So Sup Forums, the dead rising remake is out and I was wondering if it is a good port or not, I have a gtx 750ti...

so Sup Forums, the dead rising remake is out and I was wondering if it is a good port or not, I have a gtx 750ti, 16gb ram and an i7 4790 3.6ghz can I even run dead rising or should I just get it on the ps4?

seems great. you'll be able to run it no problem.

Just about to start it up. I'll let you know in a bit.

I have a 760 and it runs at a smooth 60 fps. Everything is as high as it can be except for anti-aliasing. You should consider getting a new GPU though, it seriously bottlenecks your system.

From what I've seen it's a faaaantastic port. A small amount of people seem to have problems with no audio though. Besides that it does everything great. 60 FPS, up to 4k res. Only issue is I don't think you can remap controller inputs.

Get a better GPU, but you should be able to run it fine. Your GPU won't last much longer though. That i7 is pretty useless with that GPU budday

I am getting one, I just cant decide which one to get.

For me it's the mcchicken the best fast food sandwich.

there aren't many new cards better than the 750ti.

i'd wait till next year personally.

Any better textures than the OG?

oooo this

>being this stupid
>in a world where the 1060 and/or the rx480 can be had for less than 200 dollars

Neck yourself

holy fuck 1060 is £200, I didnt know they were that cheap

amd is garbage and that's a fucking minor upgrade you poor nigger.

>dead rising remake

It's a remaster user, they only made the old Xbox 360 game run on modern platforms wioth better frame-rate and resolution they didn't rebuild everything with a new engine like they did with the Game Cube Resident Evil.

>Any better textures than the OG?

You're welcome. Maxed 1080p60 FPS gaming for 200 bucks. Best deal in years.

>1080p60 FPS gaming for 200 bucks.
This game is 10 years old.

Good luck finding one at that price right now, friend


How are you this fucking delusional about a 750 ti? It was a garbage card when it was new. The 1060 is literally twice the 750ti and for less than twice the price brand fucking new. The 1060 approaches the 980 in performance in some games.

Does it hurt to be this stupid?

yes, the 3gb version, which is a fucking scam

go ahead, buy one and you'll regret it soon enough

then you have the 6gb, which is more 250 good boy points, which is like $/€ 300


2x the power doesn't mean 2x the performance. If you're going to upgrade you should make it count, the 1060 is terrible and the 750ti still works.

then wat do I even do

get the 6GB 1060


Don't listen to these idiots. 3GB is fine for 1080p sure getting the 6 gb would be better but it's also 50 bucks more. You'll be able to max anything at 1080p with the 3gb. The only setting you might having to dial back is texture quality because of the 3gb. Beyond that it's a great value.

>Black Friday

That's a good price for the 6b yes. If you got the cash that's a hell of an upgrade from a 750ti

go buy a 8gb rx 480 for $200, you would have to be dumb to not get it since every future game from now on is going to run better on AMD thanks to DX12 and Vulkan.