Are we enjoying gaming on it?

surely we dont mind OS upgrading in the background and forcing us to play at 10fps on a $2000 pc right?

surely we dont mind torrents magically disappearing?

surely we dont mind losing support for 360 gamepad & webcam & wireless kb+m?

7 > XP > Ubuntu

>better than xp

I would, but none of this has happened to me so far, and I've been using it since TH1.

had none of these problems and i'm using a $2000 pc, torrents, a 360 gamepad and a wireless keyboard

how do torrents even disappear?

>forcing us to play at 10fps on a $2000 pc
Just like windows 7 :^)

It literally does all of those things better than any other OS to date. You can try to prove me wrong but it's impossible
t. someone who used w10 since launch.


performance in games was actually better

win10 user, none of these things have happened to me yet

>surely we dont mind OS upgrading in the background and forcing us to play at 10fps on a $2000 pc right?
>surely we dont mind torrents magically disappearing?
>surely we dont mind losing support for 360 gamepad & webcam & wireless kb+m?
Pure shitpost

win 10 is garbage

I'm only using it on another partition to play forza and halo 5 forge

What the fuck are you talking about?


>OS upgrading in the background
You can disable that, retard.
> forcing us to play at 10fps on a $2000 pc
Games run fine at 60fps, fucker.
>surely we dont mind torrents magically disappearing?
They don't retarded, piece of shit. Also support the dev or go back to console.
>surely we dont mind losing support for 360 gamepad & webcam & wireless kb+m?
All of those work fine, retard.

yes goy. upgrade to the windows 10.

Back to you go.

My FPS is better than ever
Torrents still working
On the rare occasion I use accessories, all work

So yes, I'm enjoying it greatly, best machine I've played on so far. Glad I could talk about how happy I am with my w10 machine with fellow windows fans :D

>mfw when people got memed to not get a free copy of w10
>tfw you can roll back and upgrade to 10 anytime, even after the free upgrade was over

>98 to xp
No more DOS support
>xp to Vista
No more EAX, massive compatibility issues
>Vista to 7 to 8 to 8.1 to 10
No more ???


The update overall isn't that bad, but it can seriously go fuck itself on automatic updates in the middle of shit, and if you want to shut down your PC and there is a update you have to update before it can shut down, on top of all that when it updates it always gives me shit for my wireless mouse and won't update unless I unplug my mouse and once it's done it won't read my mouse have to use my keyboard to update drivers every damn time.



;) you should OF OF done your homework .

now enjoy that thick dick

PS; the ride never ends . enjoy


I've been using win10 since the first millisecond it was available and I've had literally ZERO problems.

oyy veyy. dont you have a 15Gib security update to download? better pause that Codex Doom torrent