Hi, I'm the best RPG protagonist in gaming history.
Hi, I'm the best RPG protagonist in gaming history
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Thats not Nepgear
Not bad but wrong.
5 out of 5 meme points my dude.
Stocke < shit < Shulk
I don't know him. What game?
Radiant Historia. Google is your friend
Solid choice, I'm in agreement.
Stocke > Adol > ???? > Shulk
Radiant Historia. Great game.
(Should I rush in and call this poster a faggot who has shit taste, or should I assume he's just baiting for (You)'s?
I need to think about this decision carefully.)
Seriously? Fucking Google "Stocke rpg", that's what I did.
Why are people on Sup Forums such idiots?
Radiant Historia.
Think Chrono Trigger but you time travel due to literally everyone you know and love constantly dying so you have to cheat and save them.
I beg to differ.
I wonder what the blood circulation is like in his legs.
Wait hold on. Stocke didn't even have a love interest in Radiant Historia, right?
Holy shit, I can't think of a single other jrpg in which the main character doesn't at least have some form of waifu fawning over them, even if they technically don't get together.
He does though. One of the bad endings is him and his love interest running away to be together in their final moments as the world is destroyed.
> IIT: Literal who
Adol is bland as fuck.
>literally a Mary Sue
Don't they have like ten whole years? Goddamn I'd be more than happy to have ten years to spend with my waifu and fuck like rabbits 24/7.
No, actually Raynie loves him
They don't get together but it's pretty clear near the end of the game she's in love with him
That's not Bartz
And judging by the ending where they get together, he probably has lingering feelings for her too.
Rance has his own tier, user.
Adol is self-insert mary sue garbage
Well shit, I must have missed that. I can only recall like one scene that implied that.
I knew it was impossible for those japs to resist throwing in such things
Yes you are.
Anyone who disagrees is a literal retard.
There's a sidequest where she tells him that and you can run away together for a bad ending.
They do if you got that bad ending, then at the very end of the game there's added dialogue if you have it unlocked.
And you're the biggest of them all.
I like Terra because her role in the story doesn't end in catharsis or reward and she's a permanent outcast.
The pessimistic tone of FFVI surprised me a lot.
Stocke! The fuck? By giving him a (You), you've sped up the desertification to unbelievable levels!
You've doomed us all! Go back, and pick a better option.
>bland, average as fuck person with a little above average swordsmanship who always wins thanks to his retarded plot armor and obscenely overpowered artifacts he finds along the way
Out of the way, plebs. None of you fags can compared to this guy here.
My nigga
t. intimated numale
Let me guess: you didn't bring her to the final battle, did you?
I don't even consider her a main character. All playable members of 6 are sorta main characters but i can't pinpoint a single one.
Aht is a miracle of the universe tbqhwy
damn you got me haha XD
Nice belts faggot.
Hi, I'm Goro. I was the traitor all along
>it's a main character who has the least impressive special attacks out of the entire party episode
still don't understand why that thing does fuck all for damage
>all along
at least bother to learn when in the game these things happen if you want to spoil someone
Absolutely top tier taste.
Best main character - Stocke
Best villain - Airy Sorry Heiss, I love you but this evil cunt of a fairy is just too fucking good.
None of these are Geralt of Rivia.
>a single man army
>stoic as fuck personality
>the only person who can resist the dark magic and instead of becoming its bitch makes it his own bitch on sheer willpower, becoming immortal in result
>helps the only truly bro-tier character in the game to finish his own plan and carries him out on his own shoulders
No other JRPG protagonist will ever be as manly as Ashley Riot.
>Not bringing Terra to the final battle
Do plebs actually do this?
He said best protagonist, not best Mary sue.
witcher is a 3rd person rolling simulator, not an rpg
Ye these belts actually serve the purpose of keeping his utility belt on. Dude probably stores 90% of the party's items by himself.
>Least impressive
Yeah okay.
>so fucked up in the head
>can't remember if he let family die or slaughtered them
Close, user. Close.
>a slash
>a slightly stronger slash
>a slash from multiple sides
>that one boring trademark attack from the first game
Yes. Boring. So?
