Play one of the best games ever made

>Play one of the best games ever made
>Not going to be able to enjoy playing anything else for years to come because they'll all feel shallow as fuck in comparison

Radiant Historia was a mistake.

Other urls found in this thread:


What made it so good? Might give it a try.

Top tier story, absolutely amazing protagonist, amazing "villain", god tier OST and a battle system that actually has you doing more than just clicking a move with no thought put into it.
The characters in the story are all fleshed out and are all written just beautifully.

I'm at a loss as to what I could critique in the game.

everything about this game is good, especially the music, OP is completely right, it's a masterpiece and everything else feels like shit compared to it

I remember playing this a while ago and never finished it because my ds was stolen but the game had this really mature atmosphere and interesting time reset mechanic

Its definitely not your typical faggy jrpgs like FF and persona

is this bait?

I ruined it for myself by trying to emulate it on my phone. Maybe I'll try again when that bad taste goes away. That was a mistake.

Baller MC that puts about 95% of JRPG protagonists to shame.

I'd say the biggest issue is how basically every option was either "progress timeline or bad end" and some of the ways characters reacted in one timeline due to events of the other.

>all written beautifully
>Marco somehow defeats you and your party despite being a supremely useless fuck who has no special power and is weak in every fucking timeline forever

Let's not exaggerate here.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”

― Dr. Seuss

To be fair, we don't know the details of how that went down

Are you guys doing the thing where you make constant threads about a genuinely decent game but you over exaggerate everything to play on the fact that contrarian retards will bite back thus making the game "meme status" so people will just shitpost it on sight?

Cause I have a feeling this is where it's going

>over exaggerate everything
Love this meme.
I'm 28, I've been playing video games for most of my life and RH is truly a masterpiece.

This mindset in which you're supposedly not allowed to express your enjoyment of a game due to fear that Sup Forums will throw a shit fit and claim it's bad needs to stop.

Pretty much except
>you guys
It's literally one guy. We've had plenty of good threads about Radiant Historia but recently one cancerous newfag discovered it and has been making shitty threads like this ever since.

>shitpost it on sight
Pro tip, that's what happens to every thread on every board eventually, the only difference is how long it will take, some threads will be ok for years while others descent into blatant shitposting after a couple of threads

First thread I've made on the game, actually. I was in the one made yesterday though.
>People aren't allowed to make threads on video games because it triggers me
I suggest you head to your nearest safe space if this triggers you.

>Radiant Historia
>Infinite Space
>All the Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy remakes
>Rune Factory
>The best Pokemon games

Man, the DS was the king of underappreciated but masterful JRPGs

You're not fooling anyone, man.

More like overrated shit.

Well I for one fooled you.

Here's one on me.

>took 7 minutes to do that shit
>comparing that to a near instantaneous reply.

Pottery in its finest form.

>I'm at a loss as to what I could critique in the game.

Art style is generic anime trash.

>You took too long to reply to me!
Really reaching now aren't we

I would have to disagree. Tales games and Persona are generic looking in terms of art style, but not Radiant Historia.

RH's artist, if it's the one I think it is by the style, drew a lot of ffxi mithra x elvaan, ff tactics, and KanColle (mix of sweet vanilla, hentai, and some fairly brutal hentai). excellent artist overall (i love his vanilla stuff so much)

link to the fairly brutal hentai?

what's with the plethora of hentai artists drawing for video games?

It has really fun gameplay that's pretty simple and intuitive yet encouraged a very wide variety of party/gear setups and tactics in the different fights you encounter. It's also nice that there are plenty of mandatory story fights to challenge you and random battles are very easily avoidable. The story is pretty interesting as far as JRPGs go (some people really hate the fact that it's linear but I think that's totally fine for a JRPG, and I really like how the time travel stuff allows sidequests to be available at all times). Personally it's one of my favourite JRPGs.

