Rules And Regulations For The Mods

Hiro has made it clear that we need to talk about and discuss what should be and should not be allowed on our boards. And that the mods must be regulated on a tight leash to follow our guidelines.

So let's talk about how to fix and improve Sup Forums. Also Hiro is watching mods, don't try to fuck us

>Also Hiro is watching mods, don't try to fuck us
I don't think they care because they assume Hiro won't do anything.

Enforce generals. Sick of seeing FF14 and Overshilled threads here.

Split into /vj/


One video game board is enough.

1. Improve moderation on /vg/ first so all the general-tier trash topics can go back without worring about avatarfagging destroying their generals
2. Cull Sup Forums tier shitposting
3. Cull e-celeb shitposting


>3. Cull e-celeb shitposting


I can't tell if that's his wife, his kid, or his little sister

>implying I care what is and what isn't allowed on Sup Forums


It feels wrong to watch this.
>can't tell the girls age
>is that a sibling?
>his dick was in that and it touched her mouth

Enforce the fucking rules, 2 3 and 4 could perfectly be non existent at this point

Let Sup Forums moderate themselves again, make Sup Forums great again. Tell the mods to fuck off, they're nothing but redditors who abuse the vague "flame posts" rule to ban anything that offends them.

>Let Sup Forums moderate themselves again

Sup Forums would just turn into a mixture of Sup Forums, /h/ and Sup Forums

I would support the purge of the moderation team for a new one, just to see if they are actually that bad.



More video games less whining about social justice and tumblr

That's basically his response whenever someone starts complaining.



Good, good. Fuck the cucks who threat this shitty place as if it were reddit or a forum.

Like seriously how can this be so hard?
Hoew can pure garbage like this stay up for so long?

Visible Sage
Make a containment e-celeb board

We should just put Sup Forums on a plane.

See my previous post

>Fuck the cucks who went to a video game board for video games and got bitching about irrelevant SJW e-celebs and tumblr

>talk about vidya
>perma ban anyone who doesnt
>Sup Forums is fixed

gee how hard

Yeah, nah. That would fundamentally change how the board operates.

>Make a containment e-celeb board

I can't even imagine how terrible that board would be

But the new team might be worse.

Just imagine all the butthurt samefags

Hiroshima needs to fuck off and do nothing.

Ban kotaku and tweets
Ban all these lets play shitters Sup Forums watches

Everyday I fantasize about winning the lottery and using my earnings to buy Sup Forums from Hiro and crack down on moderation.

I'd also make it a global offense to tell people who like anime to get out.

Just look at Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums right now.

Just delete the board. There's nothing salvageable here.

Or keep it as it is, it has basically become a containment board at this point

I say either permaban barneyfag or give him mod powers.

Hiro is a shady mother fucker. I don't think he has a clue how to run the boards. Everytime you bring up something he just asks a shitty question to your question.

>Hiro can you fix this?
>How fix?
>This way
>Why that way?
>Because it is the best way
>Why is it the best way?

That could happen yeah, maybe if we did it for a set period of time and then ask Sup Forums what did they think we could get something. I just want to change this board a little bit.

Ban eceleb threads
No more youtuber/streamer drama

Enforce the rule that forbids to start flamewars

Do something to encourage OC and not the same threads over and over again

The r9k algorithm would save this board

Sup Forums, /jp/, Sup Forums, and basically all the boards that aren't full of normishits moderate themselves just fine.

If Sup Forums is worth anything it WILL learn to moderate themselves, stop replying to normiecucks, troll and shitpost the living shit out of non acceptable normie thraeds (e-celeb shit, trash western normie games, etc) so that everyone who isn't part of the board culture will be forced to emigrate to someplace where they are welcomed.

Can't do that? Sup Forums was never worth anything to begin with so let it burn.

>give barneyfag mod powers

this is so stupid it might work

what if it's all of those

>So let's talk about how to fix and improve Sup Forums
Enforce GR15
Horsefucker posting is an instant permanent ban from any board that isnt /mlp/
Barneyfag gets the hardest ban available

Ban smashfags, they're stinking up the joint. Same with the Undertale autists

Ban avatarfags and off-topic bullshit, like the guys that will post crops of shit without even posting a comment on something. Also autosage or delelete recurrent threads.

Barneyfag is the closest thing we have to a consistent reinforcer of a rule.

Why don't we have an e-celeb board yet? It'd solve a lot of issues spanning several boards.

give v and vg thread IDs, there, I just solved half our problems

Doesn't fucking matter either make an e celeb board or else we will just use Sup Forums.

Delete shit Sup Forums says already.


What we need to do is make Sup Forums about video games.

Ban console war shitpost threads.
Ban e-celeb and youtube threads.
Ban off-topic threads that have nothing to do with video games.
Enforce the shitpost ban in general.
Ban porn dump threads, there are boards for that.

There's already a lot of problems gone. Make it impossible for other boards to make this place a shitpost dump like it's currently known for. Make it a video games board.

It's simple.
We kill the frog posters.

You destroy it and start anew.
Actually, just destroy it.

Hiro is a troll, just like moot was.

He speaks Engish fine, but you retards still fal for his fake broken Engrish.

You guys always have these threads on "fixing Sup Forums"
But nothing ever happens

Force new games into Generals

Allow porn (that shit is getting ridiculous)

Give him mod powers but dont give him the ability to post.

Let him permaban faggots breaking GR15 to his hearts content.