I don't think anybody who has actually played RH would disagree with you. As far as main characters go, Stocke breaks the mold and is in a whole other league.
I would agree if it weren't for this character.
Adol really doesn't seem like a mary sue at all to me just because he gets consistently helped out by this guy.
Pretty much all Vagrant Story characters are royally fucked up in the head and at least he lets it go.
JRPGs are glorified RTSs mixed with a dating sim
Aht is cute. CUTE!
I only have 3 thing to say.
The music was great.
Aht is a miracle of the universe.
The fact we never got a sequel is proof the industry is shit.
You're not wrong, but my answer is better.
trying to imagine that scarf-cape not slipping off his pauldrons while he walks -- let alone runs or fights is triggering me.
Mother series really has no romance.
Holy fuck I just realized that the mother series was the only jrpg I can think of with no romance. Though I guess some DQ games count.
>Think Chrono Trigger
The game is nothing like Chrono Trigger despite having time travel.
I love Ryudo because he's a fucking asshole and happy with it. Compare him to Asbel Lhant or Sora.
The game really needs no sequel at all, it's a finished story. Stocke will complete unfinished business and will live with Raynie in peace.
Bitch please
Boring as fuck and even kinda whiny faggot.
A sequel doesn't mean the same cast, just the same world.
I liked the artstyle, atmosphere and music. Wasnt a fan of time travel.
They could easily do a prequel about one of the former sacrifices.
>Gets the girl
>MARRIES the girl
>Him and girl become badass power couple
>Has a bro as fuck party that settles all their problems by the end of the game
>Final boss involves beating the shit out of your best friend because you keked the hell out of him
Only thing holding The Last Story back is godawful framerates in more hectic battles.
I'm not sure about best RPG protag in general, but I'll admit he was my favorite Tales protagonist.
I cant blame him for asking. I would have hoped that OP would have told him. If I were OP, I would have provided more context as to who it was and provide more information to support my opinion, but I'm not an autist that assumes everyone has played the same video games as me.
>no Estelle
Your protagonists can be strong or smart as fuck, but can they hug the edge out of mindbroken people and help them to live a normal life?
But user, Heiss did nothing wrong.
to be fair there's not much of a competition when it comes to tales games
you either have insufferable faggots like Luke allahu akbaring entire city because they are also dumb as shit or just generic jrpg mcs
Nah. Fou-lu is the best protagonist of all BoF games.
>Stocke turned down the chance to go surfing through time forever with based daddy heiss
>Would rather throw his life away
What the fuck was he thinking?
>Heiss saves his ass
>Slaughters the person who was going to sacrifice him
>Gives him a new life and raises him
>Can't bring himself to go all out against stocke
>Gives his own life so that stocke doesn't have to give his
Holy shit, heiss confirmed for best waifu
You're just nitpicking now faggot. Just accept that Ryudo has more personality than your bland ass MC's.
fight me.
>Ryudo has more personality
He has as much personality as there's creativity in his special attacks.
Pretty good but second game was completely unnecessary.
>that intro of the first game establishing him as an absolute badass from the get-go
>kills dozens of famous knights and demons just to save his sister
Ain't nobody got shit on ol' Ramza here
I don't think you've played many RPGs.
Right? He's not the typical shounen lead who is a huge flaming moralfag, whiny, or is perfect at everything. He isn't perfect by RPG standards since he's not even the strongest character lore and gameplay wise. He's gone through a lot of traumatizing events in his life and he didn't become edgy but instead tucked it all away to cope with it. He knows he's fighting gods and demons and he goes balls deep in with nothing but a sword and his gang of random misfits. Ryudo also knows more than he lets on and identifies the world around him is ridiculous. Out of all the JRPG's I've played he's one of the few leads I actually like playing as.
Mine nigga
>yfw he actually thinks to travel back in time to assassinate a prominent enemy when he's most vulnerable, before he becomes an issue
He doesn't succeed, but still.
You were just a knockoff, Ramza.
doesn't the full ending pretty much imply they do?
lol no.
Delita was the true hero of that game.