This is meido

This is meido

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Yeah, so, what's the POINT of the game. Other than to ogle school girls. There's a million other games I can do that.

ponytails are the fucking best

This is in VR. That means you can literally get on your hands and knees and look up her skirt.

Where was that blonde sloot?

and? That's worth 500+ for whatever the VR costs plus the game? I can do that in many other games.

can you fug her?

Interactive VR eye candy, trust us that you'd rather start playing FPS games with a hot female sidekick by your side.

Or an RPG where you deck out your squad AI with Knight armor.

>theres million other games
ahahaha faggot

It's one of many games, Ace Combat 7 should be a treat, RE if there are no weapons is a miss.

VR literary is another dimension

Don't get salty people when TGS shows the Sony line up of VR that real developers have worked on. PC might try it's best, but the only real focus for decency was EVE online's fighter.

See, I would get VR for this. Ace Combat is the tits.

VR isn't for you then kiddo. Maybe once you get a job and move out of mummy's basement you'll be able to easily afford that $500.

PSVR isn't even released yet and it already has more real games than all other VR platforms.
PCucks literally BTFO.

With VR it's like looking at real panties - not just a flat stupid picture

> you can literally get on your hands and knees
massive cuck.

yfw sony saves vr

It's funny too since all the development so far is Gen1, thus demos. The first attempt at the VR consumer market will be set by Sony, and it will work off a PS4.

If Sony develops VR game exclusives that become a hit, it will set the market.

Hopefully she acts embarassed when you try this and puts her knees together to try and stop you. That'll make seeing them all the more rewarding.


i kinda want VR just for this game

this isn't nearly as funny as this. and roughly 9000 more games have come to pc including edf and nier..

Who wouldn't want it?

kojack posting has never been a good meme, even for Sonyfag shit posting since you're the same breed as the PC and Xbone fags that have no material.

There are already enough points in Sony's favor anyways, I really don't understand how you can feel good off pics that looks like shit that came out of a Troll face's ass.

I laugh every time tbqh

You can also just squat and turn your head

T-tell him brother. PC can not be matched by these filthy casuals because of our cost to performance ratio. So what if the VR games released so far are only short demos. These experiences we have on our $1500 rigs will trump anything consoles have to offer.

This needs to happen.

But why wouldn't you want to act like a dog just to get a quick glance of your waifu's pantsu?



>There's a million other games I can do that.

>that body slam
fuck i'm crying