Why is nobody talking about this? Do you not remember Bloodline Champions?
There's even a beta giveaway over at mmobomb with a few keys left
Why is nobody talking about this? Do you not remember Bloodline Champions?
Other urls found in this thread:
bumping with screenshots
should probably also post the trailer
showcasing the waifus
>tfw loved bloodline champions
>tfw nobody to play with
is this game like bloodline? I can't watch videos right now
who thought this was a great idea?
the market is fuckin saturated with mobas
Its not a moba, its pretty much wow arena from a top down view. Skill shots and shit. Move with wasd and mouse
I played in the alpha and in the beta, and I can say that it plays a little different but is overall more polished. focus is on 5 baisc abilities and the ultimate, instead of 6. the R ability now always costs 25 energy. ex abilities are still in and they mostly cost 25 energy with one or so exceptions
you can mount up just like in heroes of the storm to quickly get to the middle of the map and round around and collect health and energy orbs
I know it's advertised as a MOBA, but while so called "mobas" are in reality ASSFAGGOTS, this is the only game among them whi is indeed a battle arena. you just fight with each other, no minions, no buildings, no bullshit
fucking pixar reverse weebshit
Most characters are "ported" from BLC, but have a number of substantial changes. There are also "battlerites" that you choose after each round of a best-of-five game. These battlerites work similarly to Heroes of the Storm talents (another blizzard inspiration here); you choose one from 3 on each tier
After a set amount of time (which is about 30 seconds or so) an energy rune spawns in the middle of the map. It differs from the BLC rune in that you can't just walk in and collect it, but you have to destroy it. It has 50 health, takes normal damage from abilities, and whichever team gets the last hit on it receives energy and some extra health for each players
nobody gives a shit. go shill your game on reddit.
Will it be f2p? If so then I will play on release.
these characters all look like garbage. not quite as bad as battleborn, but certainly going in that direction.
paid early access since 20 september, then f2p when it launches
read the thread, it's unlike what people call mobas. it's akin to WoW arena and Warcraft 3 custom map called Warlocks
to be honest I prefered the BLC designs, they had more soul to them. character didn't have names, they were "bloodlines", rank and file soldiers, assassins, brawlers, healers
Because the beta starts tomorrow. Gonna play some more Pearl she was top fun last time
fuck Pearl[/spoilers]
Need more waifus before I decide if it's worth trying out.
>20 replies 11 posters
How much do they pay you to advertise this shitty game?
>tfw running an impale train on the enemy healer as Shifu
there's 2 more girls right now that they still haven't revealed.
well, one is technically a grandma, but to each their own
at least 2 other champions not in beta yet are confirmed for being in development from the trailer, and there's still a couple from BLC that are awaiting to be ported
looks fun desu i remember playing the previous some years ago breifly i had fun but fucking sucked so i quit
it's pretty obvious which posts are mine, and there's 11 of them with this one. it's funny how you people are reaching to try and find a "shill"
why don't you and your friend over here go back to your designated shitpost threads? fucking neo-Sup Forums
No, fuck you. I was gonna write another character's name, but couldn't remember getting mad at another character for bullshit reasons during the last test, maybe Shifu I guess, but I tried him myself and was shit with him
Oldur was pretty powerful last session, I guess
How many players are there in a match?
Why is this critter in relaxed pose
Is it even animated?
>frog nipples
and most of the character descriptions sound super generic and like classic OC donut steel, whis is another thing I dislike going from BLC to Battlerite, but at least their interesting ability kits still make up for it. It was reading the Engineer abilities on BLC official site couple of years ago that got me so interested in the game. Lot of interesting mechanics and synergies between skills
By the way, Crowd Control in this game lasts for upwards to 3 second, even AoE CC, so you can make some silly cc-chains with the right composition
It's unclear yet whether the focus will be on 2v2 matches, or 3v3 as it was with BLC
there's also an option to make private games with 1v1, but right now there's only 2v2 and 3v3 ladder going on. it allows players parties right now, because there wasn't enough players to allow for separate solo 3v3 queue and 3v3 team queue like in early seasons of BLC
it's animated on their site. I just shot a screenshot, you know. in game Poloma has the ability to "activate" this critter briefly to mimic her LMB "auto attacks"
I guess so, when I wasn't playing Pearl I was actually playing him. I found he wasn't really a problem to play against though
There was 2v2 and 3v3 during the last test
Jesus christ why would they do that to the inhibitor he was easily my favorite design. They turned the faceless runic secret police into an edgy archon wannabe.