Looks like ittybitty. If so shes 19.

Like you?

Just post ponies on every rule breaking thread. Nor the mods or Revved can ignore them.

>Sup Forums moderates itself
it's a constant shitflinging war between ironic shitposters and retards, how is that moderated?

>If Sup Forums is worth anything
it's not

But most mods actually have banned people because "you are talking shit on anime because you're a butthurt normie". So your biased bullshit is already in.

moot was a funny troll who tried to fix things from time to time and knew the difference between shit that actually needed to be taken seriously and stuff he could fuck around with. It feels like it's all the same to Hiro.

I second the notion of making a new /vj/ board. Sick and fucking tired of seeing weeb waifu threads here that are only oh so tangently related to video games. Sup Forums is overrun with these "say something nice about her", "did you buy her game", "X is cute! CUTE!" threads and the mods do fuck all about it because the mods are all weeb Redditors who jerk off to anime.

Make a /vj/ board and keep this garbage away from actual video game discussion.

t. Worried samefag


I'm starting to think making you a mod but disabling your posting abilities really is the best idea

>Make a containment e-celeb board

Just fucking delete threads and ban users. We don't need a board for every topic, because then you add those people to the site's general userbase. Discussion of e-celebs can fuck off to some other corner of the net.

No it wouldn't, because pepole discussing non-vidya topics on Sup Forums don't do so because they have no where else to go, they do so because they're in the company of other retards perpetuating off-topic discussion. They come here for the "Sup Forums-flavor," and wouldn't fuck off to an e-celeb board unless moderation did something about it. Even then that hardly prevents them from spilling over to the rest of the site.

You cant fix Sup Forums without removing anonymity, and then it would just become another reddit or gamefaqs

Get the fuck over it and move to reddit if you cant handle shitposting you dumbass

They have? Since when?

This is an anime website.

>Console war cuck mad that he got banned for breaking a board rule

Go on and explain how thats the case.

If Barneyfag cared about the rest of the rules he'd be practically a God moderator. A very unforgiving one too.

>Improve moderation on /vg/ first so all the general-tier trash topics can go back
This. Sup Forums is bad in terms of shitposting but /vg/ is worse because it's usually the same three or four posters wearing trips jerking each other off and creating a clique within the general that makes it impenetrable unless you become as huge a faggot as they are. I can ask a question in Sup Forums and get at least one good answer amidst all the shitposting, /vg/ will simply shit on me for not knowing and tell me to go away. Most tolerable I found was the Destiny General while the worst is FFXIV's. It's basically a glorified ERP thread and it's horrible

Why do you think the ability to hide threads and posts exist?

>Give him mod powers but dont give him the ability to post.
This. There are literally no downsides to this.

Yes god forbid people want to discuss video games and not use Sup Forums as a shitposting dump

>hurr just go to /vg/

/vg/ has a slew of its own issues.

The rules on Sup Forums are good. They just need to be enforced.

I'm gonna same this.


The only way to fix all the problems with Sup Forums (or Sup Forums as a whole) is to require tripcodes, as people would no longer be able to troll anonymously and have actual accountability for their posts. And mods can track rule breakers easier. But obviously no one wants that.

Any other rules you implement will just be ignored as long as people have anonymity and ip evasion.

country flags per post

post once every 5 seconds instead of once a minute

wordfilters for shit like "shill" and "femanon"

See? right now, that screencap doesn't prove jack-shit, but with IDs it'd be irrefutable proof.

Sup Forums is completely out of control. It shits up itself and worse many other boards with their reeking minds.
I can't even streamboar a single event like keynote or eurovision without reading thousand of triggered Sup Forumskids pushing their unrelated agenda.

>Moderation bias is ok because this used to be a haven for anime

Don't make the rest of us look retarded.

Make a fucking Twitter/E celeb board for fuck sake.

>Sup Forums should have any fucking say in how it's run
I wish I could find the gif of steve carell saying no.

Sup Forums is shit but any attempts to fix it will only end in disaster.

Fuck off and leave my shithole how it is.

Containment boards are a mistake. Purge the filth.

One of the appeals of Sup Forums is that every post you make is self-contained. It doesn't matter what you said in the past, everything you say is a standalone comment so nobody can scrub through your posting history and say "HE SAID X TEN MINUTES AGO SO Y IS INVALID".

>wordfilters for shill
t. Marketer

Sup Forums is already a disaster, it literally can't get worse short of having /mlp/ flood it or something

Rule fags are the worst.

It's not bias you retard.

See? The fact you don't feel yourself welcome at Sup Forums means their self moderation is working.

Been saying this since 2010:

Salt tripcodes with the thread ID. Removes tripfaggots and has the added advantage of still allowing people to maintain an identity across a thread which was the original fucking intention.

Also OP should be able to delete posts from his own thread and ban people from ever posting in his threads again

Making a /meta/ or /web/ board about e celebs and shit would actually help a little bit. We need a lot more but its a good start.

>used to be
It's enforced by the people who enforce the rules, so that's how the site works. You think cops would stop arresting people for murder just because a lot of people suddenly started doing it?

I have yet to encounter a general like this. What games have you been lurking?

holy shit hiro is posting?

how often does he post?

Mods need to stop deleting threads talking about games just because they don't like the game. Or because one person reported an argument. While at the same time letting Kagura or Pokemon porn dumps to hit 500 posts. Or basically any Final Fantasy thread which is an endless argument.