
What happened xbros?

This was supposed to be it, the sleeper hit, the final nail in the coffin for the ps4.

Is the media still biased against us or what?.

>Is the media still biased
yes. remember bloodborne didn't lose a single point for his loading time and bugs. "because from are nice guys and they will fix it later I promise"

wow we havent seen this shitty bait before, sonygger

Do not answer to shill threads..
how many times do I have to tell you that?

fucking stupid people

Sigh. I was planning to cosplay as the game's main character.

would face fuck/10

Post dick plos

The loading times in Bloodborne were not as bad as ReCore's. It also wasn't exceptionally buggy

I'll probrably pick this up. Its only 40 bucks.

though I'm getting horizon 3 first.

sucks that the PC versions are stuck on win 10 because microsoft is trying to make PCs into locked consoles.

I would like to fuck you

would put a bullet in the head/10


You are a dude. Cosplay as dudes. Everyone who sees you knows you are a dude.You are literally not fooling anyone.

>it matters

It makes it better user, devilishly better

Forget about about cosplaying recore. You should cosplay that islamic female from watch dogs 2 with cool looking drone and hack tier phone. It would look pretty hot for you

>Keiji Inafune
le no

>Microsoft Studios

They've been video game poison this entire generation. Anything they even remotely touch ends up being shit.

Why was anyone surprised at this?

Eh, other than my face, I'm pretty light skinned.


Why the fuck is this board so fucking gay?

ugh, why did I clock that. force of habit I guess.

You know why.

Haha what kind of pills you take. get on my level

after a decade of being here, I see a spoiler box and I instinctively click it.

>the final nail in the coffin for the ps4.
Name those other nails?