Why the FUCK is this even allowed???
Why the FUCK is this even allowed???
In the case of games like Payday 2 and Warframe, patches.
>pay for the game
>play it
>express opinion on it
Where does seem to be the problem?
Sometimes you need to understand. Sometimes it takes time.
4000 hours in dota 2. Last played year ago.
>842 hours
>early access
>play a game for literally thousands of hours
>negative review
BEGGING you to have sex and hit the gym
There is no review.
You can ruin a game with patches
Or by just doing nothing with a game which is clearly in a beta stage and needs further fixing, as Gabe did with dota2.
if you paid 15 dollars for a game and got thousands of hours out of it, you literally can't justify giving it negative reviews
addictive =/= good
Cigarettes are addictive, but they're objectively shit.
Guys, guys. I think OP was referring to these shitty non-reviews that don't tell you jackshit about why the game is actually bad.
I think.
>play payday2 with friends after release
>its fucking fun
>months later 45 dlcs, card drops, skins and shit
>change review to negative
its not that difficult user
Then don't play them for hundreds of hours of its shit
I don't think you understand the concept of addiction.
Are you retarded? Do you not understand what addictive means?
And? I have 69hours in Fallout 4 of desperation to find anything fallout related. None of these hours gave me reason to give it positive rating. If anything that person's negative opinion is more relevant than positive opinions with less hours played.
>BEGGING you to have sex and hit the gym
Boring as shit and not worth my time+effort.
So go read reviews, you don't have to explain your 'No' same way people who enjoy it don't explain their 'Yes' except for epic memes.
I play for more 3 hours per week, according to normies I'm gaming addict, so I have to. Wouldn't want to dissapoint normies would we?
>boo hoo I got addicted by le evil videogames
Literally kill yourselves you retarded spergs
>immediatly resorting to personnal attacks
Nice way to admit you're wrong.
yes you can, it's to discourage others from wasting their money. would you want someone to play Payday 2 during the time when Overkill literally shat on their fans?
Right but if the things that made you enjoy the game are fucked up by patches it's not the same game as the one you enjoyed. You aren't recommending it in its current state, though you likely would have recommended it in the past.
a review isn't "did i get a lot of hours of entertainment for my dollar," it's "should anybody else play this"
I played some shitty cashgrab mobile game for 50 hours and I wouldn't tell anyone else to do it.
you ever suck some dick for a pokemans?
u spelt personnel rong
I was broke, it was the only way to get that Charizard
And yet if I gave a negative review after 5 minutes, you'd say I didn't play it long enough to appreciate it. Furthermore, I don't understand why this is a hard concept for you to get. I played Bless for quite some time just to get to the level where PVP was allowed and didn't enjoy griefing children in PC Bangs that much since I didn't know much of what they were saying, so unless you know Korean, are willing to spend 10 dollars on a fake account, set up a VPN, and are possibly a furvert, I wouldn't recommend Bless to you.
>early access
Without even knowing what "game" he is reviewing, It most likely deserves that review.
Just because you play a game for hundreds of hours doesn't mean you enjoy it, and it especially doesn't mean you would recommend it to other people.
I have over 700 hours in League of Legends, a game I have always hated. But I played it because it was an easy way to kill time on a shitty laptop between classes. It wasn't fun but I did it anyway.
>Criticize game without playing it at all
>"You haven't even played it"
>Criticize game playing less than X amount of hours
>"You haven't even finished it"
>Criticize game after playing more than X amount of hours
>"If you didn't like it why did you finish it?"
So which is it? What is the arbitrary timeframe when I'm allowed to have a legitimate dissenting opinion about a game? Tell me.
>game was good
>game turn to shit
>somehow you can't say is shit now
If you want a food analogy: We all had fun with your mom when she was young and now I won't touch her.
I played this game for ages and even though it's currently been fucked by silly patches and bad game decisions its good cause I played it a lot
I've played Skyrim for like 800 hours and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
I've come to Sup Forums nearly every day for more than 8 years and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
>If you paid 15 dollars for a meal and it filled your stomatch you can't say it tasted bad
have sex
If they ruin the game, yes.
Reviews don't lie on the past, but on the actual state of the game as of now. if you want reviews about the old state of the game, go search for the older ones.
>If I paid 15 dollars for your mom I can't say it was a bad laid
>x out of y, would z again
>at least the uninstall button works lol
Every fucking time.
>people can't express their opinions
why the fuck are you even allowed to live?
They're "supposedly" working on that.
I find life much more enjoyable when people express MY opinions, thank you very much you fucking hippy.
that's my main problem with steam reviews
most of them are reddit tier bullshit written by 12 year olds who don't know jack shit about gaming or really anything for that matter
>10/10 would _ again
>hurr durr le great game le story and the game great blown away great gem gem gem gem gem gem gem
>__ __ simulator [current year] lol xD
>850 hours in game
Took him 850 hours to get the opinion that its shit.
How come I can only search for funny reviews?? What if I wanna read scary reviews or sad reviews? Get your shit together Valve.
Steam reviews are basically like/dislike button, nothing more to it
I agree. putting that Funny Review box was one of the most autistically enabling things valve has done.
I got a game once. It didn't close correctly after only playing it for about 15 minutes. It still thinks im playing. A long time later, i check my steam games cause im bored. It says ive been playing it for 400+ hours and i was still playing at that time.
