I just really want to understand

Why do people like this meme game
I'm talking about Hyper Dimension Neptunia Saga

It looks like a typical moe stuff with meme jokes and lewd fanservice, but people love it, why?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it's Japanese, people here are approriated to Japanese culture.

Neptunia's western equivalent is basically Borderlands.

No clue. It uses that generic game engine that almost everyone of these rushed out games seem to use.

Just look at that Nep! Nepu-nepu!

its got cute girls so weebs will obviously buy it no matter how shitty it is

>lewd fanservice

You answered your own question, good job

>Just look at that Nep! Nepu-nepu!
>its got cute girls

This is what I dont understand, she isnt even cute

I bought the Humble Store Bundle for $24

It includes Re;Birth 1, 2, 3 and is bundled with all DLC

Never touched one of these games before, or any Compile Heart game before. What am I in for?

The parody of gaming history and the cute girls.

It's not War & Peace but I still have fun with it. I'm not waiting for each installment with bated breath or anything but they are a nice break every now and again.

Its like junk food.

>What am I in for?
A lackluster JRPG experience. I hope you like vidya references and generic anime girls, because those are the selling points.

Because anybody can like anything for any reason.

Prepare for ten hours of cutscenes of neps trying to be cute (Acting retarded).

do you like me not liking your opinion?

>people here are approriated to japanese culture
Try googling a word you're not familiar with before you use it.

same reason people like MLP or edgy metal music or that fucking god awful vegemite

it's best to just ignore them and move on, I detest weaboos as well and firmly believe that their shit taste is killing this board and that there 100% deserves to be a board dedicated to japanese games like /jv/ or something but there's no point getting all riled up over them because it's not going to change a thing

same goes for Sup Forums, I like the board but the weaboos fucking kill it

>There are unironically people now on Sup Forums now who are so autistic that they cannot fathom why someone would enjoy something they themselves do not enjoy

This is the userbase of Sup Forums now.

I wasn't a weeb, neither I am now, even though by definition I am, since I play neptunia, it has girls cute enough to put it above the thousands of weeb shit that exist, good characters, good VAs and is about consoles personificación, wich is why i did bother to lurk more long ago, I would never tell I play this irl, but deep in my pc, inside the carpet "HTML" in the same place in wich sys32 is I have my neps hidden, hoping that noone ever finds out my hobby Nepu

>Why do people like this video game

It's got fun characters and interactions, it parodies the video game industry, and the gameplay past the first one on PS3 has acceptable gameplay for those who enjoy most JRPGs. The newest one in particular is quite good.

Oh so you have terrible taste, i see


Nice buzzword

It's a meme. People think it's funny to "ironically" like anime stuff that comes to steam. Really it's just a way of shilling the games so more shit comes over.

>This niche title that sells under 100k per installment is killing the industry and destroying my safe space to circle jerk about games on the internet.

Every time.

Becaus it makes references that neo-Sup Forums would nerver understand.

Only if you have high powerlevel you are able to appreciate it. Gameplay weed out people that never played some old-school jrpg before. So it's either love-or-hate. Cast is made by god-like japanese VAs/singers.

The games are fun and nep-nep is cute.

I bet 90% of these fags wouldn't even recognize the numerous references in the credit sequences.

Generic moe trash will always have a market

This is my reaction to those claims.

Cute girls doing cute things and then saving the world.

Though Re;birth 2 starts out a little different while Re;birth 3 takes a while to get going.

Also if you expected a deep combat system, you better refund that 24 bucks now. They are very simple in terms of combat.

If it was JUST moe stuff, meme jokes and lewd fanservice, it wouldn't be as popular. You can get that shit anywhere after all and it's not like Neptunia does it better than anyone else or something.

I guess it's because Neptunia games are surprisingly fun to play. It's not like Dead or Alive where the games are just a vehicle for the girls. God knows that no one plays the fighting games anymore, it's all just porn or DoAX3 now. Neptunia games aren't the greatest and have a few problems but they're genuinely fun.

For example, Rebirth 1. Probably the first Neptunia game you'll play. It has a 10 minute long scene at the end where every single plot relevant character congratulates and thanks you for playing the game. That's great, you know? The game clearly has budget problems but it does feel like the devs do care about the series. A lot of fanservice games are half assed and rely on people buying it just for panty shots but Neptunia has some care and love put into it so it stands out.

it makes my dick hard from all the sluts and the porn is sometimes god like. i haven't even bought a single Hyperdimension Neptunia game since Rebirth 2

>a typical moe stuff with meme jokes and lewd fanservice

Congrats, you just answered your own question.
Also the doujinshi to come out of it is great, so I'll always appreciate the series even if I never play a single game.

Actually the central idea of personifying consoles as people has a lot of potential for comedy. The issue is when these games are rushed out with like a year of dev time.

Real talk, Neptunia is the only game I've played where grinding was actually fun.

There's something oddly satisfying about it.

It makes meta-jokes about games, companies related to games in general.

