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Reminder to sage and report any blatant form of console or videogames wars.
Also, source.
Dont worry about context or anything, OP, jeez
This is on a Game Grumps ep where they play a Sonic fangame that tries to fix 3d Sonic with an open world and a "earn your speed" design
What, being run out the console business?
I... I don't know what to say OP. Thank you. I'm so happy you posted this.
OP posted this in the Nintendo land that is Sup Forums, without mentioning Nintendo taking down fan projects without mercy.
Enjoy the (You) parade, OP.
this isnt as much of a console wars thread as it is a Sega being awesome and setting the standards thread
oh nvm, the sonyggers are here
>total bisuict is still butthurt when SEGA DMCA a bunch of youtube videos over Shining Force
Shining Force
>implying Sega and Nintendo aren't bros
As if Sony or Microshift have ever done anything for Sega except teach CoD kiddies that Sonic is a bad franchise, with only the shittest Sonic games ever being released on their platform.
>nintenbabies attacking sonyggers for defending sega
How about that Streets of Rage remake Sega? Or how about PSO2 Sega? How about consoles Sega? What about those PC ports, specifically Vanquish, Sega?
Just because you have a memeing fuck bringing Australia tier bants on the internet doesn't make you a good company, and I know your twitterfag lurks here
Xbox was Sega's home console after they went out of console business, and Sega's current biggest project are all on PS4 (also available on PC).
>also available on PC
Good thing too, because nobody is going to buy jack shit for Sonic on the PS4.
delet this
>Or how about PSO2 Sega?
Sakai vocally encouraged the translation project. Sega didn't do anything about the private servers for the earlier games, either, for that matter.
What are you talking about?
And how about an actual Phantasy Star game, or at least an official translated release of the remakes.
Yeah, how about that Streets of Rage fangame?
streets of rage remake.
Sega is better than nintendo currently, but still was a piece of shit several times. Do not forgive or forget
who care? It's available everywhere. They let it finish and release at least.
Fuck you for killing of Shining Force.
And Streets of Rage.
Fuck off.
You know Sonic has been in multiple mobile games for years now right?
>encourage the translation project
>still play on nip servers
>still get ip blocked
>still no official western release and support
what do you mean "what are you talking about"
>They let it finish and release at least.
and AM2R didn't?
AM2R was finished and released, what is this false dichotomy?
sonic games have never been better than mario games or good
Nintendo is probably the last company to jump into phone games, user.
>because nobody is going to buy jack shit for Sonic on the PS4
EVERY Franchise that ends up on both PS4 and PC sells better on PS4.
Bloodborne was the highest selling Souls compared to any other Soul on a single platform.
>still get ip blocked
Chinese scum stay away.
The fact that we still don't have pso2, we never got Psup2 infinity or Pso nova which would soffen the blow of an entire region getting blue-balled for 5+ years, they took away vallina psup2 and the first one from psn abruptly
The only real ip block is for SEA since they have their own servers.
I guarantee you all the recent PC ports of Sonic titles are way more popular than any recent PlayStation or Xbox releases. The last popular Sonic title on one of those systems was probably Sonic Mega Collection. When was the last time you saw or heard of anybody playing Sonic on a PlayStation since 2006?
Pso2 is hot trash anyway and Nova was even worse. No psp2i is shitty but get over it.
Simply hilarious
>muh Bloodborne
every time
Post examples of games that prove me otherwise and aren't remasters.
Sega will let you mod their games
because Sega barely even make any games anymore
>m-muh Blunderborn!
Sonyggers are such stupid, whiny shits
Sega doesn't have any intellectual property worth protecting.
They're no longer innovators or serious developers. They're literally just scraping by on nostalgia, they're too cucked to even think of pissing off what little of am autistic fanbase they still have.
>Live nowhere near china
>still get IP blocke
>When was the last time you saw or heard of anybody playing Sonic on a PlayStation since 2006?
When was the last time you heard of someone playing a Sonic game.
I remember Nintendo Land. Should have come with the WiiU, it wasn't really that good a game for its price. Than again, what is these days?
Skyrim, Wasteland 2, Divinity, Tomb raider
It did come with the Wii U, you just brought the wrong version.
How fucking stupid are you?
Who even is blocked outside of China for RMT and Totally Not China because they have their own version?
>Cod sold better on PS4, Battlefront Sold better on PS4, Witcher sold better on PS4, Souls sold better on PS4, Fifa sold better on PS4, PES sold better on PS4, Metal Gear sold better on PS4 etc. etc.
