FFXV thread

Upgrade edition


She looks like a skeleton now

Both look like shit

Did they make her less Asian?

are sonyfriends that desperate?

The hair looks better.

Bottom image suppose to appeal to western audience?
It is looks like shit. Why this generic white girl in my animu shit.

her face looks a billion times worse, though.

>They just changed it to day lighting
FFS Op, stop trying to justify your collector's edition pre-order.

Thanks to tomb raider devs.
Japan can't into technology.

N-no. Just... No.

It does.

I never really liked Luna
but she's cute in this trailer, her jap VA sounds cute too

XV will have dual audio right?


Nice, improved hair, more bounced lighting, skin shader. Also looks like she has a different dress on, actually it looks like the dress she has on in the artwork from last year. As opposed to the dress she had in the trailer from last year not even matching the artwork.

Noctis is for bully, BULLY!

No it doesn't.

Quad audio
Keep in mind that it's still heavily localized and some of the battle banter is not traslated

where the fuck is the stream?

of tgs

Her head looks squished

She looks even better now. Top tier waifu is top tier waifu after all.
I want to drop all 4 bro's to just play solo Luna.

hahaha what the fuck



They said Noctis sleeps a lot
Maybe Luna can't sleep well because she's his reverse or some shit like that

>guys go party
>Meanwhile supporting do all the works
Hummmm, seems familar....

new trailer out? link?

Which one is the PRO version?

Ignis is blind in that scene, also Gladio has his second scar on his face too.

it looks worse. especially the lighting and shading

She looks like she's had a coke problem for 2 years in the new one

Yup I noticed that

>downgraded the lighting
>no bokeh
>no ssao on her clothes
>the clothes model is worse
>her tits are smaller
>her hair is worse
>she is worse

Downgrade confirmed.

Right side looks better though since the hair looks improved and skin shader too, other than that she's wearing a different dress, but the lighting itself is just under different conditions.

Like seriously here is Noctis same model in every single screenshot from the ED demo just under different lighting conditions.

Lighting looks improved though since it's bouncing, there is bokeh and you see it transitions in the scene, her outfit is different material and dress between those, it's the same model otherwise with improved hair. That isn't a downgrade by any definition.

nope just looks less anime

Luna: Betting on the pride of the Oracles, I will purify the world from darkness and return the light that has been lost!

>tfw Luna is gonna die while she gives that speech

Ain't gonna happen, atleast after Leviathan fight.

Definitely talking about the plague of the stars there.

The Leviathan fight definitely takes place after that scene.

It's not bouncing. The light is worse straight up.

There's no bokeh, it's a shit guassian blur that's jittering to boot.

>h-her outfit is different material
This is pathetic. The model is lower poly and basically attatched to her instead of on top of her, notice the lack of AO between the models.

The hair is not improved, the model is simplified. Again notice the lack of AO.

And she looks like an ayylamao now.

What kind of autist would compile this image? Are you insane?

>It's not bouncing. The light is worse straight up.
It is bouncing, you can see it and it's reflected on the improved skin shaders and hair shaders too, same with lightrays when she walks infront of the window.

There is Bokeh dof.

>This is pathetic.
Says the shitcunt desperate to shit on anything the game has. The model poly is the same, the dress is completely different dress which is the one she's wearing in the artwork here >, notice the lack of AO between the models.
Do you even know what AO is?

Hair shading is improved, bouncing lighting improved, light rays improved, skin shaders improved, she just has a different dress on and lighting conditions aren't the same. The actual base model is the same model, just in different outfit. Noctis's and the rest of the party model does the same thing too.

That image you just replied to also literally proves your autism bullshit wrong because different lighting conditions can heavily or minor alter how a model looks.

shut up 2bh

It's not, you're just reaching like a retard.

>There is Bokeh dof.
There isn't. You probably have no idea what it is.

>The model poly is the same

>Do you even know what AO is?
Yes and it's not where it should be in the downgraded game.

>Hair shading is improved, bouncing lighting improved, light rays improved, skin shaders improved, she just has a different dress on and lighting conditions aren't the same. The actual base model is the same model, just in different outfit. Noctis's and the rest of the party model does the same thing too.
NONE of this is true. Especially about her skin, she looks like plastic now look at her hand. Her skin was almost realistic for an anime before.

That image has nothing to do with Stella you moron.
>you're the same poster
Fucking autistic ain't ya.

Someone feed her a hamburger or two.

More like down grade...she looks weird in Dawn but now she looks like shit.

