Tfw you fell for the huge breasted sorceress meme

>tfw you fell for the huge breasted sorceress meme

Is Deneb large breasted? Doesn't look like, still she's a bretty nice Witch or Wicce.


But the tits is where they keep their mana, the bigger the more powerful.

You sick fucking lolicon.

>going for tits instead of ass

You deserved it


its the best meme though


Can I stop NPC from dropping into my party on a quest? It fucks my fps up fham.

I just want me and my one selected partner. But a 3rd and sometimes 4th drop in without me choosing so

holy fuck source or moar?

>tfw she's a degenerate furry who literally will whore herself out for con tickets and a hotel room but I still would pound the fuck out of her

whoa so hot

>nearly flat ass
>sausage casing legs

no thanks

pls no
post the vids

She's an amateur tranny slut. I think I have more somewhere.

Don't you talk about my waifu like that

>doesn't post any

God damn pervs

Doesn't even remotely look female. Work on your body and fuck off

but Cressida has a large mana pool and not anything else that is large.

Then she's a trap and stores the mana in her balls like male wizards.


SJW are the biggest retards in the civilized world

I fall everytiem

The hell I did, I fell for them juicy elven thighs. Intercrural for days, son.

Who's the green eyed one and the moon pirate on bottom right?



>green -eyed
watch binbougami ga aoty

is that what I think it is?

> gays and niggers the thread

I have no idea what the hell Granblue Fantasy even is but I've been masturbating like crazy to all the porn. Just like Touhou and KanColle.

>he fell for the big breasted ninja meme

fucking lolifags GET OUT

A toilet freshener.

Ahh ya bear me to it.

>liking trannies and traps

For the millionth time, it isn't gay so long as you're not in it for the dick

Do zeroes count for trips? Because if so, nice trips. Also nice image. Saved.

>a hole is a hole
congratulations on being a faggot

How's your first day here going, fucboi?

I don't know if he's gay, probably just desperate and horny

That's a man, baby!

lurk moar

>same tranny who was shitposting at the steam thread earlier
Fuck off, degenerate

>tfw no manyuu game where you expand your titties

Only neo-Sup Forums can manage to turn a titty monster thread into faggotry in less than 20 posts

I want to fall on those soft memes

You misspelled Sup Forums


the answer is yes

>nearly 5 minutes later

Does anyone genuinely believe this?

neck yourself, degenerate

Sup Forums is 90% gay, you won't find a more supportive userbase for your situation.

>sjw apologists

I want reddit to leave

you're damn right i did!

>tfw fell for the muscle girl meme
>got rewarded with an amazing brawler putting well over 200 hours into it


taking ur kids to school.png


Why the fuck wouldn't they? Trips are trips.

Burn that Jinx mini

And worse it's not even cute traps, it's just 3D shit. When the fuck will they learn?

Sorceress from Dragon's Crown is a miracle of the universe.

I fucked a tranny once to get it out of my system. Ass was tight as fuck but she kindof smelled like a dude and she cam on the bed while I fucked her doggystyle and I accidentally sat in it which was disgusting

>have friend who is huge anime tiddies fan
>had dragons crown sitting on his shelf for months, never played it
>rest of the squad finds out, we gather at his place for beer and vidya
>of course, he picks her
>breaks down mid game and asks us to go for a walk or something

Was it really worth it?

Browser/mobile f2p vidya, has english translation

...are you fucking serious? he told you all to fuck off so he could have a wank?

Nice try

Thanks mods