Estival Versus DLC is on sale if anyone is interested

Estival Versus DLC is on sale if anyone is interested.
Also Senran Kagura Thread I guess

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>Buying Senran dlc on console after they fucked over every one who bought shinovi versus dlc

If true I'm gonna buy the DLC senrans

thanks OP

EU only though, should have specified that.


I still don't have this game or a PS4
There are still plenty of the Endless Summer Editions left, right? I see them for around fifty bucks on Amazon.

Considering the Endless Summer Edition is the only version of EV in the US, I´d say so.

Daidouji has found a new gig

What is this? And where are her abs?

I really dont get how im supposed to get a good score, how do i press buttons while moving around?

Is actually a character from a mobage that looks conspicuously similar to Dai

If nothing else, it looks better than her Uppers' design

Shiki is so pretty

>her Uppers' design
Please don´t remind me...



Now I know Sup Forums is an imageboard filled with weeb shit. Don't get me wrong. However "games" like this are absolute garbage.

Have fun with your thread though. Have fun knowing these are the type of emotions you invoke from the majority of Sup Forums when you post this garbage here and make these threads.

But feel free to inhabit the same space and post more about your visual novel tittie weeb game.

Im glad you like weeb tiddies too

>worse traits of 3dpd
>still the best Gessen girl

that says more about Gessen in general than anything else.

Why does no one like Gesen other than because of Yumi?

I'm going to make Murasaki work! WORK!

Reddit is down that way

Fuck! I just bought $30+ worth three days ago.
How so?

Because playing through the game as them was a slog, dude. Every chapter of the story with them was "REMOVE EVIL, but these guys aren't so bad, what do?" The other schools at least had a bit more going on. That said, I do like most of the Gessen girls, save for Minori.

The Vita version is sufficient if you have one.

Only real bad thing about the Vita version is the load times.

*ahem* I believe that goes something like this.

"Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong site. Reddit is 2 blocks down."

Not that huge of a fan of Dai, but I would kill to see her get a SSJ-type ultimate form.

>*ahem* I believe that goes something like this.
>"Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong site. Reddit is 2 blocks down."

Could you be less of a fucking cringeworthy faggot though?

Because they are boring as fuck, except for shiki.

I'm going to marry Yumi!

Why Japan hates Dai?

How so?
>50$ for base game
>more than 30$ in dlc
>30$ for game and all dlc.
Hmm wonder how they fucked over console players who bought their dlc.

But on vita you can get the game and all the DLC free

Too strong for them

Considering how much they like Yumi, it's obvious they have no taste.

you're forgetting

>could play the game in 2013

>couldn't play the game until 2016

It's like crying about GOTY editions of games having the DLC included. Hell it's even dumber since those don't take three fucking years to drop.

Are all the DLC packs good?

In a way, I'm glad they don't like her that much because I'd hate to see her whored out by NW as much as they do to Rin

The base game is also half off. But there's no real reason to get it if you've already played SV.

Because Dai is not a tomato

So how much DLC is there, anyway?

Could check the rumours about four missing sets of panties?

Some people believe those point out to more DLC chars coming

Don't do it! She isn't cut out for work.

I'd still like to see more done with both Dai and Rin in the main games aside from showing up at the very end.

You need to know the ID to unlock stuff. I'm pretty sure you can unlock the Ikkitousen girls too if someone gave us their ID's.

But then they'd have to dump the high school setting and we can't have that.

Well, back when SK2 was released Marvelous Europe took questions from fans on twitter and asked them to Takaki. There he said he would love to do a new game with the girls out of school and fully engrossed into the Shinobi life style.

did they ever release the ikkitousen chicks in the states

because I mean I never saw that show or whatever but I wanted that shit.

Dai isn't a boring, generic yamato and Rin has the audacity to be over the age of 18 so Japan hates them.

Kiriya gets a ninja promotion and Dai takes over at Hanzo, while Rin leaves Hebijo and helps out Crimson Squad.

Except for GOTY editions you can buy on the original console not exclusive to just one platform

what about things like TLOU Remastered or Gravity Rush Remastered which run better and come with DLC included? Unless I'm mistaken that never came to PS3/Vita.

