Ace Attorney thread

I want to ____ Uendo!

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I've only played the series up to the first case of Apollo Justice, I have no idea who that is. Is Apollo Justice worth finishing or should I just get on with the 3DS titles? I feel like nothing is going to stand up to the original trilogy.

>Datz is 46

what the fuck

All games are worth finishing. Plus, AA4 through 6 forms its own sort-of trilogy. You could also always play the AAI games.

Play through Apollo Justice before going into the 3DS titles.
Case 4 for Apollo Justice makes the game worthwhile alone purely for Phoenix's Keikaku

Sorry, I'm not an Edgeworthfag

>I feel like nothing is going to stand up to the original trilogy.
Can you cut that shit?
Trilogy has JFA and AJ is slightly above it, plus later titles tie back to it so finish it.

>should I just get on with the 3DS titles
Right after you finish AJ and play the two Investigations games.

There's also Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, but that isn't really necessary.

I want to protect them

Reminder that Tomorrow is the release of

>Phoenix Wright Asinine Attorney + Phoenix Wright pixel 3DS Theme $3.99

>Athena and Pearl are only one year apart
>Pearl still looks like she's 12

Although I guess that isn't too unrealistic


Is that a female (male)?


Only Kisegawa, who is a courtesan (male).

Let's poll the people, shall we? What did you think of SoJ?

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Case 4:

Case 5:

I'm pretty sure they straight up mention Gumshoe in the DLC case. I don't know why they didn't bring him back for it since the case almost felt like a return to the series' roots.

>no excellent rating
Great just isn't strong enough.

Which case would you call excellent?

Also I figured five options might be too much already

Case 3 and 5 were excellent imo

I don't know which case is better 6-2 or 6-5
Pretty great game

Man, 6-4 is divisive

On one hand, filler with Athena leading.
On the other, Simon shitposting the entire trial.

6-4 feels like an AO trial gone more nuts than usual

>implying that wasn't 6-2


well, 6-4 has both blackquill switching sides and shitposting as he pleases and a witness that has multiple personalities

still true that 6-2 is full of memes

Don't forget the witness is wasted and constantly interrupts the trial to contribute nothing.


>ywn have Booney ride your dick while Betty rides your face

Wow, Nips REALLY like Uendo/Patches/Kisegawa/Owen huh?

Do we not?

Come on, Sup Forums, let's play Attorney Online! The new client was released like two days ago!

There's like 20 people online in the Sup Forums server right now.

What? Ace Attorney multiplayer?

You mean the shitty browser cases?

what is this
I keep seeing it but have no idea.


An actual dedicated fan-made multiplayer Ace Attorney game.

You join, build a basic case (Takes like 30 minutes, just put the basic evidence and premise) and pick a role. You can be defense, judge, prosecutor, detective, witness 1, witness 2, support, co-defense, co-prosecutor, stenographer, etc etc.

Then, you just watch the case unroll. Witnesses show their testimony which helps flesh out the case and make it more complex, defense cross examines it and proposes theories, etc etc, just like the real game. If you played Ace Attorney it is exactly that, except for every single role is a real player playing at real time, your Sup Forums folks.

Pic related is a screenshot of a goofy moment.

Be warned, the download is heavy since it has all characters and OST of all games.

I highly recommend downloading the updates and going to the test server since most people are there. The test server is the one where you use the new client. Make sure to boot the 1.8 client to join it. Meet us there!

So basically a tabletop version of the game?

Not quite since when you play, it feels exactly like an Ace Attorney game at times.

To be more precise, think of the second case of SoJ.

Footage I picked randomly.

Game is pretty neat and a must-try for every Sup Forums AA fan imo. The normie servers are thrash though.

>all characters are from SoJ or DGS
Are 2D characters allowed?

A vampire case? Okay, you convinced me

All the AA characters are allowed, it's just that DGS and SoJ characters were recently added, and thus got a boost in use for a time

Yes, in fact most characters used are 2D, it is just a coincidence that this video was DGS themed and the screenshot was from a DGS character.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the Sup Forums server is "Attorney Online Vidya". I highly recommend downloading the red update and joining the test server since the "normal" one is dead and everyone is at the test.



Are the basic rules of improv in effect?

Yes, it is all ad lib, witnesses flesh everything out and defense/prosecution fulfill their roles with what is given to them while having in mind the evidence.

I'll check it out tonight maybe

It's Watson


just finished the game
holy shit what a ride that was
I avoided the threads since I was afraid of spoilers, what's the general consensus on the game and characters?
also, how many of you saw that one twist in case 5 from miles away because of pic related?