Ctrl alt del that shitty game. Uninstall. Never open again and i cant get a refund because ive "played" it for too long.
it doesn't say when that guy made that review
you can make reviews 1h in and still play the game 500hs after that
>le sex le jim xd
kill yourself normalshit
>Just because you play a game for hundreds of hours doesn't mean you enjoy it
You do understand that this is inherently impossible in a situation where the only thing that the media consumed has to offer is enjoyment? You don't hate something you are willing to kill time with, and no buts to that. That't doesn't mean you have to love it uncondiationally, BUT YOU DO NOT FUCKING HATE IT! The only reason you write that you hate it is because you think that's what your supposed to say to fit in here, the truth is you liked it so much that you we're willing to waste 700h to it, and there's nothing wrong with that.
What gaem?
My bet is ARK
gain height
i think its dayz
The most extraordinary thing about that is how he managed to avoid the profanity filters.
So go read actual reviews down a the local games blog of your choice then if you need someone to tell you a game is either good or shit using 2000-3000 words.
Because it's fun, you wouldn't understand OP
When an American writes a review and uses this phrase:
"I got my dollar's worth"
What does that mean?
"I need to justify my buyers remorse".
It means it was worth the money they paid for it. Either because it was a long game or because it was fun enough to justify paying what they did for it.
It's quite the opposite really, those reviews were there before they did that. The real reason for putting that funny box is to contain the cancer.
Of course, it may be slightly encouraging to some, but I don't think the "funny meme reviews" were more than 10% more frequent after valve added that.
>Buy game on launch
>A little meh but not bad
>Patches come
>Game is now much better
>Is getting better and better
>Suddenly patches are breaking the game
>Microtransactions everywhere
>Hackers everywhere
>Crashes constantly
>Devs are assholes to the people
>A decent game turned to great with patches and then turned into shit
>I can't complain because I've played 500h, 495 of those before the shit patches started
why don't they just make porn games god damn it
I'm sorry you have a problem with people's freedom of speech
>Write meme review and not articulate concerns
Take a shower
>no freedom of speech allowed
Porn is illegal in Korea.
I don't need to justify my rights with reasons
Would breed.
Let me guess its shit?
Warframe has never been good, many just don't realize it right away.
Korean mmos are built around the store.
this is bait
Warframe is a grindfest
the game had card drops since the beta
Like I said in my first post, it's probably more fun if you can read Korean. I had to download an awful machine translation to get the gist of what's going on. There's not even hanja support for the naming system, so only hangul and latin characters are allowed, so I couldn't give myself the fancy Japanese name I was hoping for in order to instantly become the target of the xenophobic Koreans. It at least has customizable skill decks, though, so you're not just going through the same motions as everyone else like in FFXIV. Each class has 3 separate "core" moves that will affect your playstyle, so that's something.
But like says, the cash shop becomes an issue later on, as the game has a fatigue system and you will need stamina points to fight in large PVP battles or to tame animals to fight for you, and these can purchased as stamina potions in the cash shop.
Oh, and the PVP is faction only, so you can't just go around killing guys from the same country as you, sadly.
OP here
this whole thread is bait
But I do hate meme reviews
>play a game for 1 hour
>play a game for 1000 hours
fuck off
please, PLEASE get a clue
You fuck off!
go back to /asp/ faggot.
go back to eating fatso
>You don't hate something you are willing to kill time with
hahaha that little frog has glasses
kill yourself carter
That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize.
That’s Pepe. He’s a symbol associated with white supremacy.
>Wait. Really? White supremacy?
That’s right.
>Please explain.
Here’s the short version: Pepe is a cartoon frog who began his internet life as an innocent meme enjoyed by teenagers and pop stars alike.
But in recent months, Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the “alt-right.” They’ve decided to take back Pepe by adding swastikas and other symbols of anti-semitism and white supremacy.
“We basically mixed Pepe in with Nazi propaganda, etc. We built that association,” one prominent white supremacist told the Daily Beast.
Trump has retweeted his white supremacist supporters with regularity, but the connection between the alt-right and his campaign continues to strengthen. Trump has been slow to disavow support from Ku Klux Klansmen and white supremacy groups, and he recently hired Breitbart.com’s Steve Bannon as his campaign CEO (and Bannon isn’t shy about the fact that his “news” organization is the “platform for the alt-right”).
Now white supremacists have given Pepe the cartoon frog some Trump hair—and the candidate’s own son says he is “honored to be grouped with” him.
>Let me get this straight: Trump’s presidential campaign is posting memes associated with white supremacy online?
>Just curious: Who else is in this photo?
Notably, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who believes the government was behind the 9/11 (and that Newtown was “completely fake”), and Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, whose racism and bigotry is so egregious that Twitter banned him from using their site.
>This is horrifying.
>What can I do?
Vote Hillary Clinton 2016
>game is amazing on release
>play it for a long time
>dev releases controversial patches
>its not what you remember, and can't recommend it anymore
I worry about the day TF2 becomes this. People already consider it to not be as good as when it first came out, but I'm lenient with content as long as it's free. But knowing Valve, I worry that they'll just completely destroy the game so it's not even close to playable anymore. That'll be a sad day.
fucking alt right frogs
Carter? is that you?
There was this really great Arena PVP shooter i used to play that was pretty much TF2, with gear, upgrades, and jetpacks. They had an active tournament scene, were releasing new PVP maps every month or so, had a whole game they marketed and intentionally designed to be a PVP arena shooter.
It was pretty fucking fantastic. Easily the most fun arena shooter i've ever played.
Then one patch they removed PVP. It just turned off one day and they never turned it back on.
I've never been so heartbroken
There's no money in porn, people just steal it.
Add that to the fact that it's cheaper to pay people to dress up and have sex and film it. Because you'd need to have motion capture to make a proper porn animation and that technology simply isn't cheap.
Lel Carter is the most NORMIE name I can think of
So why does it work so well in Japan?
Nah, he's just some fat spic that shitposts on /asp/.