Is there anyone here who considers Echoes to be the best of the Metroid Prime trilogy?

Is there anyone here who considers Echoes to be the best of the Metroid Prime trilogy?

If so, explain.

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I think pretty much everyone agrees that 1 > 2 > 3 even if they personally like 2 or 3 more.

Sounds about right.

prime 1 is more consistent throughout, but the highs of 2 far surpass the highs of 1

It's my personal favorite.
Aether is a hell of a lot more interesting than Talon IV, the bosses are a lot better, there's more going on with the combat, the new equipment was refreshing, the lore is more interesting. Prime 1 was an amazing transition of Super from 2D to 3D but it's Echoes and where the Prime series really came into its own identity.

All three games in the trilogy are brilliant but the high points of Echoes and Corruption exceeded anything in Prime.

I do:

The levels in Prime 1 feel a bit generic: forest, sand, fire, ice, rock.

Prime 2's feel less about the element and more about the setting: temple grounds is sort of tech-y sand, agon is desolate, torvus is all humid and weird, and sanctuary fortress is just awesome.

Better Bosses and Better Environments than 1. More frustrating enemies and a bullshit ammo system though. It's not even that difficult to get ammo or it's upgrades so it's just pointless.

Also has some of my favourite music of the three.

2 is my favorite. Never played 3

Sanctuary fortress is the best area in the series, Prime 2 has the best bosses in the series, it's the most challenging, and has the best OST.

But the sky temple key hunt sucks ass and it's a little less consistent than Prime 1, so I think the original edges it out by a bit.

Corruption is worth playing whenever you get a chance to, I love how it does its own thing

It's the whole motion control thing that's really putting me off. Never had good experiences with it.

I want to say it is, but my nostalgia for Prime 1 is strong.

Prime 3 also gets way more shit than it deserves.

Prime is the perfect trilogy

I wish i was dead

me too user
me too

It's my favorite Metroid game.

>Prime 3 also gets way more shit than it deserves.
Corruption's a lot more similar to Fusion in its style and structure, and unfortunately a lot of the Metroid fanbase hates the games that don't follow Supers formula.

Light suit is my favourite armour in Metroid. Anyone else agree?

Is getting 100% completion annoying in Prime 2?

The worst part of the Wii Trilogy collection is that it eliminates the badass title screens of each game.

I still think, MP1 is still the most round of the trilogy. MP2 had some flaws. The most annoying thing is the beginning, before you get the dark suit.
>Running from light to light for five seconds,
>wait for your energy to recharge for like minute
I understand, that it would make dark aether battles too easy, if the energy would recharge faster, but there should be solution like: Stand perfectly still in a light area for 10 seconds and it will recharge fast or something like that.

I like it, just the right amount of Giger compared to the dark suit

The motion controls are arguably better than the controller for this style of game. I'd recommend picking up the trilogy, you can play all 3 games with motion controls and in an unnoticeably higher res

I wouldn't say it's the best, but I prefer it over the other two. It's slightly worse than 1 most of the time, but when it gets good, it surpasses Prime 1 easily. I realize that for most people, this averages out to be worse, but for me, the good outweighs the bad.
Sanctuary in particular is, in my opinion, the best designed zone in any Metroid, 2D or 3D. The overall topology, the variety, the puzzles, the enemies, the atmosphere, the music, everything just fits.

I haven't played 3 in a long time but I remember it being the worst of the trilogy because it was way more linear and FPS-like, and it had a lot of gimmicky motion control segments that added nothing to the experience.

Am I right, or am I being too hard on it?

I liked being able to rip the shields off of enemies

to me sanctuary felt distinctly different than any other metroid area before or since. not to say that's good or bad, but it wasn't something I was entirely anticipating for the final area. It struck me as disappointing, I was hoping there would be some exoskeletal city with hive themed architecture, like the hub but further fleshed out. I wasn't all about this cyber pixel zone of technology, seemed out of place imo.

You are and you aren't.