>real talk
Underage please go

>eastern game
>thanks the player for playing the game
>oh yeah and these people brought it to you, you can hang around and see if you want, but if not hey no problem, just click out and get back to playing or quitting or whatever
>western game
>hey you finished the game, fuck you. Whaddya want a fucking medal? You're not even good enough for a decent ending with a little closure
>and here's every single person in the history of the fucking world who worked on this game, worked on this game's marketing, fucked someone who worked on this game, cut the relative of someone who worked on this game off in traffic, or otherwise took a shit within two miles of one of our offices once
>you watch this shit for a half-hour and you fucking like it. You want out? Better crash the program manually, buddy-boy.

>meanwhile at Neptunia's credits
>It's a 3 minute ending credits sequence with a catchy song and old video game references up the ass
>it also makes references to your journey along the way


I mean, a lot of Japanese games do this in general, but there is something really heartwarming about Nep credits in particular.

I once saw a credit scene that literally listed all the babies the staff had during development. And like, Neptunia is a far cry from Mass Effects "YOU FINISHED THE GAME. BE SURE TO BUY THE DLC"

I really want an old school Nep game like the ones they show in the credits.

>it's best to just ignore them and move on, I detest weaboos as well and firmly believe that their shit taste is killing this board and that there 100% deserves to be a board dedicated to japanese games like /jv/ or something but there's no point getting all riled up over them because it's not going to change a thing
>same goes for Sup Forums, I like the board but the weaboos fucking kill it
There you go, using that word like you know what it means, or any history of this Vietnamese croquettery district chat's history.

Haha, wow, Live-A-Live, that's a deep cut

>Compile Heart ends up making a more nostalgic, good JRPG than Sqeenix's new developer studio opened for the sole purpose of HEY YOU REMEMBER CHRONO TRIGGER YOU NERDS WELL THIS GAME IS SORTA LIKE CHRONO TRIGGER

I love the series, I know its not for everyone, but I enjoy how lighthearted and delightful everything is in it. Even when the game is being serious they call themselves out for doing so because that's not what the game is supposed to be about.

Plus any game that actually thanks the player for playing each game is always a nice change of pace compared to the edgy and angsty games in the market nowadays.

Good 'ol Assassin's Creed. To this day I have yet to find a game with more absurd credits.


its kinda fun.

I play it in bed with a controller.

I only just started the series but I hope there are more clothing options to allow for maximum comfiness.

I remember finishing Blood Dragon and there had to have been at least 20-30 minutes of credits.

Fucking Ubisoft.


Why the fuck is there toilet paper outside the bath's window? Do you climb outside and shit on the ground so you don't track water everywhere and then wipe and get back into the bath?

>developer puts in a hidden post-endings sequence
>it doesn't play if you skip the literally longer than a goddamn hollywood movie credit roll

maximum dick move

Damn, that's cute.

Oh, you're in for a surprise. By the time you get to the end there's a shit load of unlockable clothes and accessories and shit you can nab.

fucking excellent.

RPGs/games in general need more customisable clothing.

>Compile Heart still wont stop recycling dungeons and dungeons
Defend this, compile cucks.

Doesn't Atlus do the same thing but on a lesser scale?

Okay then.

They're good at it. They make good dungeon crawlers with interesting ideas.

He's asking why, autismo.

He's not telling you to dislike it.

Nep understands that console war isn't what gaming is all about, and it makes a point to move from that.
Nep series is very much Gaming according to the Japanese viewpoint, and I play it to see what CH/IF had to say about the concerns of the day (piracy in MK2-RB2) and the way how things have evolved (history and legacies of Sega with RB3, Nep v SeHa and V-II)

This is what you don't get with any other gaming title. No other gaming title is a self-depreciating localized 'state of the industry' as with Neptunia. Say what you will about how meme-laden borderlands may be, but that title makes no attempt to show what Gearbox wishes to say regarding the everything from gaming demographics to the shift in gaming culture; the west is content with making memes and references peppered about, while Neptunia *IS COMPLETELY* about the Japanese gaming industry.

>Why the fuck is there toilet paper outside the bath's window?

That's the point.

>tried Rebirth 1.
>all these plans need shit I haven't encountered yet.
>all these recycled dungeons.
>gameplay became "spam EXE Drives to win" as soon as I got them like holy shit one of them took 3/4 of a huge enemy's HP off at the start of the fight.
Is there anything ingame that tells you what you can gather from each dungeon?

You know what I liked? In RB3, there was a post game segment about phone games. It was fucking on point and it was amazing, especially how they fought back against it

>Villains make phone games to capture market share
>Phone games become the most popular form of gaming
>They're all pretty shit F2P pay2win garbage
>Use established game brands to sucker people into playing this shit
>Continuously make meaningless updates and add more and more over powered cards just to force people to spend more money to stay competitive
>The games aren't fun to play but are very addicting, people are wasting large amounts of money and are angry all the time because they're not enjoying themselves
>The Neps fight back by releasing phone games that are actually fun to play

Compile Heart, unlike Sean Murrey's Hello Game, doesn't lie to the audience about what they are getting.

