Guitar hero

finally after 5 year i bought guitar hero and holy shit is so much fun.
Which guitar hero is the best?
Which one is the worst? (lets pretend live doesn't exist)
should i get rockband?

Guitar hero thread

3 > 2 > 1 > 5

Ignore all others.

Also Live is OK for what it tried to do. A streaming rhythm game is pretty ambitious and works well with fast internet. You definitely need to be more tolerant of other genres than just metal. FMV was well done and pretty novel.


>Which guitar hero is the best?
Comes down to opinion. I'd say 5 but the setlist is all over the place. Maybe 2 or 3.

>Which one is the worst? (lets pretend live doesn't exist)
Van Halen, Smash Hits, Band Hero, all the ones that had no right to exist and should have been DLC instead.

>should i get rockband?
Only RB2 is worth playing fuck, 4 was such a letdown

Guitar hero 3
Guitar hero smash hits for dem 1 and 2 songs updated for better engine
Rock band 2

Thats about all you need user.


I also like 4 and Metallica if you're into them

>tfw RBN has shut down so i cant download all those shitty sum 41 and blink 182 songs i used to listen to high school

life is suffering

Just play IIDX a real mans music game

Phase Shift. You can have everything or pick and chose all the good songs without all the pack-in filler garbage.

Shit, i forgot metallica. Get that one too, OP. Lots and lots of fun and challenging songs in it.

anyone else remember a game like guitar hero but it was on the internet?

Frets on fire

>should i get rockband?

yes because they're objectively better than any guitar hero game though the RB controller sucks ass, just get one of the guitar hero ones they all work with RB even on PS4.

nah it wasnt that, you would play it on the website

the only thing about 4 that disappoints me is that I can't play any of my delisted DLC or RBN stuff.

super crazy guitar maniac deluxe series.

Rock Band > Guitar Hero

I started on Guitar Hero, but when Rock Band was around, it took over.

Used to hold the record for Bulls on Parade on the PS2.

Rock Band guitars are easier to use IMO.

I haven't played in years.

nvm i found it, its called jam legend but its defunct now fug.

I can't remember the name of what I'm thinking about, but I remember one where you used your keyboards F keys, and hit enter to strum while holding the keyboard like a guitar.

I loved that one, how I got so good at Guitar Hero before I could afford to own it.

2 is VERY polished. The animations, the fact that every song in the game is redone by the creators.

All of that is gone in 3. it has very stale animations and focuses on being "realistic".

And then Anything beyond 3 is just Rock Band.


3 is easily the best, can't decide between 2 and World Tour for second place

what system are you playing this on?
on pc there's a mod for world tour that adds most songs from other installments and rock band 1&2

2 has my favorite mechanics and setlist, especially the 360 version for Possum Kingdom.
GH3's timing windows are looser, but they throw more notes at any time.
Still, either choice is good.
Pandora best girl

>ignoring WoR
Don't listen to this man

Guitar Hero 3's engine is fucking trash, though.

That's why Rock Band is a much better game.