It certainly has those things, but I recently replayed it a week ago and it was MUCH better than I remembered.

>Am I right, or am I being too hard on it?

This is the consensus, to my understanding. It's still generally considered a good game, but some of the design choices are questionable at best.

What bothers me the most is that I didn't really get a good sense of progression from the game. I was super excited whenever I found a new upgrade in Prime 1 and 2 since chances are, it was going to do something cool, even if it was impractical, like the Charge Combos for the beams.
In Prime 3, it was most likely just going to be some boring ship upgrade that effectively acted like a key card (or worse, ship missiles, which were supposed to be a cool, powerful weapon, but were flat out unusable in most of the areas in the game).
Also, stacking beams were a mistake. The system worked fine in the 2D Metroids, but the beam changing was an essential part of MP1's and 2's identities, I felt.

>It struck me as disappointing, I was hoping there would be some exoskeletal city with hive themed architecture

Is Elysia from Metroid Prime 3 closer to what you had in mind?

Dark Aether is the only setting that both still unnerves me to this day and easy enough to remember that I can recall it.

First play, 1 is the best always and forever. 2 has more staying power, which is why

Funny, I replayed it a couple weeks back and it was worse than I remembered because of those things. Though it remained a good game.

Best suit

I actually never got around to playing 3 :s

but, I just looked it up, and yeah that's closer to what I expected. The fortress in echoes wasn't entirely out of place, but it definitely felt very cold compared to the other areas of the game.

t. GamingBrit

I would've liked it a lot more if the visor and lights stayed orange like in the cutscene.

>Also, stacking beams were a mistake

wasn't that simply button issues? They didn't have enough with the wii mote

Prime 2 actually felt like an alien world to explore contrary to Prime 1's checklist of stock video game levels.

For the most part I agree but Prime 1 had its fair share of alien environments, like the depths of the Phazon Mines and the Impact Crater, both areas I think are the closest it comes to capturing the bizarre atmosphere of the original 2D games.

At least Phazon mines was interesting

I find that Metroid Prime 2 does almost everything better than MP1. The weapons and upgrades you get are more plentiful and interesting and the limited ammo count is actually something I like since it encourages usage of all beam types and not just spamming the Plasma beam on everything except color coated pirates, and the difficulty is much better here whereas MP1 is just way too easy even on hard.

I would say that MP2 is better in all aspects except one. There is so much goddamn waiting in this game. Waiting for your health to refill in dark Aether, waiting for dark enemies to become tangible, waiting through the loading screens, decently short, but plentiful in areas where you have to frequently switch between light and dark, and that lack of ability to save before Alpha Blogg can go eat a dick. The one thing that keeps me from saying that MP2 is better is that MP1 does have better pacing and you're not forced to just sit around and wait for much, except for the Chozo Ghosts.

You know what? Never mind. All the games suck. Every game sucks. I'm going to read a book.

They managed to do it fine with the earlier games in the Prime Trilogy, so I imagine they could have mapped hyper mode to one of the other buttons (I don't recall 1, 2, or the rest of the d-pad save down doing anything)


>Waiting for your health to refill in dark Aether
Crates and other shit are pretty much everywhere and save stations restore health, so waiting to refill your health is pretty much pointless.
I know because I did that shit as a kid.

First time I fought Quadraxis I beat it, then died to the environment before I could collect any of the health it dropped

Prime 2 is my favorite prime game.

imo it's not the most fun because of the heavy backtracking, but it's the most atmospheric, the most unnerving, the most unsettling prime game.
The motherfucking torvus bog, the rain, the grayness, the music, everything makes it seem like the world is your enemy there, especially in dark torvus with the tentacle-y monsters.
The agon waste isn't remarkable in its light state, but the first time going to dark aether was really off-putting, which I really really liked.
The sanctuary fortress is my second favorite area in the prime games (first is elysia, I'm a sucker for sci-fi), it really felt like it was filled with life at some point, and then shit happened.

