>game tries to be funny
Game tries to be funny
Other urls found in this thread:
>game breaks 4th wall
>game tries to be funny by making popculture references
>Game is marketed as horror
>Jump scares left, right and center
>game turns out to be actually really fucking funny
Which game is it, Sup Forums?
Borderlands 2
>game tries to be funny episode 2
>it's a game where final boss fight is the easiest one
Bard's Tale
Baldurs Gate
>game talks about parallel universes
>also talks aboutGETTING BEANED
>game tries to be fun
Rayman 3 Thank God that Murfy is only in the intro. So irritating.
>Game tries
>its a board game
>game is that bad that it's good
>game has memes
Dead space 3 co-op
Fallout 2. Yet Sup Forums praises it mindlessly because they've only played NV.
The video that image is from has always fascinated me. You can see the exact moment he realizes humanity is doomed and his soul is crushed. Just the look in his eyes says it all. He just wanted to save people. In the end it was all for nothing those people were already dead.
ikr lol
>Every main boss is childlike
>Every side boss is Satan-tier
Mystical Ninja
what's the video called cause I saw it on here once, but wanna show my friends
in u go
>game tries to be funny
>game tries to be funny by making popculture references
What the fuck is this?
Resident Evil
>but wanna show my friends
There's no need to lie, user.
>actually really fucking funny
Chaos Complexx
>Western porn flash
>It tries to be funny
>Can't fap or laugh
>game tries to be movie
Name one (1) horror game that doesn't have a jump scare.
>Game gives you new weapon
>It's fucking useless compared to the starting one
Monkey Islands
Leisure Suit Larry
South Park Stick of truth
>game tries to have educational cringy grandma explain you the mechanics and how """fun""" it is to play and explore adventures
never have i ever dropped a game faster. Fuck Wildstar this shit is like MMO for kids not even kidding. it´s like you took everything that made Blizzard bad and turbo squeezed it into one childrens morning cartoon level mmo
as for gameplay you cant get more basic bitch than what they had as features
the only game with actual memes is ff2 though and it was a good system
Just an hour or two in and it has made me laugh several times.
>starting weapons seem shitty
>when upgraded they inflict the best status ailment in the game
Broderlands and Borderlands 2 was funny
Pre-sequel was SJW crap
>game tries to be tragic by killing a character you met 10 minutes ago
>voice acting is so bad it's great
>protag says what I should do out loud if I stand still for ten minutes
I remember laughin with MDK2 and Giants: Citizen Kabuto when I played them with 13 years.
I'm afraid of replaying them and finding they were actually awful.
South Park: The stick of truth
Occasionally Crusader kings 2
Metal gear solid series
Monkey island series.
>Open World RPG
>The game world revolves entirely around the player actions
>the plot still pretends to have any sense of urgency
okage shadow king
>game tries to be serious
>winds up being hilarious
I found the first FNAF game to be hysterical
Ghost 1.0
rock of ages
Metal Wolf Chaos
No One Lives Forever 2
I only played Borderlands 2, and i can say, without a shadow of a doubt, there was nothing remotely funny about it. Utter tripe for 12 year olds.
>game is the funniest shit ever
>but only the glitches and shit you do with friends
Timesplitters Future Perfect
My man.
its pretty funny
Sup Forums praises it because it's the best Fallout, fucking shmuck.
Deus Ex is pretty funny
it's always funny to pull a nerd underwear
or throwing dynamite in the toilets
It was super late and shit but I laughed quite a bit during that doppler contract in Witcher 3 when Geralt made that imp-erfection pun.
>game has motion controls
where do i find the silencer for the regular pistol?
in pauls apartment RN
Dwarf Fortress.
>game has a story and forces you to engage with it
I can't tell, because I'm playing modded Deus Ex right now and it seems they have modified lots of item locations.
>poster tries to be funny
>cant green text
God Hand
Deus Ex.
Grim fandango
>game is turn based
>would be better as an rts
JC's dialogue isn't meant to be serious all the time. He goofs around often.
>the final boss is your child and you have to kill it
Ace Attorney.
Any Lucas Arts point and clicks
I don't know man I felt timesplitters 3 humor was way to forced and felt literally what OP means while playing it.
Day of the Tentacle
Sam and Max Hit the Road
GTA 3 - San Andreas