Everything is so big and spiky, I liked the more subdued BLC designs better, these guys look like League of Legends characters.
Also where the fuck is my man the engineer?
I should probably tell you some more about the movement. As one guy in this thread already pointed out, it's WASD + mouse and few keyboard buttons.
M1/LMB or however you want to call it is the generic "auto-attack" of a champion, which is some kind of a melee hit for melee bloodlines, and ranged one for ranged, obviously. Each of those has different properties like attack speed, damage, and such, on top of synergizing with other abilities in different ways.
There's typically a defensive ability on spacebar, like a jump/dash/teleport, or just some sort of a barrier like in case of Varesh and Lucie (although they have a teleport and a dash respectively as their R abilities)
Each succesful hit from an ability, whether it's a damaging one or a heal, gives you champion energy. Although BLC did that before Overwatch, you are probably familiar with how it works. Hit shit, get 100% energy, you can now cast the ultimate.
But there's also the R ability which costs 25% energy and typically has a 15s cooldown, because it's supposed to be situational, and 2 of the basic skills have an EX version of it each, costing typically 25 energy. Using the EX version has slightly to completely different properties, and the base ability also goes on cooldown when using the EX version.
Everything is a skillshot by the way, even heals. Think Pudge's/Blitzcrank's/Stitches' hook, Mirana's arrow, Anivia's Frost Orb, or whatever
You don't have to select an ability and click with LMB to confirm casting it like in MOBAs. You press the key, and the ability activates in direction/on the area you have your mouse cursor on
>my man the engineer
I have bad news, son
he's a granny now
also here's my friend beta key, gonna waste it on of you faggots
redeem it on Steam, enjoy
to any of you who managed/will manage to snatch a key from other sources, I recommend playing the tutorial, then jumping into few games with AI, and maybe even practice mode to dick around and get comfortable with the movement and the ability cooldowns.
Practice mode is great as it allows to switch between characters on the go, as well as select different Battlerites (talents/ability enchancements) to test out. There's also infinite energy and no cooldowns option, so get in on that
Then queue up for 2s, or 3s if you feel adventurous. 3s may feel pretty random at first, because a lot is happening and it's happening fast, but you should get used to it
Just got my invite in CBT.
So this game is pretty much reskinned BLC? It was kinda fun, but grind was too real. How is it this time?
>jewline jews
no grind so far. the league of legends-inspired cancer of medallions/gems/traits is not in anymore, so it's just like Dota currently.
And if you want cosmetic items, you open chests for ingame gold or real money, similar to Hearthstone and Overwatch
Yeah before the medallions and games game was super cool. You only had to buy bloodlines, but there was a free rotation. Then it all went to shit, when you even had to buy a replay pass and replay showcase slots
But I blame Funcom for that. Partnership with Funcom is what I believe killed the game
thank fucking god.
>there will never be another game with art design taking from things like Zeno Clash and various tribal cultures
Eh, artsyle is probably alright, just a tad generic. The problem is that it's a MOBA and I really just think those are just tiresome at this point.
I hope this fat motherfucker makes a comeback in some way. However annoying his fear and insects effect were, he was super fun to play
read the thread
Honestly, the term Moba fits this game more than games like LoL or Dota. Multiplayer Online Battle Arena? Literally this game in a nutshell.
I agree, but the poster I was replying to seemed to be under the impression that it's just like other games under that name. I never really liked the term MOBA for them as well
you really dont know what the fuck are you talking abot.
this characters look pretty nice, maybe a little bit generic but they are good. they are not overdesigned, and all of them look like they live in the same universe, the designs dont clash between them.
nobody gave a shit about Bloodline Champions.
