Are there any decent gaming pcs around 500 dollars?

are there any decent gaming pcs around 500 dollars?

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Here's one that's not complete trash for $700 including monitor and and Windows. You might be able to find parts on sale though. You can always buy a cheap prebuilt and put in your own graphics card, although that might be a gamble since prebuilts usually have bad power supplies. A cheap Pentium office desktop with a graphics card jammed in will be able to play games, just not at amazing performance or anything.

>Paying for windows 10

Can't you just get the free version of that shit and then download some program to take off the watermark?


Apparently you can get it for free if you have Windows 7 and download 10 through the accessibility options. They're giving W10 for free to blind people but don't even check if you're actually blind. Although I'm sure they're aware of this exploit but don't care either way.

Sorry it's late and I'm fugging tired.

The free version of windows 10 leaves a little imprint on your screen, reminding you that you have the free version until you actually pay for the shit. Or at least it use to.

Yeah but even if you didn't, you could still get windows 10 for free. It just had that annoying text on your desktop.

Good user, if i were to buy those parts, how could i learn to assemble it?
And how good is this spec? You said that it's not garbage, can you explain further?

Search Benchmarks.
You can play with a 460, but you won't play new Games on high in 1080p, because it's a Card for "e-sport Games" like LoL, DotA, Overwatch, these will work fine

hoyl fuck please dont buy this list user, its completely overpriced

But are the parts good?
I can search them for a better price

What games do you want to play with it?

need to buy a region banned game for steam
What are my options?

>buying windows
>needing a mouse and kb
>using wifi
>no ssd
>bronze PSU

dont do that.jpg


Not the newstones because i have a PS4 but consider something like Wow Legion on decent/high settings and at least 30 fps, mobas and old games like Dark Souls 2 and freeroaming shit like elder scrolls and GTA (not 5 tho)
Thx user

Here is a good build for

This will get you decent frame rates in Legion at 1920x1080, and max out every other game you listed, and was able to fit in a blu ray player.

Case is subjective but NZXT are easier to work with than most.

You can swap out the disc drive for a mouse/keyboard combo pack and still be under $500.

If you prefer intel products, shoot for an i3 and a corresponding motherboard, but you will likely need to spend a bit above your budget to do so.

God user thanks a lot

>RX 460

holy shit you retard, no, don't do it. That card is awful, a used 960 would be a substantially better buy.

>buying a new pc for under $1000
yeah nah go get a older i5 or i7 build and whack a 480 in there

A GTX 960 is a fucking LEGACY graphics card.

>$120 for Windows 10
What are you doing, nigger? I bought a Windows 10 Pro license for 29€.

pic related


Used 960 start at $160 and most of them cost above $200. It looks even worse if you add the cost for shipping. At this point you could even buy a new GTX 1060 instead.

>R7 240
>6th gen i5
The RX 460 doesn't seem that bad now, does it?

A legacy graphics card that is still substantially faster than the 960

Seriously? Where? Here in ausfag land they go for $120-150 (which lines up to 460 US prices) on the good trade forums (aka not getting kiked by ebay).

Impossible, unless you already have everything except the cpu+mobo+ram+gpu. Those 4 alone costs $500 for a decent performance, and that's with US $.

Those can be bought used for $50 together.

Done is the $500 gaming PC.

Skimping on cpu/mobo to get an SSD is retarded, just use whatever hdd you've got and add it later
Also I wouldn't spend that much on PSU on a budget build

Rate my build Sup Forums, is it enough to run dorf fort?

don't expect "decent" at that price.

maybe the best you can get (considering you already have the monitor and the rest) is an i3/rx 460 or gtx 950/960 build. or you could just buy a console, especially with the 4k ones coming out.

>The price for 1800MB/s read speed NVMe SSDs recently fell to $0.43/GB
>Still recomends HDDs with 50MB/s read speeds

$50 over budget but I think it's pretty good for the price

>$50 for cpu/mobo/ram

Yeah, let's tell a guy on a $500 budget to get a SSD that could fit the OS and 2 AAA games.

There are plenty of GNU/Linux distributions that don't need more than 1 GiB space and AAA games are shit anyway.

anyone want to build me a pc that can play star citizen[/spoiler?]

I'm sure Alienware is wants to build such a PC for you as long as you're willing to pay for it.

why the fuck SSD on a

Looks like you either never had an SSD or never had a HDD. The difference in system responsiveness is like day and night.

looks like you are retarded as fuck, SSD on a fucking budget fucking build is a waste of fuckig money, do you get it? You must have bought a fucking SSD 2 days ago and now you have to tell that to the whole internet, don't you? Holy shit kill yourself

Yes, a PS4 Pro.

Enjoy paying hundreds for games though

>You must have bought a fucking SSD 2 days ago
More like 7 years ago.