How is your Video Game related YouTube channel doing?

How is your Video Game related YouTube channel doing?

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Why is leafy Video Game related?

Where's pyro?

why is their not an eceleb board yet?
it's barerly vidya related and it's enough of it's own thing to support a board with the retards who like it

The patrician choice is ignoring all the eceleb faggots

>It's the "I arrange things in le patrician and le plebian sides according to my subjective taste meme " again


i agree with the plebeian but whoever put together that patrician travesty has some abhorrent shit taste with the exception of pannenkoek

>cptn disillusionment

i've been uploading videos again lately.
I have starte dstreaming to twitch and managed to gain 80 new followers in a month and have a dedicated and really fun little community of 20 people who basically always tune in.
I upload highlights of the stream to my youtube so people can watch stuff they missed or rewatch what they liked.

been focusing on warhammer games like total war:warhammer or blood bowl 2 and Mordheim. basically all stuff where I can name things after viewers so they feel like part of the game.

started halcyon 6 now as well which people really like.

basically just having fun with people.
i'll never make partner or shit like that,but whatever,I got a job.

My nigga

120 subscribers. It's good.

>Darksyde "Our boy" Phil
literally kill yourself op

I privated all my videos except one where I tell the story of the first time I smoked weed. Now I just seem like an edgy stoner faggot.

Also, the only gaming channels I watch are critikal and dunkey.

You sound like a cancerous faggot.

Have A Good Day!!

Here i am

I let's play obscure spooky or weird games. Some other stuff as well.

Enjoy a video

I am. I don't watch a whole lot of youtube, though. Just them and Secular Talk.

The only good ones are dunkey and ukinijoe. The rest is fucking underage garbage.

I get that he's Our Boy, but WHY is he Our Boy?

New Mathewmatosis when?

As in the guy from Jackass fifteen years ago?

Is he a thing?

Did Daniel and Manly sign a Non-Aggression Pact?


because he is black

no, he's a fat wigger. He is the shining example of white trash behavior

t. nigger-kun

>dislike filthyfrank

It's because he's fluent in Japanese and hates your favorite animes?