There's a couple minor issues:
- It's highly recommended to use aht, gafka, marco, raynie, and eruca in different battles as their unique abilities will sometimes be incredibly valuable, but rosche ends up underlevelled and isn't really useful. And you could say that aht's a bit too good, she's even useful in the full-screen enemy fights for her healing.
- The songs in the OST are fantastic, but it could use a few more songs
- When you set up combo attacks you can't place traps in places where enemies are, even if that space would open up during the combo.
- Lots of palette swap enemies rather than unique sprites

What did you guys like or dislike about this game?

In Japan all artists are hentai artists. It means absolutely nothing.

please stop making these threads everyday RHfag

Most of it is gone from his original postings on pixiv and his blogs from years back but there's a little left over on nijie: nijie info/members.php?id=4815 (you'll need a login)

If you don't draw porn even for fun you'r wasting your talent honestly

>What did you guys like or dislike about this game?
Honestly? I think you hit the nail on the head for me too. I enjoyed the shit out of it but the minor issues you bring up are valid, even though they technically didn't bother me all that much...which I suppose is exactly why they're 'minor' complaints.

I didn't use Rosche much but got a lot of use from every other party member. Aht obviously being the main one.

The game had plenty of boss themes, all of which are excellent but lacked a few more themes for the overworld-esque places you could visit, like Gran Plains.

Bravely Default is much better 2bh.

user you are my favorite memer in these threads. Please keep it up!

I mean personally if a lot of people have enjoyed the game, and it doesn't meet your personal taste. Does in fact, believe it or not, not make it an overrated game.

It really just needs a sequel with a bigger budget.
They were clearly a bit limited in the time they had for asset creation.

It really is the best RPG made in the last 10 years. Wish it would get a Steam port just so I could play it on a bigger screen. I generally hate playing games on handhelds

Horrendously false statement. You should release a public apology for having such bad taste.

It isn't very good. Sorry.

stay mad :')

Please stop. I liked this game, just playing it a few months ago but you are overrating it so much and making it look bad ;_; I guess that's the point but what did the game do to you?

Most of the endings were pretty meh. I can only remember the ending where Aht goes full yandere.
Battle system while fun was a bit too easy, especially if you used traps.
Time traveling got boring fast.
Zero replay value.

It was a solid 8/10

Back to tumblr you go.

As someone that generally dislikes RPGs I still enjoyed Radiant Historia enough to finish it, but I wouldn't call it amazing. it's just well-paced, thanks in part to the timeline system. I don't think the story is that interesting, though, and the combat system is easily exploited since the game never really develops the grid system in a satisfying way. What's-her-name's traps make the game piss easy. I took out one of the last bosses within two turns.

Are there any jrpgs you would rate higher than that?

Actually the best game on the ds

Game was a 7/10 at best, rather mediocre gameplay for an Atlus game, and the story was convoluted due to the multiple timelines system. Plus, the "twist" could be seen from 1 mile away.

Your post is a 2/10 at best.
Bait harder.

>Heiss rescuing Ernst, erasing his memory and giving Stocke the white chronicle so he could groom him into being his successor due to them both being sacrifices so they could destroy the world together
Yeah, I'm sure you saw that a mile away you lying cunt.

I put the game down for a while for reasons beyond my control, and now I can't fucking figure out what I was doing or where I need to go. Is it worth finishing? Should I just start over?

The first time you fight Heist, you already know he will be an antagonist, as the story keeps going and it's not revealed what his character's role is, it becomes pretty obvious that he's the main antagonist

You're an idiot. The game doesn't even try to hide the fact that Heiss is the mastermind behind everything. The question is always why, and his reason for doing so is completely unique and I have no doubt in my mind that you didn't even come close to guessing why he did it until he spelt it out to you at the very end.

Start over and just dedicate a few days to marathoning through the game for the best experience.