The negative things I can think of, apart from the backtracking, with having to find the keys to the temple and then the fallen luminoth warriors' ghosts to open the last temple , is the gimmick-y sonic visor, and the missile-rays combination, which felt really really underwhelming compared to prime 1.

>All these people bringing up the positives of MP2
>Not one mention of Dark Samus

I wanted it to be my favorite but the fucking dark world, ugh.

It only kinda fun in the tech area for all the red LEDs

Yeah, she's great. I loved how she gets new moves every time you fight her.

>The pirate logs where they shit their pants when they find out there are 2 Samuses on Aether

If only they didn't cut the encounter from Torvus.

I'd say is the second best overall, but the one with the best atmosphere. Which I regarded as the best quality of the Prime series.

Reading the logs from the corpses of the dead Luminoth gave me the chills like no other game did. Specially those from the dead father and his daughter nearby

3 did something similar, but conveyed it better through the whole environment design and how the levels told the story of what happened.
1 was just boring reading mundane logs from the walls, and by boring I mean slightly less interesting.

Not so fast. 1 is clearly the safest, but that's not necessarily a good thing (nor a bad thing).

Basically everyone likes it, whereas they have conficting opinions on 2 and 3, but that doesn't necessarily mean everyone likes 1 better.

>1 was just boring reading mundane logs from the walls

The logs in Prime 1 were interesting as hell though.

Read the rest of the same phrase.

Regardless, interesting as it might have been reading about space pirate rations (and it was pretty nice), it's nothing like that moment in Prime 3 when you enter the portal in Bryyo and receive that transmition, after having learned everything that happened in that planet through the perspective of one of the exiled scientists.
That shit was powerful man.

I think Echoes is the best.
I believe the reason people prefer Prime is because it did it first, because it was more revolutionary, but in my opinion Echoes did everything that Prime did but better. The music is better, the level design is better, the monster design and suit designs are better, the environments are more unique, the combat is better, the bosses are better, the challenge is better, the beam system is better.
I can somewhat understand the complaints with Dark Aether, but those segments aren't as drawn out as people make them out to be and I think they serve to create a very hostile, alien atmosphere which is what Metroid is all about.
A lot of people also don't like the ammo system, but the way it's set up makes the combat more dynamic and means you don't just use the newest beam you have outside of elemental weaknesses.
Another thing people bring up a lot is the key hunt, but Prime also did the same exact thing, so that's kind of silly.

Hypothetically, would the Prime trilogy be contradicted in any way if Samus had a Phazon-related adventure in between 1 and 2 (or 2 and 3)?

In other words, could a Prime game set after 1 and before 3 work?

I love Dark Samus, but I wish they named it anything but that. When someone that hasn't played or doesn't remember the game hears "Dark Samus" they think it's just a generic evil doppelganger, but aside from form-factor, Dark Samus is completely different from Samus.

Corruption is one of the few first person Wii games where the motion controls actually work and are fun to use.

the feds are still exploring phazon at the beginning of Corruption, so not too much info about phazon can be dished out, but I imagine there would be time for a side-story whilst the Dark Samus is infiltrating and becoming the space pirate leader

Hunters is between 1 and 2.

I absolutely love the pirate logs in the Prime series.

Could they have done the screw attack any more justice in 3D?

Technically you could still just call it Metroid Prime

I usually do.
Which is another reason why Federation force is shit: why the fuck is it called Metroid Prime when Metroid Prime isn't even in it?

Federation Force is then best.

It has the most replay value out of any of the other Prime games, with the best combat and general gameplay.

Fuck off TheGamingBrit.

I do but
1) It was the first one I played
2) Ever since LttP parallel worlds is one of my vidya fetishes

Probably not. Giving it more vertical climb would break the level design, and giving it more range of movement would be wonky in 3D. The one thing I would have liked is less of a pause after you stop

Go to bed, Tanabe.

Keep in it first person, while still looking from Samus's point of view

I love everything about Dark Samus except her name. Looking back, it's kind of corny and doesn't really fit the universe.

