The ending actually good

The ending actually good

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Agree, MGSV was supposed to make you hate Big Boss and the ending succeded in doing that, at least for me.

No, the ending was supposed to show that Big Boss isn't the innocent angel that Solid Snake was.

There's no real reason to hate anyone in MGS, everyone had good reasons to do what they did.

No, it was supposed to show you the transition from a good man to a man you would hate. Since you don't play as big boss in this game it completely fucking fails in that regard. Kojima threw away what could have been a good story just to have a twist for the sake of having a twist.


It's really not. The entire game's story was fucking shit, it didn't even feel like a Metal Gear game.

MGSV apologists are the worst. Kojima fucked up royally, deal with it.

The ending just made me hate Kojima.

>it didn't even feel like a Metal Gear game

Stop with this fucking meme, every single MGS it's different from it predecessor.

I could appreciate the ending if there was actual buildup to it and it wasn't just unceremoniously dropped on the player out of nowhere.

3 would be the biggest change from the other metal gear solid games.

Ehh, kingdom of the flies would have been miles better as an ending.
The truth mission is decent enough in itself but it doesn't really wrap up everything going on in the game. It just ended up being to abrupt.

Casual fans like you are the fucking worst with your self imposed disappointment. The story was great overall, it just suffered from being cut short and bad presentation like the jeep ride that was likely envisioned different. The subtext, themes and delivery was as metal gear as it could be.

>No, it was supposed to show you the transition from a good man to a man you would hate. Since you don't play as big boss in this game it completely fucking fails in that regard.

But you play as the victim, that's even better.

Only 3 good MGS games
All co-written by fukushima

Really makes you think

But the game makes you question your identity from within the first minutes of starting the game?
There's subtle and not so subtle hints throughout the story that you are not Big Boss. How can you say there's no buildup to it? Truth just explains the why, what, how and when of it all really. That was the real mystery.
I can't believe people still think that Venom not being BB was supposed to be some kind of uber plot twist out of nowhere.

>implying mgs 2 didn't completely fuck up the plot and mgs 4 didn't try to fix what little was left

Fucking Yakuza

>it was supposed to show you the transition from a good man to a man you would hate.

>muh trailers
>muh revenge of the sith plot
>muh big boss

It was supposed to be what it is you dolt.

Which game has a good ending, OP?

>The game was hyped up as the fall of Big Boss by the trailers, the very thing that Kojima has been building up since 3, the game was even marketed as the game that linked the Big Boss and Solid Snake sagas.
>instead of seeing Big Boss' downfall we got a retarded body swap plot cooked up by Zero because reasons and Big Boss just goes along with it, and all the shit that was supposed to be portrayed within the game just happens off screen and we're left with an explanation to a question literally NO ONE asked "How did Big Boss come back in Metal Gear 2?" All the while we have to deal with a completely irrelevant new NPC "love interest" for Venom Snake.

Nah, go fuck yourself.

The ending basically says that Big Boss action are contrast to what The Boss envision, a world of peace in which people respecting the will of others.

MGS2 didn't fuck up the plot because it left everything purposely vague. MGS4 tried to explain everything and that's when the house of cards fell down. Not everything deserves an explanation.

Don't blame MGS2 for MGS4's faults.


Kek, always nice to see retards who are still upset about V. Please feel free to cry some more, i genuinely enjoy it

>There's subtle and not so subtle hints throughout the story that you are not Big Boss.

This, The Boss's AI not recognizing you and Eli's DNA were the most obvious ones.

no, you just have shit taste.

>it's not supposed to make sense!
>muh shadow moses simulation!

fukushima and mgs2 fags are always a good laugh. keep up the good work, defending complete trash must get tiring

But MGSV show you how much of a hypocrite and an asshole Big Boss is.
I guess you would have prefered some edgy shit like him killing some defenseless niglets in Africa though. It's just a matter of taste desu senpai baka.

>the fall of Big Boss by the trailers
No, it was all about revenge really.

>linked BB and the solid snake sages
Which the game did.

>all the shit that was supposed to be portrayed
All I'm getting is that you interpreted the trailers differently, got hyped for a different game and got disappointed with what the game really was. Self imposed disappointment. I went into the trailers with an open mind (because honestly, it's a Kojima trailer) and I went into the game the same. It wasn't a perfect game and it clearly suffered from cut development time but it's a flawed masterpiece in the end.

I bet you haven't finished a single MGS game on euro extreme. See, I can throw non arguments at you too.

Nice strawman, but I'm not saying it didn't need to make sense. I'm saying that Kojima wrote himself into a corner and instead of untangling the situation he doubled down in MGS4 and made it worse.

MGS2 did a lot of damage to the overall Metal Gear plot but it still managed to create a good story in the narrative contained inside the the individual game. MGS4 did neither.