Which was a silly ass-pull to begin with

Again, the story is convoluted, the fact that is builds up Dias and Selvan as great antagonists, only for them to die without you even fighting them only makes things worse

>Which was a silly ass-pull to begin with
Except it wasn't. Learn what an ass-pull is before using the word. The entire story existed due to Heiss's plan, it's the premise of everything, so how exactly did you come to the conclusion that it was an asspull?

Dias and Selvan not having their own fights was indeed a missed opportunity, but their main strength was their political power. Nothing really suggested that they were strong in a battle sense.

>tfw no sequel in the same world

>tfw I still havent played RF4 because it's digital only in Europe.

It was shit

>having mental illnesses in 2016

Most Growlanser games, Ogre series, and Infinite space to name a few.

You okay? There seems to be lot of sand in your vagina.

well memed

>tfw got a bunch of DS games shipped recently

Sorry for the big filesize this is from my phone

>Correcting somebody who sad something dumb is now the same as being mad


Awww shit, I'm jelly.

Good choices there, user.

wrong pic

I'm either going to play that or the suikoden games next, as they're two of the few jrpg's I have yet to play. Doubt either of them will be able to match Radiant Historia though in all honesty, but we'll see.

He even gets best girl without trying.

I'm not sure how you managed to post Raynie instead of Aht.

Jeez her face is a lot better on the cover art

Aht is not for lewd though

>get Aht
>suddenly the game turns into a meta-game of pushing everyone on Aht's traps for massive nukes
>suddenly get on bosses that cover the entire screen

Well so much for that

this game is overrated as fuck

just saying

>completely break 95% of the game
>wants to take a quick breather for the other 5%
>party members get mad because they actually have to pick their lazy asses up off of the bench

Aht is a miracle of the universe

Nah, it really isn't.
Just saying.

All great, except for Dark Dawn. Dark Dawn was a mistake.

overrated game with shit ass boring characters and a shit lame story

Need to get around to this. Tried back in January but then DD came out and yeah.

>best game ever made
It's not even better than Chrono Trigger.

And she is so miraculous that the speedrun uses her even on those bosses because her ult skill gets the combo multiplier to go up like crazy

Chrono Trigger was a AAA game until you got an ending

Then the story made no sense and you're forced to suffer through Chrono Cross which is completely convoluted

Raynie isn't a loli, so that automatically makes her better. Not speaking of gameplay of course.

I've played Chrono Trigger, and I'd never bash it because it's a great game but you're just flat out wrong. Radiant Historia trumps it.

Aht is indeed the miracle of the universe, but Stocke doesn't end up with her. Besides she's more of a daughteru than a waifu. If you do Raynie's side quest and get the True ending, Stocke and Raynie will end up together.

Well 4/5 isnt so bad

Game is too easy, to the point where the battle system never truly shined.

It's Chrono Trigger 2.0

All of their faces look better on the cover for some reason. Except for Marco, is that little fucker even human?

More like 0.2.

Sounds like you grinded a lot. Or I was just severely underleveled because the final part of the game was hard as balls. Everything before that final section was pretty easy though.

>Lent cousin Radiant Historia
>This was seven months ago
>He says he's still playing it

>Does everything humanly possible to save everyone
>Does everything inhumanly possible too
>Continues trying to save everyone even when he's been long since forgotten due to slipping up and down the timestream so much
Also yeah, not a whiny faggot, always just tried his best to get the job done as well as he could.

I've noticed nobody ever talks about Eruca. Why is that?
Even waifu fags don't bring her up, it's either Raynie or Aht that gets all the attention.

Because she's a shit.

Ernst's sister is weird for combat, she doesn't really fit a single role which is a shame because she has a great design

She's basically a "Who?" that never gets used, and her role in the story is boring as shit. She's cute, but others are cute too while actually having more interesting things going for them.

Eh well most keep to shipping and Eruca falls out.
Why the waifu faqs are not biting who knows, not enough curves on her?

A balance mod would make this game GOAT