I'm interested in a new game but I imagine it'll be pretty dead.
nobody knew* about Bloodline Champions
have you ever seen a single ad of it? me neither
Funcom dropped the fucking ball on that one. I personally learned from Leauge of Legends forums when BLC was still in closed beta (and I'm glad I made the switch, because not even half a year after release LoL was already turning to shit)
I liked the gameplay of Bloodline Champions, but when I got into it everyone else was already good at it and the playerbase wasn't growing. So instead of trying to git gud I just dropped it. Harbinger was cool though, I liked pulling people around and I loved the laugh he did when you killed someone.
BLC also had some stat system so you could make your characters stronger and shit, right? That was another turn off too. I hope that was publisher meddling or that the developers learned that shit ain't cool.
this, the BLC designs were god tier
Check for the DOTA general thread man? We don't need 50 different threads.
This game is an ACTUAL MOBA though. As in, it's basically just a PVP arena. It's nothing like the retarded Riot definition, which makes you believe it's a Dota clone. BLC/BR is sorta what you get if you got the heroes from Dota and made a game where you just fight each other. No creeps, farming or any other bullshit, just arena PVP.
OK obvious not game dev. I'll play this generic moba #2453 if you have a character that flashes boobies and another through dragon Dildos
does/will it have oceanic servers?
Thanks for the key, gonna check it out.
Rei or Asuka?
Choose wisely. I know if you have shit taste or not based on this.
>another moba
>game with oceanic servers
>not closing after a few months due to deadness
BlC 2.0 patched that in. The original didn't have that.
1.x was perfect. I'd pick the patch before Reaver was released. Grimrog and Metal Warden were the worst patches. :(
And it's a 10/10 game.this shit is only 2vw not 3v3, the designs look like clownfuckers from league of Legends made them, and it doesn't matter. Most BlC players from 2009, 2010, and 2011 are older and grown up and have jobs (myself included) and can't dedicate the same amount of time to it.
It'll inevitably fail anyway because, just like quake or any arena shooter, it doesn't work for the new generations.
They can't just copy an item build and do better, like in league or dota.
Twitch doesn't translate the 200 hours of aiming practice and 3000 hours of experience and anticipation/prediction that the player is doing.
It'll be a blast to play but the mechanics are already sitter than BLC, in those tiny nuanced ways (like alchemists primary operates differently here than in the previous game (AoE DoT) ) and there are less abilities in general.
t. Someone who played with iverson, hafu, ducke, exploitz, etc.
I'd smash the clowns that made "guides" like sakeao and corruptioN and such. Y0landi, etc.
I won lots of tournaments with dzn. Probably best seeker who was still playing at the time.
Anyway. The game was good for the first couple seasons. 2.0 ruined it with gems/medallions/traits. They copied LoL in the worst way possible, thinking it's popular because people get to "customize their character stats". That isn't why. Anyway, yeah. Could've been perfect, instead was only the most incredible area game of all time, that still to this day gives me a rush I've never felt from any other game. Heart rate increases and such. It feels much better than wow arena.
I get that they're trying to be all faggot child friendly for a wider audience and pander to mobatrash, but this is too far. I'm the best psychopomp on the east coast since beta. Why abandon your core audience? Fuck sls.
>The game was good for the first couple seasons. 2.0 ruined it with gems/medallions/traits. They copied LoL in the worst way possible, thinking it's popular because people get to "customize their character stats".
wasn't that the publisher forcing it's shit on them?
>in game Poloma has the ability to "activate" this critter briefly to mimic her LMB "auto attacks"
people like jackazzm, Verosk thunderr, rave, mulk, Zab, mr2, gazhag, Foda, Vathor, Lolex, obbeluff, Rambi, Weepz or Zheant are still in
and a lot more
don't give me this "all the OGs left, I have a job, look at me, you silly gamers, don't pay attention to it" crap
Take off the rose-tinted glasses, old psychopomp's design was ugly.