Someone on my facebook had a huge car accident and posted the x-ray of his skull, hard to refrain from calling him punished.

The fuck is that running across his forehead
Also is his nose shattered or that's just artifacts from the scan

>mysterious and highly skilled masked figure has Kiefer Sutherland's voice


>MGS2 leave lots of things vague
>"WOW it left everything purposely vague, BEST MGS EVER. Thanks Fukushima."
>MGSV leave lots of things vague
>"UNFINISHED, complete shit. KOJIMA IS A HACK."

>mgs2 has a ton of dumb crazy bullshit that makes no sense and only exists to be crazy with no explanation

>mgs4 trys it's best to rationalize all the retarded shit and end the series on a satisfying conclusion

>"4 made it worse"

Nice to see that mgs2 apologists are still complete retards. 4 has a fuckton of problems, but it's miles better then the dogshit that was 2

Can't say, but his whole body has been completely fucked up he's lucky to be still alive.

I made that gif
You can't use it against me
I have immunity

Hahah it's a nice reaction face.

Here have the other one that didn't become as popular

Nurse here, it's really hard to tell from just this scan but on his forehead there appears to be a tube (probably to drain wound fluid) combined with steristrips and/or some kind of other bandage on top.
There also a tube going in his nose, could be for either oxygen or food.
His nose, although slightly bend (could be natural for all I know) doesn't appear to be fractured.

Can't say anything for sure, just educated guesses.

I'm pissed that we only got 2 subsistence missions. Literally the most fun of all the 'higher difficulty' replay missions.
If you're going to rehash content at least do it well

Nope, it was garbage.

Thanks user nurse(male)

How can people hate this man?


With the exception of MG2 being vastly different from MGS1 for obvious reasons, that's not really true. Fuck, MGS2 is literally supposed to be MGS1 all over again

There are hints, yes.
But then out of nowhere, after finishing completely unrelated missions, we get the The Truth made available to us like Venom has this sudden revelation out of the middle of nowhere.

It's like there's no structure to the damn story after Skullface is out of the picture.

He's a very charming and likable person, but really he hasn't made a good game since MGS3. I don't think anyone can actually hate Kojima himself, he's always a pleasant individual, but he hasn't been on his A game for a long long time, with no improvement in sight. To me Last Stranding is his final straw, he now doesn't have the excuse of "MGS story became so contrived it's hard to make a good game out of it anymore". He now has no excuses left. I already don't have much hope in it, but if he doesn't deliver, which I really don't expect him to, I'm just chalk it up to him losing his touch. No one is good forever.

>Last Stranding
Jesus christ I'm fucking retarded

I don't hate him, i rike him; but he needs a fucking editor, mgs4 had too many fucking cutscenes and mgsv has too many fucking repetitive gameplay

>tfw the bitch handles the IV bag all wrong
>tfw Ishmael could have send Venom right into a hearth attack with the way he administered Digoxin in the hospital (though understandable in the situation)

Everything else medicine related in TPP was top notch though. The entire waking sequence was exceptionally well done.
Also, Digoxin is made from Digitalis purpurea, which you can collect in-game. Neat touch.

No problem user(male)

Pretty sure Phantom Pain made plenty of people hate Big Boss.

Tried replaying the game last week.

As soon as I got into the game I felt disgusted and suddenly the memories of the trailers and the disappointment I felt started rushing in, I just quit the game.
It's actually emotionally painful playing this shit now. Fuck you Kojima.

The transition already happened in the end of MGS3 ya dingus

I'm curious, what's wrong with how she handled the IV bag?

Also is showing nurse cleavage right in your face a standard operation procedure to increase the blood flow of bed resting male patients?

that's your phantom pain
It never goes away

I'm disappointed.

I don't understand how he could abandon such a basic concept of getting the player invested in what the character wants. That's something that even MGS4 easily managed.

>being that much emotional for a game

Literally Sup Forumseddit

Because it didn't end with an ebin fistfight with solid snake like your personal pre-release fanfic said it would?

>mgs v

That's the theme of MGSV, revenge leave you with a sense emptiness.

and it didn't have le cool & mysterious saturday morning cartoon villains

she's so fucking hot

What does that have to do with what I posted?

Cause I'm pretty sure Kojima wanted us to feel some sort of tension. Lots of things happen which would be tense if we gave a damn about the protagonist.

Ground Zeroes did that. People wanted to avenge MSF and wreck Skull Face with a burning passion.

TPP was emotionally hollow and unfulfilling along that line, which is completely in check with what the game's narrative on revenge was trying to say. People just seem to think that because it's not what they wanted and it doesn't give them the gratification they wanted, it somehow fails at what it set out to do.

