothes, cubes = Adam
>The other thread is full of Console War shitposting
Man, it's sad.
Those people don't actually care about Nier so fuck them
That's why we should be happy to be in this one.
What if the final battle has you playing as Emil vs Caim who's super fucking pissed?
That shit depresses me. Nier was an absolutely magical experience and mow against all odds I'm getting a sequel with the same writer and composer but with my favorie company fucking Platinum doing the gameplay.
This very well could be my favorite game of all time but people just keep bitching about what platforms it will be on.
Sup Forums is always bitching about something, don't worry about it.
The other thread STARTED as console war shitposting, you people were just foolish enough to try and repurpose it. Leave the dead where they lie
Also the other thread is not actually full of shitposting even though they keep trying.
Pretty positive if you ask me.
then if you care for those, western release of tales of berseria sometime in early 2017 too.
Even if it doesn't, we can always Mod one in.
Oh wait.
Sorry, I meant to say the master race members who buy this game will be able to. The others might be if Sony allows them to pay to do so.
>tfw pretty much all the games I'm looking forward to got pushed to February
I don't think SMT IV Apocalypse is going to last me that long.
Simply ebin
Do you even know who Emil or Caim are?
Of course I do, I read the wiki. You gotta do your research before you buy a game on Steam.
Gotta know how much time I'll give the game before returning it if it ain't good.
not bad kek
like fucking clockwork
youfucks took das threads now its nier
>that smile
>red eyes
>that tattoo
This guy and Caim would be great friends.
Thread started as a falseflagg bait post so yes
Indeed like clockwork, you see a bait thread - and you come into it to shitpost.