Wow Thread

It's Tuesday maintenance. WoW is down. You know what that means anons.

WoW Legion thread. How you finding the expansion Sup Forums?


>You know what that means anons
Means is time to post on /vg/.


>Nightfallen rep

Not as glorious as mine.

Why yes, I am an arms paladin.

What do you mean, arms isn't a paladin spec? Of course it is.

currently 6195/12000 for revered.

My server just got the nightfallen emissary twice in the last 3 days though which was really good.

>doing withered scenario
>take 15 withered and a berserker
>go to do the first miniboss
>it oneshots 11 withered when it dies


>no idea what to play

I am interested in too many classes and like the flavor of too many of them. I wish I had a guild that would just tell me what to play instead of being indecisive between like 4 classes.

leveled my guy from 1-101 so far, enjoying the new expansion now and I got a 100 level boost in the bank for when blizzard nerf outlaw rogue.

Im new to the game, it will be difficult finding peoples for old dungeons/raids?

>play on Darkspear
>on horde

someone end my misery

>people playing old raids ever other than solo
Wew lad

You can solo anything if you're at level 100-110.

If you're doing dungeons while levelling, there are tons of people doing that and you'll find groups in the random dungeon finder. What you won't find is groups for heroics for older content (burning crusades, WoTLK, etc), Raids or scenarios.

You can use the group finder tool to start a group for anything though. Wanna try to find 4 other people to do mythic Siege of Orgrimmar? Easy as pie, set it up.

Ok you guys need to help me with this. For the Predator title do I need to be exalted or not, and can I use the blue item or do I need the epic one? Fucking wowhead comments can't make up their mind.

That's what Dungeon Finder is for. You queue up and it puts you with other people for your dungeon automatically.

You're not doing old raids at their relevant level though. Nobody does that. Just get to max level and solo them if you want some small aspect of experiencing them.

>want to play Shadow Priest
>love ghosts and old god shit
>hate they are shit outside Surrender to Madness
>only good as a raid spec

Why is the allowed?

People keeps falling for this

Because Blizzard can't have SPriests being high on charts or ever an efficient decent caster, user.

>waaah waaah

>he isn't on his way through revered yet

disgusting pleb

>that recount
end yourself

I haven't played since BC and I'm enjoying it.

>tfw playing a prot paladin

The game is fun. Maybe go back to playing your baby Nintendo games?

Fun is subjective. Judge the game on its objective merits.

> playing your baby Nintendo games?
You know WoW is literally babbys first MMO? The majority of WoW players are around the age of 12.

The objective of a video game is to be fun

Whats more fun outlaw rogue or feral druid?

>do withered army for only the second time since I unlocked it
>think I'm doing pretty well, some chests I'll go back for
>get up to first bunch of spider mobs
>some shithead boss unstealths with the pack of mobs
>teleporting everywhere one-shotting my guys
>can't tank it as a fucking mage
>completely ruins everything

None of these bosses seem very caster friendly, they either tear through you if you tank it yourself or completely wreck your army if you try let them handle it.

Nigga I'm not going to grind my way through each and every world quest. I might put court of stars and arcway on weekly farm and do world quests and nightfallen emissaries when I find them. Other than that the remaining rep that i've missed out on I had no PC during the time (PSU exploded 2 days into expansion).

Mad and bad ff fan? The majority of ff players are teenage traps with terminal aids.

>he thinks theres any difference playing nintendo games or blizzshill games
consider suicide

>Already getting tired of my 110 druid.
>Tries to level a new character.
>Never been more bored in my life playing a video game.
>Can't level them more than 1-2h.
Is the Legion leveling the worst so far? You HAVE to do the quest and can't level through dungeons and shit because if you don't do the quest you miss rep which you NEED to unlock dungeons and worldquest...and lets not talk about the shitty Garrison shit you have to do all over again.

Yeah there is. Blizzard games are fun, Nintendo games are specifically designed to be enjoyed by the aspergers Sup Forums babies aka you.

I heard healers aren't even necessary in WoW anymore is this true?

Gonna fire up my old pally, what's the most fun spec to lvl?

Seriously how old are you, 10? But do seem to fit right in the Blizzard demographic.

Warlock or Shadow Priest?

The missions are fine, that's not what was bad about garrisons, it was that nobody went out and interacted, at least there are other players in your order hall.

le i just want to shit on everyones dps face

I'll see you when i come speeding past you on my mount with increased speed buff.

Rep in general. As an Unholy Deathknight the lack of mobility is unbearable. I'll finish the bare minimum, but if they expect me to go to the top of a mountain for a quest, they are dreaming. Most of my rep came from spamming heroics.

I just got my Havoc DH up to 13 Artifact Level, should I do the same with Vengence? How easy is Vengence tanking

anything but Holy

Lol good argument. How bout you tell me how blizzard is bad without using your ff (trap fetish) bias or nost rage (aids fetish)

Is Ret really that unfun to play?