It's little things really. She pulls out the cable (we have a different word for it in my native tongue, don't know the English term) while the IV bag is upside down, which results in a leak if you attempt this in real life. She also plugs in the new IV bag this way, I think. And you shouldn't grab an IV bag like the way she does in my previous picture, in case you accidentally squeeze it. There's still a failsafe so you can't flush your patient with it whatever is in the bag, but it's still bad practice since the repercussions can be severe.

>Also is showing nurse cleavage right in your face a standard operation procedure to increase the blood flow of bed resting male patients?
First thing they teach you in nursing school user.

And in case you we're wondering, Digoxin has to be administered in small doses and very, very slowly (while continuously monitoring hearth rhythm) since it increases the heart contractions but lowers heart frequency.
The difference between a working and toxic dosage is very slim with Digoxin.

Oh wow, just like every other single revenge story ever made. So deep and thought provoking.

He literally said in interview that he wanted players to feel empty after playing the game


by the rate you keep shifting those goalposts we'll run out of field, champ

It's one thing to have a character achieve their goal and have it come to nothing. It's another entirely to not care about anything that happens because the protagonist is a bland emotionless cipher that doesn't care about anything that happens either.

I remember reading something about how an excessive, but not toxic, dose of digoxin can actually induce mild delirium and perceptive distortion, which would actually work really well for keeping Venom mentally subdued while his conditioning takes hold.

You're the medical professional though, so I have no idea if what I've been told is total bullshit.

Once again, what does that have to do with what I posted? Feeling empty after the game ends isn't the same thing as not caring while it happens.

The game actually Far Cry clone

>getting the player invested in what the character wants
>character wants revenge
>revenge leads to disappointment
>the player feel disappointment
>the player is invested

But I have some little problems with english so I could have misunderstood you.

Quiet's the only one that didn't know

A reminder that the real Snake did nothing wrong. Ocelot and Zero created the phantom during his coma and there was nothing he could do about it.

See, you keep talking about not giving a shit about venom as if it's some kind of universal thing, but I really liked him. I didn't care about him as Big Boss, but I really cared about venom as the man who was the medic. I felt like he had plenty of emotion in his facial expressions and body language, and sequences like the Paz side story expose it even more when you start to see the cracks in his new identity forming as he tries to get a handle on his old overwritten self.

You might not have seen anything to care about, and that's fine, but that doesn't mean it's objectively the case.

No, I understand that V's theme was revenge. But it's a textbook example and not clever in the slightest. If anything, it should have been the opposite, with Snake being satisfied and would have been a more natural "demon" transition instead of him just whining after the second mission.

>not caring

And still you are here bitching about MGSV.

>There's no real reason to hate anyone in MGS, everyone had good reasons to do what they did.
They had motivations, like most decent characters. I wouldn't say the Patriots or Big Boss, Liquid, and Ocelot were justified, though. They were loony cunts.

Was the Boss seriously that much of an idiot in thinking her death would have brought peace?

How naive can you be?

Listen to the tapes

MGS2 in and of itself didn't fuck much of anything up--it left the story in a position that was difficult to follow up on, but the story is coherent and what it leaves open it does in a way that's satisfying or at least understandable.Yeah, it's a game that was hard to follow up on, but it wasn't supposed to have a sequel like MGS4 anyway.

Where MGS3 touched on MGS2's plot points, it does so in a deliberately tangential way.

Just play the fucking game and figure out.

>induce mild delirium and perceptive distortion
No. It's only used for hearth related conditions and in very rare cases to terminate a pregnancy in the later trimesters (in case of severe child deformities for example).
No way digoxin can cause deliriums or perceptive distortion as far as I am aware.

Caring about the fact he didn't like the game (which is why he's posting) isn't the same as not liking the game because he didn't care about what happens in it.

I understand that's what it's used for, I just heard that those were side effects of an excessive dose.

MGS2 borrows story beats from MGS1--not unlike the way MGS1 borrows ideas and beats from MG2--but on the whole it's a very different game. MGS2 just makes a point of highlighting the similarities because it wants the player to notice; it's a conscious component of the game in terms of both plot and theme.

But can digoxin treat mammary fixation or is the only cure sampling the titty for temporary relief




Where are you getting this from

Hate the series Metal Gear

Why would you physically establish Outer Heaven when the whole point of Big Boss's subplot is that he ditches everybody to go make it?

MGS3 was completely different from 2 with its food hunting survival element. MGS4 was a more linear version of 3 with its act-based structure.

You are physically in Outer Heaven at the end of Truth.

Why didn't Kaz immediately notice that Venom wasn't the real BB?
I mean, he was literally there at the hospital with BB and his face intact and the medic with shrapnel in his skull and a missing arm in another bed in the same room.

Sup Forums of course

Listen to the Truth tapes. He knew the whole time. Most of it anyway.

Ah yes of course indeed

I did. Which is why I said he did nothing wrong.