>I will just say no to everything XD

Ok when will you kill yourself Antikun? You know you are wrong but you are to much of an autist to admit it.

Looks fucking retarded. Just axe the whole project.

isn't that backdrop from Warcraft™: The Motion Picture®

Looks improved now.

She looks like Taylor Swift with no make up now.

What are you talking about? Nice cop out I guess.

They tried to make her more like her from the movie

>10 years of worth of story through real life time
Everything i see is getting shitty every single day

wow it was downgraded again

XV-kun goes full sperg yet again. Funny how you're the only who still bothers to care about this failure of westernshit.


XV-kun is desperate though so he'll lie about anything.

Remember to thank tabata

Seriously you are such full of bullshit, look at this

>Especially about her skin, she looks like plastic now look at her hand.
m8 what? She had some weird pink glow on her skin before, now her skin looks realistically shaded and how it would react under that light and room temperature.

You can see no difference in poly count, she has a different dress on, everything else is improved shadows on hair and skin, with improved bounced lighting and light rays, the base model itself is the same, and you can see bokeh, open your fucking eyes.

And what the fuck is this shit "That image has nothing to do with Stella you moron."? I said nothing about Stella you fuck, this image here is Luna in the artwork from last year, the dress she's wearing now is the dress she was wearing in that artwork from last year, while the dress she was wearing in the trailer last year was different, despite being the same scene.

>smaller boobs
t-thanks Tabata

Kill yourself you fucking neofag reject

>look at this
Not until you answer my question you sperglord.

You're REALLY creeping me out and it's clear you're a shill.

Downgrade edition you mean.

They aren't.

Says the Gamefags reject that whiteknights a neogaf mod.

What question? I countered your bullshit.

>still no gentiana in-game
fuck you tabata

This is just sad now. Poor mentally stunted fuck.

Both of you are delusional shits who either defend the game completely or bash it completely and are too fucking stupid to realize you're both autists arguing on an imageboard that represents the tiniest population of the gaming audience.

Why do they keep doing this? Stop tweaking the fucking cosmetics and finish the actual fucking game you stupid sons of bitches! If you spent all this time on tighter combat you could have a 10/10 on your hands.

>m8 what? She had some weird pink glow on her skin before, now her skin looks realistically shaded and how it would react under that light and room temperature.

I bet you never has a girlfriend that really care about her looks, huh?

Also, realistic =/= ugly, dicksucking-kun.

>No new IP count
Antikun at it again.

Fuck off Nomura-kun.

God this game looks like shit.

Tabata only knows how to downgrade the game from Versus based on westernshit feedback.

So you have no actual argument. Why didn't you just say so faggot?


>They aren't.
>Says the Gamefags reject that whiteknights a neogaf mod.
>What question? I countered your bullshit.
You are literally insane. Seek guidance.


You mean upgrade the game since Versus based on their own internal vision, and they did feedback to see how fans like things just like countless games do, including KH games which Nomrua did multiple surveys for too. Next you are going to tell me Nioh is western shit too because it did a feedback survey in the west too despite the game taking place and being extremely fucking Japanese.

Fucking pathetic

And you don't even say anything of worth, just quote the three replies I made to those. It's OK NeithOF you can stop crying already.

But that's you.

You can stop samefagging already antikun.

Says the faggot.



Fuck off with ur lack of information. Tabata is genious.

>Stop samefagging
Agree, you should stop it now.

>Dawn version
>plastic korean alien
>TGS version
>Aids in a wig


>Tabata is genious.
>made type-0

okay she cute. CUTE!

but i hope she shows up in the tgs trailer coming up

Just fucking stop you complete autist.

I really oughtta cancel my fucking preorder for making her white. Fucking American devs, this is heresy.

Fucking finally. Now to get rid of Versusfags.

I think the trailer they showed today is just a short version, notice that the SE Japan channel uploaded the other TGS trailers and an extended KH one, but not the XV one yet. There is an XV ATR on the 18th so either they are waiting till then or something.

This is the worst cast in any FF game yet.

Type-0 is almost shakesperean type of game in terms of storry telling ^)

No need to cry.

yeah just sucks we have to wait until then is all, but i'm staying hopeful if the leaks were true abotu the new trailer

Luna fighting with a dagger(?), Noctis meeting Gentiana in a snowy forest, etc

.XV-kun banned for shitting up XV threads.
Praise the mods. Let's talk about the game now.

Is the Scorpio/pro version gonna look better?

She looks mixed Eurasian in both.

I'm not banned Antikun. Still on suicide watch?


See for upgrade.