Lie town

>Lie town
>Try not to grid
>Grid a lot

How fucked is my city?

Grids are fine as long as you use one-way roads wisely.

City building game thread?

Cities Skylines — boring indie folk
Simcity 4 — self-aware vaporwave

what's the comfiest city building game?

i found tropico series very comfy if that counts
campaign of the fifth game was fun

Banished is pretty comfy when you aren't starving or freezing.

Has to be Sim City 4 or Cities: Skylines for me. The latter recaptured my love of city building games.

Oh fug!!

>Place dam
>Didn't notice the water level rose
>Water pumps suddenly proved contaminated sewer water to citizens
>Thousands sick
>Hundreds dead

Thank fuck I'm not a real life city planner.

anti-grid meme needs to die


Whatever happened to the newest Sim City?

How you guys like this horrifying monstrosity?
125k happy citizens and going

Sim City 4...

Can't help it.

It's effective when done right, but I find it ugly as hell, and suck at hiding it. On the other hand I waste so much space trying to not grid everything.


how do you even not grid?

>Those fucking roads
And they are probably still more effective than mine.

you know what would be cool
a mod/DLC for building XVI-XVIII century cities

Is it wrong that I prefer Sim city 4 graphics to City Skylines? Don't get me wrong, it looks good, but Sim City 4 2d just looks so good

4x x simcity game when

I have the exact same problem.

The solution is to uninstall.

Classic Impressions games like Pharaoh / Caesar / Zeus.

I know they made a Caesar IV years ago, but I never played it.

yea they went for "sick" graphics instead of good ones that work with the game

it got rereleased on steam like a month ago

Is it any good though?

Well, if you got the aptitude, then knock yourself out. I sure as hell would love to play with a mod like that.

effective != cost effective
That guy is a pure madman.

>six-way avenues for collectors

The fuck?

so big?

I didn't expect the campaign of a city builder to be engrossing really made it my favorite tropico

oh boy a city thread

you guys playing project highrise? it's like the old simtower games, pretty sweet

I've seen quite a few people do it, but what do you recommend?

Nice city, Bob Page.

just play banished + CC

I wonder how many people died driving on that slope

Honestly, if you're going to go with that layout, just do full grid. Keep it at low density, use 4-lane as your collectors, while attaching the 2-lanes on each side, rather than lollipopping that shit. You're inconveniencing your pedestrians that way. If you end up with traffic problems, create bypasses for freight and other districts, and if that still doesn't work, learn to stop being afraid of one-way roads.

>quite a few people do it
Quite a few people also think it's cool not to flatten neighborhoods before plopping shit.

I'm trying to imagine my beater making it up that incline and i'm cringing pretty hard.

I got project highrise on a whim and sank about 4 hours into it straight away. It's really addictive.

I played Civ IV back when it was originally released because I wanted to support Impressions. The game was ok, but nowhere as good as the older city builders.

I haven't played it in a while, but I remember it having a clunky 3d interface and a very simple gameplay.

just take the elevated rail line, you'll be fine

yeah same here. i wish they'd improve the elevators - why does a lobby elevator have to stop at every floor instead of just going straight to the fifth? - but it's really solid overall

>get lazy and make one extension of my city a grid
>it's noticeably more prosperous than any other residential area

>stop being afraid of one-way roads.
this abomination only has one way streets and is a bustling metropolis
>set up mining district outside city
>max exodus ensues
>boo hoo mining hurt my fewings
>never have to worry about monis again

Holy shit, those bridges. Calm the fuck down, chummer.

is there a mod to keep your city growing after a certain point? my cities get to like 100k then stop growing. i just assume thats the end of the game

City building games are like art. There's no end, you just give up / stop caring.

Fuck dams in this game. Flooding ass shit that doesn't even work. Can't wait till my population is high enough for a nuclear power plant.

>Nothing but one way streets
I would never want to live in that hellish town. I can't even imagine, reminds me of Kansas City though

fuck you

SC4 has to be the most comfy by far.

Zeus/Poseidon are amazing, and I have a dream that one day someone will make a real sequel and call it Hades, to complete the trilogy of the 3 ruling brothers.

Also Hades is a fascinating Greek deity and a great city patron when portrayed mythologically accurate.

That guy was asking for city building games. None of the games you listed are city sims.

>I would never want to live in that hellish town. I can't even imagine, reminds me of Kansas City though
God I hate this fucking city

how tf are you anons able to manage such bustling cities?

I can't even get my shitty town off the ground without experiencing massive debt.

stop building too much at once.

Fuck, in the last hour I lost 30k citizens to mass elderly holocost, like all elderly people just drop off all at once wtf

>Bought Cities Skylines to build cities
>end up managing traffic 90% of the time


Is that Boston?

Now you know how urban planning engineers feel without wasting 5 years of your life on studies.



It's the overworld map, bunches of cities connected together.

>industrial zones scattered around town

Maybe it's because I'm not a native speaker, but is "lie" the correct verb in this case?

As for not building too grid-y, just try to go with the flow of the land.


Raise you 8 hours





It's memes, I don't have to explain shit.

Noticed it now.
Didn't even read past the first greentext...

Got a couple on that theme.


image search and filename give me nothing

You can be pretty sure that most pics here are either Sim City 4 or Cities.

It there any games where I can build castles or at least wall building?


>desire paths


Man I feel bad for not using the tree tool in SC4.

You can grid to the max in SC4 and hide it all under trees.

Forgive me if this is a stupid question but what game?

SimCity 4

You're actually fully qualified to run the utilities for Flint, Michigan now

Is Anno a good city builder?

I want to build cool cities but someone told me it's more of an RTS type deal

>tfw love city builders
>they're overly complicated nowadays
I want the old days back.

Find myself going back to Constructor (pic related).
Does anyone know some comfy city builders that go into autistic level of detail and management like City Skyline, Sim City...etc do?

That don't go*

I tried it and fucking hated it, since it's just about streamlining processes depending on what resources you need at the moment, leaving pretty much no room for exercising any creativity.

Hey guys can I join this thread?

nah, you just figure out the golden layouts and then just spam them to win.

Expand in waves and make sure what you have is functional and profitable before you start building again

>tfw your retarded brother comes in when you're playing with the cool kids.

How do I make my city not have completely purple poo in loo rivers?

I liked playing with rotaries a lot

Was usually a pretty decent pattern with a large freeway encircling the bulk of my city.

just play the orignal sim city forever if you're too stupid to manage things

>don't build industrial on the waterfront
>don't put your poo pipes up the river
alternatively build an indian themed city and don't worry about it

it's not a city builder
not really an rts either
best way to describe it is an economic management game I guess

That's what I actually did, shit you not.
The only other city builder that didn't grind me out was Tropico, I guess that series is very casual as well right?
Had fun making a tourism focused city there, profits are very slow at the beginning but insanely high from mid to end game.

You know anything else I could try out?

Speaking of spamming objectively ideal layouts, I miss pharaoh and rise of the middle kingdom. Did that stupid steampunk one they were making crash and burn? The last time I checked it out it was a build with barely any features and it ran like trash on my fairly modern pc despite having isometric sprite graphics