Remastered isn't a GOTY good job being a retard.

You're delusional if you think it isn't the same concept under a different banner. Same with some of those old Greatest Hits versions of PS2 games that actually changed them up a bit like DMC3

Remastered is remade with updated quality
GOTY is the same game just with DLC bundled in
Not sure what you don't understand about that.

>Shinovi versus 80$ dlc
> estival versus 150$ dlc
This is quite expensive for shitty dlc, so asking for this much money from one customer base and then throwing it away for free to another customer base is a shitty practice and disrespectful to the 'Original' fan base.
That the port took so long shouldn't matter. Especially since the time for ports to appear is sinking quite much. I'm expecting already the announcement for Estival versus on Pc on the 5th anniversary in a couple of weeks.

It's in same right now. Should I buy it or get dead rising? I played shinovi versus and enjoyed it, is this one pretty much the same?

Estival versus has better characters.

>Estival versus has better characters.

Stop lying user.

>is this one pretty much the same?
Yeah. The combat is slower though

Name one character from Shinovi versus that's better than the Drum chick in Estival.
You can't

Imu, fun as fuck to play as


Will logging into PSN on vita force-update it?

Yea but all the characters from shinovi are in estival right?

Imu is the pinnacle of slow burner taste. She'll have her fans one day.

Well, not ALL of them are in, but all of the playable characters are in there plus a few new ones.

This looks like a boring game.

Cool, I'll just get EV while it's on sale then

so what should I get with the game? Ayame, Ayane and both SK2 girls? the missions don't add anything?

I bought EV just to play Imu, no regrets I love girls in glasses

The missions include the real ending.
At least on the PS4, the real ending is not even available on Vita.

The missions are on Vita too.

>The missions include the real ending.
FUCK, which ones? both mission set and dual blooming hearts?

Not the final one.
Too many Senrans on screen for the Vita.

The Final Battle set

Great I live in EU. But I haven't got the game yet. Can I buy dlc first ? An later install the gayme?

Already bought the game and dlc not long ago, but hey, getting fucked by Sony happens alot

Sure but the DLC is not worth it, if you have some PSN money left I guess you can grab a character if you are bored of other ones but you still have a big rooster.

Damn, that sure sucks. Way to shit on Vita

Hey I like these cards thing, Are they in the ps4 version? Some kind of unlockable content? Or its from some mobile game

Yes, I've done that with games that have free characters for limited time like guilty gear or nitroplus and haven't had any problem.

It's a mobile game called New Wave.

To be fair she is a pretty awful character in SV. She's an absolute bitch to anyone who isn't Miyabi and you'd need a micrometer to measure whatever character growth she got throughout that game.

A mobile game, and no it's not worth playing. Just look at the pretty pictures.

both are in estival versus try again

You just described every EV character, the writing in the game is just memes and molesting.

Will the game itself ever be on sale? Also can I make Hikage do the sushi succ between her thicc like in that webm in the vita version?

The game was on the sale for the past week and will be for like 1 more week.


not in shinovi versus try again


I don't think there is any way they could have added it. Even if you get rid of all the other schools watching the battle it's still six characters fighting on screen.

They are characters from shinovi versus though. You asked for that and those were the answers.

You're damn right I have a big rooster

>>Estival versus has better characters.

Stop lying user.
>names characters also in shinovi versus
If you knew how to follow a conversation you would see how naming those two are pointless.

>Drum chick
At least bother to learn her name.

Only Senrans name I remember is best girl Shiki.

God I love the drum chick so much, the dolphin talking riding on it girl is pretty fun too.

What you wrote was
>Name one character from Shinovi versus
Disregarding SV characters because they appeared on EV is stupid because there are no exclusive characters for the former.

Thanks for proving the point Estival versus does indeed have better characters.

I couldn't give a fuck about what you're talking about. I responded to which asked for a character from Shinovi Versus.

Whole point was a character better than one that appears in Estival versus naming one also in Estival is Moot and has nothing to do with the original point.

user, were you dropped on your head as a child?

No,but seems you where for not being able to follow reply boxes.

Just posting best theme.

The one thing they got right Kagura.