Skyrim isn't on PS4, Divinity, maybe (do we have sales numbers?) and Tomb Raider has only a remaster on PS4
fuck you
>b-b-but bloodborne
>>Cod sold better on PS4, Battlefront Sold better on PS4,
nothing to be proud
Touche. I thought Lost World was decent though. And older, better games like Adventure were ported to PC recently, and I know several people who bought those.
I just presented what is essentially a time SEGA took away an entire series from overseas for no reason and you just ignoree and dimiss it. Fuckin Sega sheeps
>Tomb Raider has only a remaster on PS4
remaster is the only thing there is on console tho
>Bloodborne was the highest selling Souls compared to any other Soul on a single platform.
You wouldn't lie to people on the internet would you user?
You are a child.
Sonic fell from grace years ago, and Sega was out of the console game longer than that. It was expected, Nintendo on the other hand had no reason to chase this trend for no other reason than to stay relevant in an industry it's getting more and more behind in.
Except that's bullshit. They just forgot retail version.
Also, it smell epic steamspy from here.
Oh. That's funny
They took it away back when they made Episode 1&2+ Japan-only over 10 years ago. Ever since then, gaijins have been getting nothing but scraps.
PSP, Vita and PC have region lock anyway, so they took nothing from overseas, only from EOPs.
>chase the trend
Oh no! It's almost as if all the money is on mobile gaming right now and it's not like they're a business or anything!
>I have always been shit at Sonic gameplay
Thanks for sharing
t. IGN
>Ign 0/10 too fast
>Half of them were from 2 dollaros sales on steam
>BB has sold 2 millions by September 2015.
Now which one had bigger profits...
>inb4 moving the goal-posts
literally none of those have region lock
is that so smart guy
then wheres virtua fighter 6
where is it
im gonna shoot
>cringy memelord shitposts in YouTube then shills it on Sup Forums
See you in a week, OP.
Can we all agree that Soulsdrone are some of the worst fanbase?
>Sega is better than nintendo
They aren't.
>cringy memelord manages to make nintendo look like a joke
see you next week
Your mother has the worst fanbase
>Sega Does What Nintendont
Your full of shit, I proved it, now quit spewing ignorant shit.
And Dark Souls had bigger profits because it was sold on multiple platforms.
Sonic games are good because they actually manage to offer shit to people who suck at them and those who are great at them.
If you're new to them or just not very good you get fun platforming with loads of gimmicks in the levels, exploration while trying to find the secrets, and the challenge of trying to maintain high speed as long as possible even though you'll eventually fuck up.
If you're good at them it's just fucking speedrun mode and you get to have fun finding routes that give you the most rings/collectibles while still trying to beat your best time.
Go back to stealing content and whoring for likes on your meme twitter
I am talking single-platform profit. Fucktard.
That wasn't the point.
>Sonic games were good
They even took those scraps called Psup 1&2 off the market
I play games mainly on my PC and I bought BB because I had no other option. I'm not going to miss out on a game like that because it's stuck to a shit platform but I sure as hell wouldn't have bought it on the PS4 if it had a PC version too.
You seem to imply BB didn't get discounted. I got mine for 20 bucks with the DLC included.
and Cities Skyline made more, your point?
Me and my friends had this on in the background while we were playing Smash, only caught some glimpses of it but man that was fucking trippy.
The old games still exist.
I refuse to consider the newer shit games as sonic games otherwise I'd probably kill myself.
Cities Skylines is on PS4?
at least it will be more entertaining than Color Splash
It'd still be Dark Souls for PS3 with Demon Souls as a second.
>You seem to imply BB didn't get discounted. I got mine for 20 bucks with the DLC included.
20 is better than 5 i think.
Why are you spamming your epic Memeborne then?
It's not that's the funny part. The arguably smaller community still buys more games than sonyggers
>If you're not with me, you're against me!
Your autism is showing
It'll be five too when it becomes last-gen.
actually wrong considering retail cut.
The time for Phantasy Star V has long passed, They could have had it on the Saturn if that did better.
Phoenix Rie said it would have been about the origin of Dark Falz, and the possible introduction of a Light Falz.
Because Memeborne and other souls are basically the same shit so you can compare them
Isn't that some fan account?
>20 discounted from 60+cost ofdlc is somehow better than 5 discounted from 10