What did he mean by this?

easy cheesy, just do the ol evado, first gold trait definitely helps

I like it

>Garrisons are terrible. No one talks to anyone.
>I don't want to play a single player game in my MMO.
>Order Halls where everyone is running around.
>No one says anything and might as well be NPCs.
>Legion is amazing guys. WOW IS BACK!!!

Explain this.

Will Warcraft be good again now that the Metz is leaving?

Not him but....

That's bullshit. Tanks do not have the mitigation nor the DPS to solo heroics.

It is until you stack a decent amount of haste, then it plays a lot like WoD Ret without the copious amounts of RNG (which is either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your view I guess)

I'm enjoying it as an enhancement Shaman. Been wanting to level my warrior but the warrior is sitting behind WoD


>Ret Pally
>Unfun to play.
>Worthless in group environment, ie no utility that's worth anything.
>No mobility.
>Single target or aoe. No switching between them.
>Can't swap targets easily.
>Shit damage.

Any raid lead who brings a Ret is a worthless shit.

Seriously. It's like he was just waiting to see Legion fail because it wasn't Orc based, then left disappointed.

Blizzard learnt their lesson. Mark my words, Legion is going to contain the best raids the game has ever seen and there will be at least 6 tiers.

the only people who are buttmad are the people who assrushed to the endgame asap and ran out of content to do day 3 because they hit a timegate

This thread is about legion tho? Also stop glorifying vanilla, the vanilla end game was alright but the leveling was sheer autistic brutality. Im glad I don't have to play kill the kobold anymore. Maybe go back to r/nostbitch???

say this to my "just critical block and unleash 1.5m dps on a group of dungeon monsters" prot warrior

>tanks activate mitigation abilities are gated
>warrior gain rage equal to a % of max hp damage taken, AFTER mitigation
>generates a mealy 15 rage on shield slam, a 15 second cooldown, and revenge on a 10 second cooldown, generating 5 rage
>ignore pain, the best mitigation they havem wants you to have 60+ rage to get the most use out of it
>shield block is only useful at higher masteries, trash melts you even with shield block up

>blood dk the notorious "fuck healers I am my own healer" spec/class, barely tickles its life bar unless it takes a HUGE chunk of damage
>one mitigation ability in bone shield which is a passive 10% damage reduction with charges
>you will almost never keep it up all the time unless you want to be rune power starved
>did I mention the class fantasy is self heals?
>if you don't have RP, you can't death strike, which is what your mitigation is designed around

I've had 3 healers bitch about my damage intake on Blood DK. Warrior is fine, in fact every healer in my guild says they prefer my warrior or a paladin to heal because they can take it easy and don't have to stress about healing them, but in certai situations if I can't generate enough rage (some spells won't generate rage when you take damage), I can die really easily. Although warrior has a million cooldowns (spell reflection is overpowered as fuck, 45 second cooldown reduce magic damage taken by 30% for 5 seconds, reflects or "blocks" a lot of single target spells) and the most AoE threat generators, as well as delivering stupid good amounts of damage.

To answer your question. No. Healers are EXTREMELY necessary. Blizzard designed this early part of the XPAC, and possible the whole expansion, on the healer/tank dichotomy.

Even Final Fantasy fans are sick of the MMO. Their patches introduce activities but never anything long lasting.

Do non warriors have a way to get to a zone instantly from their order hall?
I followed the guide to get high item level quickly by doing world quests but only a few of the world quest actually give gear that's upgrades. I'm still at 808. I also hate that nobody but Warlocks can solo the "Wanted:Mini boss" World quests and thanks to then being so hard nobody bothers to kill them.
Also I have to start grinding order hall resources since I'm running out of them.
Suramar is one of the best zones in WoW. Its so diverse and varied and the city feels like an actual city, I'm surprised by the truckload of quests I have to do in Suramar and it seems that 7.1 will add a proper campaign there. I wish there were more teleporters and flight paths though.

Anyway my biggest problem with the game is that I won't bother playing an alt since it seems like a chore doing everything all over again from scratch

>Main warrior since vanilla
>Level warrior at midnight release
>revered nightfallen, 871 artifact, 845 gearscore
>class hall sucks shit
>pvp is garbo-warbo
>lol what is fury?
>have much more fun on my paladin
>too late to catch up before raiding starts
>guild has no need for a ret pally


Completely true. Cleared Mythic 5 man with a boomkin popping out of form and throwing a heal out once or twice and a DH tanking. Their self-heals are insane. Healers are basically redundant but still serve as a nice bonus on some of the harder fights.

Why are all of my order hall missions ilevel 825-830 when I don't have anyone near that item level?

>Blizzard learnt their lesson. Mark my words

I remember people saying this same exact line when WoD was released.

We all know what is going to happen to Outlaw Rogues, Feral Druids, and Prot Warriors.

What is the best Gold Dragon to go for first?

>1.5m DPS as a prot warrior

I think you need to stop lying on the internet, son

>Paladin gets best class hall with HUGE amounts of lore relevant characters
>3 very good relics
>In top 3 best followers
>More involved with the main plot than almost any other class
>But all 3 specs are shit and unfun to play

In what twisted reality did Blizzard think this was okay?

