What are your fps controls?
Crouch: cntrl
Prone: x
Jump: space/mousewheel
Ads: right click (not toggle)
Grenade: MMB
What are your fps controls?
Crouch: cntrl
Prone: x
Jump: space/mousewheel
Ads: right click (not toggle)
Grenade: MMB
>tumblr offtopic shitposting is a conspiracy "theory" they said
>not assigning all controls to a single key to do everything at once for maximum efficiency
>not just making a win button
>you will never bury your face in that booty
why live
>Left trigger for aim
>Right trigger for shoot
>R3 for crouch
Post more girls not wearing pants
Move: arrow keys
Crouch: c
Prone: p
Shoot: space bar
What in the hell
Not from my perspective :^)
>Crouch always on LCTRL
>Prone on Z
>'Special' on X (like changing type of bullet or attachment on/off etc)
>In some games that feature it, immediate sliding on C
>ADS on right click, but rarely use it; never liked it in games and thus almost only go for weapons that are good on hipfire
>Grenades on G
>Reload on R, duh
>'Unique abilities' on Q and E, such as leaning or calling for medic or throwing special grenades (flashbangs etc)
>USE on F
>Melee on V or Mouse4 (side button)
Crouch on mouse 4 cunts
>move: wsad
>shoot: left mouse
>crouch: f
>weapons: 123
Move: control stick
Fire: A
Jump: B
Missile: Y
Morph Ball: X
Lock on: L
Free aim: R
>why live
because there are other bootys?
What even is mouse 4
Forward: E
Back: D
Strafe left: A
Strafe right: F
Jump: Space
Crouch: W
Change firemode: CTRL
Use: S
Sprint: Mouse4
Fire: Mouse1
Alt Fire: Mouse 2
Voice Chats: V
Lean left: Q
Lean right: T
Reload: R
Say: X
Teamsay: Y
You're fucked up user
crouch is shift
who the fuck plays games with a prone button?
jump is space
run is tab
grenade is one of whatever you call the buttons on the side of the mouse
>game naturally tries to fuck you up with 5 keybinds around the Windows key
Run as tab is worse friendo.
>not disabling or rebinding it entirely
>game naturally uses the Windows key
Prone toggle : Z
Crouch toggle : X
Aiming gun while running : C
Fire : LMB
ADS/Zoom : RMB
What's my name?
M1: shooty
Wasd: Runny
nothing else matters.
white women btfo