THAT SAID, those were the best humanoid boss fights of the series. I really wish you fought her more than 3 times in that game. Should've had you fight her at some point in Torvus Bog imo.

I laughed audibly

We could say the same about Hunters

What? There was going to be a Torvus Bog boss fight? Fuck me.

That's true, but at least Metroid Prime was still alive at that point in time, and it was a side story between 1 and 2.

I mean, couldn't you tell? Or did you just think she showed up and did nothing for shits and giggles?

She was an alt-color for regular Samus, right?

That totally kind of counts


I thought that was just the way they chose to pace the game. Where would you have fought her?

I wish Dark Samus were in Smash Bros. outside of a Samus alt and assist trophy.

But if she were, Hackurai would probably make her a clone of Samus even though her move set is completely different.

I thought it was cool as fuck and I remember being pretty much fully erect at all the different guns as a kid

I dont think it was the best though

Sakurai can turn any character into a clone. No one is safe.

Well the AT is pretty different.

She should totally be a playable character but Sakurai missed the opportunity with Brawl. I have a slim bit of hope that she'll be in Smash 5 but I have a feeling that it'll never happen.

I do hope that if Capcom ever gets to make Nintendo vs. Capcom that she and Ridley make it in that.

>We didn't get to fight Kraid in MP1
>We didn't get the Dark Ridley fight in MP2
>We didn't get pic relateds trippy bullshit Mother Brain fight in MP1

I know NeoGaf is frowned upon here, but they have an exhaustive set of threads dedicated purely to what was cut out of each Prime game at they're super interesting:

>all of that
It hurts. I do hope that someday we get real Kraid and Mother Brain fights in a 3D Metroid.

I'd also like to fight the later stages of the Metroid life cycle in 3D too.

Metroid Prime series has some of the most interesting concept art or left out elements, I swear to god. Just look up Metroid Prime 1.5.

Do you think we'd have got people begging for Kraid in Smash if he had made it into Prime?

While I'm sick of Ridley and glad he was absent from Prime 2, that song is dope. Is it real or a fan creation?

Real, was datamined from a demo version of MP2.

First time I'm ever hearing this. Didn't even know this existed. Nice.

Retro's next Metroid should be 2.5D

Yes. Mostly hipsters, as evidence of these threads coming up fairly often in the last year or two.

Considering how good the level design in DKCR and TF both were, I'd be 100% okay with this. They'd need to make it in an art style more fitting for Metroid though, but considering this is Retro we're talking about, they could do it honestly.

I'd honestly kinda rather they make another DK game first. Supposedly their next game is an original IP though.

>A lot of people also don't like the ammo system, but the way it's set up makes the combat more dynamic and means you don't just use the newest beam you have outside of elemental weaknesses.

The ammo system didn't do this. Having useful beams did this.

Even if Prime 1 had an ammo system you'd still never use the Wave Beam unless you were forced to.

I felt like the environments and enemies in MP2 were more interesting, but I still prefer MP1. I think I wasn't a fan of the light/dark world gameplay and ammo system.

Jesus Christ, couldn't they have come up with a better name than this? Why didn't anybody notice how wrong it looked?

Maybe make it a better offensive option (outside of the glitch against Emperor Ing) but outside of that, I doubt it.

Frankly, it only looks bad to racists and people spoiled by Sup Forums.

I didn't even notice anything until you pointed it out. I never even thought like that until I started posting on this site, fuck me.

Now this is safe mode of transportation if I've ever seen one

Praise be to Science Team


Sup Forums is a poison.

Pretty much.

I like 2 more than 1 because is harder and has more and better boss battles.

Prime 1 areas are atmospheric but I always feel are the result of trying to make 2 and Super areas in 3D. Prime 2 areas are again atmospheric but are a little bit more original.

At this point Retro could do absolutely anything and I'd be fine with it. 2D Metroid, 3D Metroid, FPS Metroid, third-person Metroid, another Donkey Kong game, some completely different franchise, a new franchise altogether.

They're about the only dev at Nintendo I actually trust these days.