>See DH tank solo mythic Odyn because it was our first time, sucked and died to aoe
Ya ok


How important is the withered training scenario?
It just seems like a system for tryhards to gain a weeks worth of rep advantage over others.

It's purely for the rep since there is a dungeon locked behind nightfallen rep

>Expansions cost just as much as a AAA+ game and yet there's a sub.
>Cash shop.
>Content behind Timewall
>Garrisons are back.
>All classes dumbed down.
>PvP destroyed.
>Horrible class balance.
>Nearly no content at all and within 12months the only thing that will be added is 1 new dungeon and a raid.
>Made leveling new characters tedious and extremely boring.
>Fanfic level of story writing.
Want me to go on?

The rep, hidden artifact skins, toys and pets

Honestly I hope they do some thing similar ever major patch I love the army builder mini game

Your Nightfallen rep is literally the only path to progress a big part of the endgame so pretty important.


>DKs raid the Paladin class hall to raise Tirion as the last Horseman
>The Light itself had to intervene to stop them
Paladins are cool and all but DKs do what the living cannot.

Have you played Legion? Have you seen the sheer amount of content considering every class has its own massive individual quest chain? Have you seen the attention to detail in the quests and the revolutionary boss mechanics?

Its blatantly obvious that there's a new team behind this and they sure as hell aint takin no prisoners.

How are arms warriors doing? Or should I just level a fotm demon hunter?

I didn't say DKs weren't cool, but their class hall is a rehash with nothing added onto it, and was pretty fucking ugly to start with.

If you have good, lore relevant artifacts for your spec, your spec is shit to play.

Prove me wrong, you can't.

boring, brings nothign an arms warrior cannot outside of buffs, but an arms warrior will let you kill bosses faster by a huge margin
>frost dk
Do I even need to explain?
>destro warlock
Needs no explanation
>shadow priest
What do you even do during the 70% of a bosses health bar where you can't use Surrender to Madness?

>Play on Darkspear
>On Alliance

It's not any better user, if that makes you feel better. Too many Swifty dickriders here.

>best class hall

lol, enjoy your holy deathlord. Rogues and warlocks have the best class halls.

I like that DKs are kind of their own neutral faction in this expansion. Pissing off both Alliance and Horde without a care, allying with the Lich King. Fucking cool

Also servers up for anyone else? I just logged in and it worked.

Top of the DPS rankings my dude

>class hall sucks shit
Its love it or hate it, I like it since I like the viking shit
>PVP is Garbo
Lol just because they aren't as good as DH doesn't mean they are shit. Arms is still top tier in PVP
>lol what is fury
For PVP they are garbage but for PVE they are upper middle tier. They aren't FOTM but they are far from shit
>have more fun on Pally
I just can't stand ret Pally PVE. Its so fucking boring its more boring than Arms PVE

Enhancement Shaman says fuck you to your post. They are fun to play and get doom fucking hammer.

So, if I wanted to switch from ret what class would that be? I'm actually fine with lazy ret mechanics yet want to try something more engaging. I'm thinking DK or DH, can someone comment on how these class convey their flavor and strengths? Do they feel fun?

>unfun to play

>Worthless in group environment, ie no utility that's worth anything.
another BoP and LoH is never a bad thing, plus all utility got gimped across the board for DPS in Legion (no Vigilance, no Gorefiends etc)

>no mobility
still better then DK's

>Single target or aoe, can't swap
false, all you need for AoE is greater judgement which is actually very strong too against single bosses because of the auto crits

>can't swap targets easily
get good and don't spam judgement the moment its off CD

>shit damage
see above

You're just a butthurt warrior that can't stand the fact that all your artfacts look like WoTLK Greens aren't you

Blood DKs are in a really bad spot at the moment.

We require a ton of mastery and haste to be decent in PVE, but due to PVP, we're probably going to end up nerfed into the ground like we were in pre-patch.

>Crits for 1 million
>Good aoe burst
>Lot of downtime because all your abilities draw on rage and you get a tiny ass pool of it that takes forever to fill

Mixed bag.

>enhancement shaman
Sorry, what? Shaman only has one spec.

Now get back to spamming chain heal.

Arms are dps juggernauts. 2/3 warrior specs being good is amazing for us warriors

More alliance to kill I guess but trying to level was a shit show.

>DK can raise amazingly strong warriors easily
>Only do this to raise 4 people for Horsemen

why don't we have billions of undead arriving at the broken isles from the ocean Land of the Dead style?

Fuck I want to raise some undead demons instead of having a retarded hybrid that is Rottgut

I wonder which chucklefuck at blizz thought it would be fun to lock AP to a specific weapon.

>shaman have one spec

Why u mad bro? It's okay. No need to be mad. Enhancement Shaman are fun. They aren't crushing dps charts but they make it up in utility between aoe stun totem, movement speed totem, bloodlust, and self heals.