Should we organize a case then? Should we meet in a specific place to play?

I felt really bad for her. They need to stop making the killers so likeable

Honest question: why is case 2 great?
Evidences are pretty self explanatory. Hell, no one questioned why Fake Reus was stabbed in the back and no on the side nor why Mr Hat cloak was slashed

To make things worse, the culprit motive was pretty crappy.

Case 2 feels exactly like an Attorney Online case.

I thought that about case 4 to be honest. Particularly with an existing character who usually performs a different role on the witness bench, with a no contradictions testimony like a detective.

they literally explain both those things in the case

You need to pay attention more, they explained both of those.

>Still barely any yuri


Replay the case, you obviously weren't paying attention.

Wait is this legit? Sounds sketchy.

did you skip the last part of the trial?

i didn't feel bad for her at all, the motive made zero sense and both she and her mentor were fucking retarded


Pic related is gonna need an update

rayfa in sick fuck

Actually, I understood the case. What I didn't understand is the lack of awareness the characters had during the trial. The location of the wound alone was enough to figure out that something was fishy with how the victim died.

I'm more baffled how they only realized the connection of the aforementioned evidence that late in the trial. That's why I stated "no one questioned blablabla".

All this shit only matter when revisualization was in place, but prior that point, they were acting like headless chicken.

Is this the bait version?

>Trucy at suicide tier

They explained both those things fairly early on, though. You can say they kind of handwaved it away, but the police assumption here is what counts. Trucy being the killer was way more plausible than the crazy setup they had in the end.

I don't think you understand what that tier is implying. Those are the waifus you would kill yourself so you could travel to another dimension and be with them.

Oooooooh, now I get it.

Well, just remove Rhoda and we have a deal.

when has this series ever not done this

Also gotta move Adrian to lesbian tier

Boony >>>> Betty. I think we can all agree with that. Bonny saved Apollo and Trucy's life. Betty didn't.

But they are, to some extent, fapbait.

I bought this game on the eShop and I can't understand why this board laps it up.

The beginning of the first episode takes forever to get going. You people enjoy this non-action?

First AA son? Think of the first case as your first real tutorial. Things are getting good with the fourth case. First 3 are a bit tedious, but that's about it.

If you didn't start with the initial trilogy though, stop right there and do yourself a favor.

Bonny is my cute wife and Betty is Trucy's tsundere wife

When do we get to defend Gumshoe?

Fucking Capcom knew what they were doing when they designed Rayfa. I hate being pandered to but I can't help liking her.

this was such a cool reveal

i love the animations and the use of the court space in this game, just wish there were decent breakdowns and case opening cinematics

That happened already, in AAI-1 and -4

Rayfa is almost a miracle from the Holy Mother. Capcom literally designed her to pander to other people personality wise, design wise as well.

Spinoff as Phoenix defending Ema and Gumshoe against Edgeworth's salary machinations when?

And do police officers really answer to prosecutors? Don't they have their own chain of command?




Case 5 was really convoluted and all, but just a couple things I was wondering about.

What was with Inga having the safe combination as his daughter's birthday and the letter Rayfa wrote when she was 8? Was it just a bit of random sympathetic characterization showing how he loved his daugher despite how terrible of a person he was elsewhere in life (like killing her actual biological father)? Or was the safe supposed to belong to Am'ara or something?

Also, what the hell was up with the arsonist that stood in front of the fire laughing that injured Armie and killed her mother? It was a weirdly irrelevant detail considering how specific it was. Was it a dropped plot thread or a Chekov's gun for a future game or some shit?

Everytime she smirks at me, I feel an uncomfortable tightness in an area I should not be feeling.

My chest, you perverts. Though I must admit that's not the only area

Currently playing the second one, now at Chapter 4.

How foolish am I?

I want her to do the Dance of Devotion on my lap and devote herself to my dick

OH fuck this is a spoiler, how does one go about deleting posts anyway

Very foolish, you foolishly foolish fool.

delete post is on the bottom
check the box on your previous post

live with it

Well, 2-4 is widely regarded as the best or only good case in AA2, so have fun.

I personally considered it my favorite case out of every game, before I played 6-5.


pic related

give alcohol to

love you too bud

I have to buy MORE games to get the full experience?

Serge is for _____

discussing military tactics with!

Their theme is pretty catchy

>looks about 5
>should only be about 3


No, the first trilogy is all you need, but you will probably crave for more if you get hooked by it.
If you don't like case 4 and case 5 of the first game, the second game might be a bit painful for you.