Nope, but the wiki has a list of stuff. Rebirth 3 onwards does have an in game list though.

I like the humor.

People like kusoge.

That was pretty great to see.

>(piracy in MK2-RB2)

No other game I've ever played outside of Nep ever referenced a R4, let alone make it such an important part of the series.


I think that V-III (or whatever Iffy will name the next mainline nep game) will talk exclusively about the rise of mobile game platforms. I seriously think that iOS and Android will be the real talking point because that's the main source of gaming revenue in Japan today, at the expensive of all the consoles involved.

I am not very hopeful about IF talking more about PC continent, where Neptunia series is blossoming. That's outside the bound of the Japanese gaming industry by and large, and it's only in the last 2-3 years where Japanese audience and makers have finally waken up to the PC digital platforms such as Steam, Origin or Uplay.

People are terrible and like terrible things. An unfortunate truth about life.

I'm mildly interested in it. Might buy it and never play if Sup Forums is right and it's actually a shit game.

I just like the fact that this shit is made by girl devs who aren't too hung up on sexualizing girls. I suppose that's par for the course in Japan though.

This. I collect them all. Agarest, Neps, Cross Edges, Trinity Universes, etc.

I blew my fucking mind when I made the Arfoire=R4 connection and then blew my friend's mind when I told him about my revelation.

I'm guessing there might be a mini segment or something about PC Gaming, but it's unlikely that it will get a great deal of focus. I guess you could say that NitroPlus already dealt with it already, in a way.

You have to have quite an appreciation for cute shit being presented towards you only for the sake of being cute.

That being said, I could only get so much out of the Rebirth games, however I'm really enjoying Megadimention.

Warechu == Pirachu == Pirate
Abnes being ambassador to UNICEF
Anonydeath hacking Lastation as with user hacking PSN.

I can't imagine caring about that shit. I thought caring about "and you" in the credits was a meme. They could replace every credit scene with "fuck off" and I wouldn't care at all. I might even prefer it because it would be quicker.

>Not caring about retro 8bit sprites
>Not caring about ED

Jeez, your taste is rather putrid.

Noire has no friends


Serious question, are you people just extremely dense and slow to pick up on references? I don't see how R4 is a mind blowing revelation at all.

Or is this why the games have to be literal parodies for you to enjoy them? And that the slightest bit of subtlety is wasted on you?

What? I assumed Abnes was basically mothers on Facebook who screech BUT THINK OF THE CHILDREN or something.

I also like how Mr.Bad was in charge of taking over Lowee. Nintendo being attacked by terrible business decisions by old men, it's almost like Compile Heart is on to something.

Because the VAs pronounced Arfoire as in Ar-fu-re-ru in Nipland. It's not R4 unless you go by English VA.

Honestly, it was because I don't pirate so I never heard of an R4 before. My friend does, and he was talking about pirating shit on his DS. I was like "Oh, them flashcard things?" and he said that he uses an R4. The conversation continued for a bit before I suddenly got the connection.


In Nipland they call her Magicom or something, I thought.

Does it legitimately brighten your day to see "any you" in the credits?

>PS3 has no games
>PS4 has no games
>Noire has no friends

Is it just a coincidence?

Most people don't know what the R4 was because a lot of people didn't pirate in the west.

Get your head out of your holier than thou ass you fucking cunt.

Not everyone owns a DS, so we may know about flash carts, but R4i or SKY3DS, DSTwo+ or Gateway really wouldn't ring a bell.

Arefoire = R4
Magicom = Magic Computer

Magic Computer is a term in japan for something that helps piracy, so the allegory to english is R4.

Her name is basically Majikon.

I seldom play weebshit, but developed a liking to the aesthetics of the game. Some user gifted me a copy and I finished the thing.
Purple Heart best nep.

It's not a terrible game, it's just not good and we like it for the fapbait.


You actually bought them? The entire lot? How do you like'em user? I kinda want a Blanc one but I'm not too keen on the design myself...

So which nep is which console?

Explain pls.

What the fuck is a meme game?

Not really console anymore, but platform in relation to console.

Neptune: Sega 32X, Sega Neptune
Uzume: Dreamcast
Plutia: Mega Drive/Genesis
Noire: PS
Vert: Xbox
Blanc: Nintendo
Rei: Atari
Peashy: Turbografx-16/PC-Engine

I can understand casuals not getting the reference, but anyone that did play a significant amount of DS games knew about the flash carts due to the ongoing Nintendo lawsuits at the time. R4 in particular was definitely in the news as Nintendo tried to stomp it out, which invalidates what says.

Otherwise, it's just underage newfags discovering mediocre parody for the first time ever and declaring it a masterpiece.

>main character is Sega

On top of that...

Nepgear = Gamegear
Uni = PSP, Vita
Rom and Ram = DS, 3DS

You also have characters that represent game companies, but they're just called the company themselves. Famitsu, Cyber Connect 2, RED, that sorta thing.