How much would worse off would gaming be if we didn't have Him?

How much would worse off would gaming be if we didn't have Him?

Without him and Steam I think PC would have been almost dead, for sure we would have way less multiplat games.

PC gaming would be dead, or at complete mercy of incredibly sleazy publisher-run ripoff storefronts.

I remember some publisher, Atari I think, tried to pull some jew bullshit where you paid them FULL PRICE for a game, and they only supplied a temporary download window. I guess you got to buy it again if you ever uninstalled! I only remember because I was looking around for NWN2 at the time and it was available NOWHERE (GOG didn't have it at the time yet either)

It would be exactly as it is right now. It's like asking what would happen to electronics if Circuit City closed down. Absolutely nothing.

much better, steam is cancer.

- More of a demand for new console games
- There wouldn't be a self-serving indie game scene
No wonder he received so many downvotes.

He'll be dead soon enough

>Gabe was 15 years ago

How exactly?

indieshit wouldn't be a thing for starters

>would be exactly as it is right now.

no it woudlnt, you clearly dont understand the influence Valve has, and the fact that it isnt run by shareholders. Imagine if EA/origin was as big as Valve is

>Imagine if EA/origin was as big as Valve is
user, do you think EA isn't a massive multi-billion dollar corporation?

Post yfw Gabe will die and Valve will implode in your lifetime

You completely missed his point, retard.

PC wouldn't be a thing.





>Imagine if EA/origin was as big as Valve is
Games for Windows and the xbox live for pc may have become a thing

It fucking would be though. All PC games would be indieshit.

Post yfw Nintendo will start releasing games on Steam in your lifetime

>Paved the way for "You dont own shit lmao"
>Early Access (Aka taking the idea of Kickstarter and making it even worse)
>No refunds until 2015
>Steam Profiles
>Trading Cards
>Still no real support system
You're a fool if you think otherwise.

Funny how the indie game that started the trend isn't on Steam, though.

>implying steam profiles are a bad thing
I like mine :3

Friendly reminder D:OS and PoE are both start at indie and won over all other AAA and become king in their genre.

Spotted the filthy cheater

The problem is that it doesnt work, doofus.
Plus valve doesnt want it to work, its the reason why people like flusha still play in competitive CSGO, because they put butts in chairs.

Also, dont forget the MW2 launch and what Valve did.

Do you mean when they banned a shitload of people for a mistake on their end? That wasn't on launch, but like a year after. I know because I was banned and I still have the email sent from gaben's account with the apology.

>games had only ONE layer of DRM
>games didn't try to be semi-movies
Fuck him

Here, user. I know you need a (You)

Exactly that. VAC is poorly designed but Valve still wants to believe its impervious to fail and wants other people to believe it too.

LMAOBOX for TF2 lasted for more than 3 years, it was absurd.

This, there is so much shit out there on EA where they changed things left and right when it didn't satisfy shareholders. Micro transactions on every god damn thing possible, dumbing down games to suit wider audience, safe approaches to production aka making the same game with different skins and lots of other shit. All of that is pandering to shareholders who are in any industry and especially for something as new as video gaming one, are mostly a bunch of greedy old retards who has no idea and no interest in a company besides getting their money safely.

Did Steam really push the trend of digital games or was it just a needed evolution?

At least they didn't try to charge for mods.

It was the natural progression.

They certainly popularized it. Similar services were there but hardly anyone used them. If Valve hadn't forced steam with HL2 we wouldn't be here.

>Paved the way for "You dont own shit lmao"
Over 10 years on Steam and still got my games
>Early Access (Aka taking the idea of Kickstarter and making it even worse)
Literally nothing wrong with that, nobody is forcing you to buy it
>No refunds until 2015
Nothing wrong with that
>Steam Profiles
>Trading Cards
Greatest competitive FPS ever, what about it?
What about it?
>Still no real support system
>being so cancerous that you need support to unban you lmap