Do you help out or blame newer players, Sup Forums?

Do you help out or blame newer players, Sup Forums?

Depends on their attitude.

It's sometimes hard to tell the difference between a new player and a genuinely retarded player. If they're just inexperienced and willing to learn, then of course I'll help out. But often I can't really tell, I just keep quiet in case it turns out to be a genuine shitter who will play even worse just to spite me if I point out what they're doing wrong.

Neither. I tend to suck at any multiplayer game I try my hand at. Even if I play for a long time. I don't offer too much advice because I don't trust myself. Nor do I blame them because I was probably at fault as much as they were.

I like to help whenever I can

So you're a healer?


Sometimes. In the games that have them I usually try my hand at it. Playing healer is the only time I don't suck at the game.

user it's not Thursday yet

Depends on the help they're asking for. I don't mind answering questions or showing someone where to go, but I don't powerlevel/boost people or run them through shit just because they ask.

Yeah i help them out until they annoy me and i start blaming them

It's a cycle

I lure in the female gamers for tit pics in return for teaching them some mad skills. After that I blame them for being too retarded to understand me.

>Do you help out new players?
Always, but whether I'm a good guy or a huge asshole about it is up to

Depends on their attitude like said but also depends on if they jumped into the "serious" mode knowing nothing.

In vermintide I tend to be nice in hard mode games (difficulty 3/5) but in nightmare or cataclysm I expect them to know what the fuck they're doing.

>Numbani A, attack, competitive
>Go reinhardt
>"OK, in case anyone here doesn't know, avoid the road. Go left and up at the first turn"
>walk up the left
>everyone runs to the road and gets slaughtered
>turn up mic volume, jump up and down, and turn shield on and off
>4/5 follow me and we take the point easily

>newbie pilot in Heli
>"Learn how to fly you dipshit cunt fucker!!"

Fuck I hate how people on pub servers turn into complete bitches because they cant comprehend the fact that new players are new. You want a pro environment? go play comp servers.

>guy types out a question about what button to press to do X or something
>instead of going into the menu and looking at key bindings or controls
>someone answers him

>"hey guys how do you open inventory?"
>"press alt+f4"
>"player has left the game."

If they ask I'm always happy to help, but I don't like giving out unsolicited advice. It feels patronizing

If it's my friend, then he gets Wikipedia/minute of information about the game.
If it's a random, then he gets a short advice.
If it's a random and not a new player then he gets a bucket full of shit on his head for being bad.

Where was Sup Forums when they first fell for this? For me it was in StarCraft and I wanted to know how they were typing shit like upside down question marks


I don't know how someone would go about blaming a newer player.

>"hey guys how do you open inventory?"
>"press alt+f4"
>"it's not doing anything"
Fucking Linux players


>you suck
hows that?