Why do I have to play as an ugly girl again?

Why do I have to play as an ugly girl again?

So that you wont get your greasy, sweaty palms on the box cover.

All they had to do was give her better hair and she'd look significantly better
The west just can't into good female character designs.

If you'd stop dorking off to lolitrash you'd notice that real women don't look like anime shit, fucking faggot

>only anime girls can look good
Kill yourself weeb

Here's my anime waifu

Cause it's a role-playing game.
You role-play as an ugly robot girl in the post-apocalyptic future that is populated by mecha dinos.

She's a robot too?

No matter if west or east both girl types look out of my leauge

So you can fall in love with her personality and learn to ignore her flaws.

Western devs hate sexy beutfil women for some reason. They don't think women can be badass(please don't hate me for using the word), strong and sexy/good looking.

It's like they see sexiness as something negative.

She can ride a zipline with her bare hands, you tell me.

cherrypicking this hard

Explain this then

>All they had to do was give her better hair and she'd look significantly better

This. I don't know what it is with Sony games and their "spaghetti hair physics" for females, but it was ugly in Heavenly Sword and every game since then.

Not to mention dreadlocks are hideous to begin with, even more so on white women.

The west doesn't want girl gamers to feel insecure about themselves.

I think they wanted to go with a pic related vibe for their protag

Ugly is more realistic to SonyGAFFers

The preview footage shown at E3 looked dull.

I feel like creativity in the industry is tapped. The setting is semi-interesting but the gameplay was unmoving.

Looks like a man


>its a complain about a game you aren't even going to play anyways thread

At least she's not black and/or fat.

She reminds me of Ygritte, so I don't mind it, even though 99% of western characters look like shit.

looks like a Lego minifig with Down's


You don't, There's a character select where you play as her brother instead. I'm lying

Why does this only count for women then?

Women always ugly, men always 10/10 models

shes not that ugly, shes just a ginger. it would be cool if she was cute though.

It's the hair style.

So heres a little story no one will be interested in.

I went to a very animation school, top 3. We had a guest lecture from an awesome guy called Stuart Sumida. This guy is a biologist with a speciality in the locomotion of animals. The dude isnt an animator or artist. If you can think of a Disney film with animals in it, he most likely worked on it, advising the animators.

Anyway he recently was helping the guys working on Horizon. He said he went in to help the animators and immediately told them to scrap the lead girl and start again as they had essentially made a man with tits, completely ignoring the female anatomy and locomotion (girls hips swing from side to side, they also have much much shorted torsos).

He then went on to say that women in games should be hot and they should look like Women and move like women. So hopefully if hes still there they will make some major improvements soon.

She had some nice hip movement on the last video from the PS4 Pro conference thing.

Guys you realize devs read your bullshit and think like, our team of 80+ men crunches 2 years to get the game done and then some useless basement dwellers shit on it for no reason, just fuck this shit

She's got some nappy ass hair with a big forehead. Are they trying to make her face unattractive so that I wont masturbate to her?


>that cherrypicked image of Liz
fuck off

This is going to be Heavenly Blade 2.0, isn't it?

True story: a lecturer at my University (Bournemouth) was brought in as a consultant for her design. Apparantly his criteria for her design was that he'd only accept something that he'd "want to date"

So blame his taste I guess

Ugly character are BRAVE and PROGRESSIVE, because it reflects real life women

From right side Ellie, Wither girl, and Jade look good.
From left side Killer is Dead girl and blond FF15 girl look kinda bad. Pic


>Western devs hate sexy beutfil women for some reason

they hate it because they are full of hypocrites

Why do every character, male or female, have to be 10/10 handsome? It's ok to have some average looking characters, user.

>my University (Bournemouth)
Is there a reason why your university is any better than other university that also got a game design course? Just curious.

Didn't take game design and he didn't lecture it, he was an animation lecturer.


Lmao, what year you in?

The content isnt that great, they teach you to teach yourself and to take short cuts where you can. Its better because of the connections with industry.

Feminist has ruined Western Civilization.

>Why do I have to play as an ugly girl again?

I think she's reasonably cute TBQHSenpai, even with the awful hair.

Dont you like to play as yourself?

>Lmao, what year you in?

I'm a Software Engineer graduate as of June

Huh I didn't even know that was a course. Are you in the media school? You're talking about Sumida right?

It's one of the options on the Computing course, I'm not in the media school but all my housemates were so I heard every story and yes I'm talking about Sumida

Aight. No western games exist where a random peasant is beautiful.

>short hair

>the vestal maidens (male) that populate this website are so unable-to-be-weaned-off animu faces that they'll deride literal facecaps of QT girls because they don't look animu enough

>the only games i still buy are from japan
Seems about right.

I think she's cute

>Ashley Burch plays a constantly talking main character

Witcher is not western. Not Japanese either.

Lets just do everything Mass Effect style from now and have 3 options.

Ugl-REALISTIC!! Realistic female.

That should keep both gamers and SJWs happy, right?

Feminism was the part, but not the whole destruction of Western Civilization.

Not that there's anything wrong with liking Ygritte, but I'd say it's more than just a resemblance. It looks like a case of Western game devs saying "I want a strong female character but I have no idea how to make one so I'll copy something popular."