Japanese games have Anime like openings

>Japanese games have Anime like openings
>Spoil the entire game

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>Western game have movie like trailers
>Spoil the entire game

cute asian girls are the best
post more cute

>new game coming out
>trailer shows almost every boss including the last one
Fucking Miyazaki i swear

>your favorite band starts doing anime/game openings

RIP Zwei


>new game coming out
>trailer, posters, promo material and even the game cover shows the final boss

Name 5 (five) Japanese games that do this.

>Liking obscure JRahk bands that want to become bigger

Get fucked.

Thank god Maximum the Hormone has only gotten better though

>game is based on a book and it's successful movie adaption
>you follow an OC donut steal arc halfway through for padding

Who's this cheeky little semen demon?

>Opening spoils the game in like 30 different languages



They've only gotten smaller. They started at Universal and now they're playing in front of 20 people at anime cons.

If they are starting to do anime OPs, they want to become bigger and more relevant, that's what every Japanese band does.

>intro is hype as fuck

Well, it's not working. I don't mind them getting big, but I mind the music become total trash.

Why have nips such a giant boner for german words

Anyone who didn't learn two decades ago not to watch the pre-title screen openings for games deserves to be spoiled.

This has been a thing since fucking Chrono Trigger if not even earlier.

Well it's because the problem stems from their music being trash in the first place.

>see the opening for the first time
>don't understand shit
>rewatch it from time to time while playing the game
>start to slowly understand what it all means
It's the best