Have fun
her new ultimate is way cooler anyway, but I agree that Pixie thing looks childishly retarded
like plushie Teemo hat/ Brightwing's voiceover retarded
>the designs look like clownfuckers from league of Legends made them
nah, it's still far closer to Dota 2's. LoL's designs are "use everything, who cares about overall aesthetic", while this game's still look like they all belong in one game. LoL's girls are also more obviously aimed at an Eastern audience, while Dota/Battlerite's are more subdued and not (too) obvious waifubait.
waifubait is good though and can be key to saving a game
Newfag spotted. If you weren't instantly max level when the patch hit, I feel bad for you son. You'll never know how good it was before they ruined it.
of course it was still the best fucking pvp game in the world, even AFTER the shit changes, but it would've been better if they never added gems or traits. Medallion abilities aren't inherently bad, it's like having different EX abilities.
This is a blatantly shill post but could you at least say what kind of game it is?
Is it just a copy of Bloodline champions or what?
It's top down wow arena meets street fighter meets counterstrike.
Play it.
It's literally many people's favorite pvp game. The depth is unparalleled.
No leveling no items no towers no creeps just 3v3 teamfights. That's it. And you aim EVERYTHING. Even basic attacks and heals.
the worst thing about medallions is that anything other than cookie cutter meteor/shield/dagger was relatively too situational so there wasn't even any true diversity in that department
yes, and this is a blatant retard post, because everything was already said in the thread
Harbinger laugh is my ringtone for my ex
[Spoiler]I killed her but still pay for her cellphone and call myself with it for fun sometimes [/spoiler]
not only is engineer a fucking granny, but the backpack looks like fucking GARBAGE. It doesn't even remotely resemble anything related to engineering in the first place. This and the slaughtering of Inhibitors design makes me really fucking upset.
You're an idiot. Chibi psychopomp has been my Skype avatar for 6 years.
gonna pass on this
rofl i thought this was a legit righting game. god damn u guys. thats the only reason i never played it
www mmobomb com/giveaway/battlerite-steam-codes
www getbetakeys com/battlerite-beta-key-giveaway/
www tentonhammer com/giveaways/battlerite-we-re-giving-away-5000-keys
Footage of a bad russian player(only gameplay video atm as NDA is still in effect):
Next beta session:
Wednesday September 14th, 15:00 CEST (9:00 AM EDT / 6:00 AM PDT) to Saturday September 17th, 10:00 CEST (4:00 AM EDT / 1:00 AM PDT).
Very sad. Same with alchemist. Now she's some edgy teenager. And spearman is generic old dude.
It has ex abilities it's just like street fighter 2 ex
Also jackazzm taught me sm.
yeah but with the right Battlerite you can now Jetpack back to your original position after using it
jetpack > m2 rocket > jetpack back > EX1 flamethrower
all that fucking OIL
Oh yeah, alchemists new design is fucking terrble too. I kind of like the new sort-of-herald's look though.
>tfw chronofluxing a gunners ult
>This and the slaughtering of Inhibitors design makes me really fucking upset.
Maybe you shouldn't get so emotionally invested in unreleased video games.
fair enough, but it's not like I can un-emotionally invest myself now.
>loved BL champs
>it was in beta/alpha forever
>forget about it for a good year
>can't get into it now due to barely anyone playing
>the people who ARE playing are already too good at the game
>out of the 10 matches I tried to play I won 1
>considering the match length and queue times, those took around 2 hours
>realise I'll need to waste a shitton of time and effort to actually get gud at the game to gain at least some enjoyment out of it
Competitive games might just not be for me at this point...
try again tomorrow, there will be a lot more people they gave away like 20k keys in addition to their beta invite wave
keep an open mind instead.
They might grow on you later, but if you go in there thinking "THIS FUCKING SUCKS" then it's going to suck forever.
Other than R shield replacing Waji on Space, he's pretty cool now. His ult is like a combination of the old one, and the EX space (the one where he teleported twice incapping along the way). It applies both the m1 and m2 debuffs but doesn't incap. He doesn't consume his m1 and m2 effects with each other anymore, but he has an ability that does a small aoe and consumes those effects on enemies caught inside. Consuming one of them applies a fading root, the other applies silence
He can teleport with his R ability too and consume the M1/m2 debuffs where he lands