Itt: fix problems you have with overwatch

Not looking for full out balance changes, just slight tweaks that would get rid of unnecessarily cumbersome factors in the game.

>Anas nanoboost should automatically reload target's magazine

>Junkrat and Tracer are immune ultimate self damage

>reduce hanzo's damage slightly now that he fires logs again (current 29-125 to 19-115)

>triple the range of Reaper / Torb being able to bring in souls/scrap

>Reaper can only get souls from corpses he either eliminated or assisted with

>Symetra's Teleporter automatically adds +25 shields to whoever used it

>Winston's Tesla cannon now bypasses armor's damage reduction

>Graviton Surge can not affect you without Line of Sight

>Bastion can move at half speed while self-repairing while in Recon-mode.

What are your suggestions

>That ana change

All roadhogs pray for this.

>Mei is now removed from the game

Do people honestly still have problems with her? Even after her ult buff she is still extremely underwhelming.

Honestly outside of hanamura first cap, I rarely ever see her anymore.

A good Mei can 1v1 anyone and win.

^she literally can't do shit to them

^chew through her like nothing unless she got the drop on them

>Bronze shitter found

Have opinions when you get over 1800. Quick play need not apply

Only QP matters, you literally can't do anything against a team of 5 Mei 1 healer.

>Only quickplay matters

>team of meis is unbeatable

Proper 21:9 support

>implying that I haven't rolled team of mcrees+heal and BTFO team of meis+heal

>triple the range of Reaper
Thats not really a "subtle" change OP. that would make him effective for most ranges and would make him broken as fuck. Did you not remember his ult?

>triple the range of Reaper / Torb being able to bring in souls/scrap

Can you not fucking read? Its the range of their passives to get Souls/Scrap. Not their weapons.

At the moment Torb and Reaper have to got out of their ways to get items of important to their passives. Those changes would make them have to put their short ranged selves in less danger if the soul/scrap was further away.

And for reaper, this is balanced by the part right after that

>Reaper can only get souls from corpses he either eliminated or assisted with

Because at the moment he can tank a fuckton of damage just by being near any death occurring. With the change he would actually have to participate to get the reward.


I'd accept junkrat's change if he didn't get 3rd person view during tire.

learn to read

>Junkrat and Tracer are immune ultimate self damage

Why? The playstyle of the two of them is relatively braindead and blowing yourself to hell with your ulti is one of the only risks the have. Besides, you have to be pretty shitty with Tracer to die to your own ulti, with its limited blast range and all of the mobility she has, and if you blow yourself up with riptire 99% of the time its because someone was right on top of you and you still kill them.

>>Reaper can only get souls from corpses he either eliminated or assisted with

already happens, you clearly never played reaper

>Symmetra's beam slows enemies down like her turrets
>A destroyed teleporter and turret bursts for 200/50 damage repetitively of anyone too close

*explode for 200/50 damage respectively

>cumbersome factors that aren't balance
>list balances

remove all props that you can walk through without contact

allow hud modification, including safe zone so that you can see your health and remaining shots quicker on larger screens

reintroduce the prefer/avoid player mechanic

redefine the loot box system so that either currency is more common by increasing value of dupes, or allow costume tokens that allow you to just pick the one you want

redesign the hero selection menu to have an option to be quicker to deal with, they shouldn't be all at the bottom in a row, see something like spy's compact design menu (ie. press 1-4 to pick a type of class, then press 1-6 to pick which one)

option to disable costumes

While tracers is more accepting, considering Junkrat has the longest startup time, the most obvious, destroyable, and avoidable ult in the game, AND just entering the animations without even starting up drains 75% of your ult meter, it is quite unfair that he can't even use it as a desperation attack for himself.

There isn't a single reason why Junkrat who makes himself super vulnerable while his paperthin ult goes out has to take self damage while Dva can activate hers without fear while also being free to deal damage and hide.

How does that really change? The riptire is still one of the shittiest if not the shittest ults in the game seeing how it can be destoryed by sneezing on it, while also making junkrat a sitting duck.

If anything they need to half the startup animation, because Christ is it long and makes you and the tire vulnerable

Ok 1v1 me, I choose Pharah

*kill you with m2*

You should give riptire a little more credit, it's ability to go up walls and the fact that it lasts a relatively long amount of time makes it easier to hit than you're suggesting. It just takes a bit of thinking, rather than just rolling on the ground in a straight line towards someone like a lot of retards do with it.

Also, yes, you are vulnerable when using it, but it's long timer means you can stand safely back when you deploy it. Even if you are caught by a stray enemy, Junkrat getting killed doesn't stop his ulit. Lastly, Dva's ulti is more for "area denial" than actual killing, and it still leaves her pretty vulnerable for its duration. It also has a much bigger radius so you were a lot more likely to kill yourself with it than riptire. It was definitely possible to kill yourself with it and not kill anybody else either, whereas I have never seen Junkrat tire himself and not kill anyone.

Junkrat main here, I kill myself and nobody else with rip-tire all the time on purpose because I think its funny

But anyways you're both kinda right
Junkrat and McCree are tied for worst ult in the game but that doesn't mean its impossible to get kills with them.
I would still make Rip-Tire's startup animation and speed faster or pop on an extra 25 health on it.

But the 2 second startup time (with the global announcement makes it a big giveaway), the tiny bit of health, the fact that it is extremely loud and can't more than 4 meters before having to reset its climb passive, and fact that the ult costs even more than Dva's to use(RIP = 1250 points, SelfDestruct =1100) is just criminal for something that is so easily to stop.

Its range is 1/2 that of Dva's, does half at much damage, is destoryable, make massive global sounds even across the map indicating its location, and can be destroyed by almost every class before getting into range is just painful and makes EXTREMELY situational.

If his concusssion mine doesn't hurt him, I don't see why his ult has to, especially considering how many negatives it has compared to every other ult in the game.

>>Anas nanoboost should automatically reload target's magazine
>>Junkrat and Tracer are immune ultimate self damage

you just went full retard

>Junkrat and Tracer are immune ultimate self damage
>Anas nanoboost should automatically reload target's magazine
If you're a roadhog who just shot his last shot, and get nanoboosted, its pretty irksome that you are wasting that precious window reloading. If your mag is empty or even used somewhat (like soldier only have 7 shots left) it would be fair that you get your magazine reloaded instantly when activating the nanoboost so you're not wasting the ult you were just given reloading.

Ana's can't see your clip/ammo available, so without communication, there is no way to know. This fixes the problem .

You need to take into account that Junkrat build's his ulti a lot faster than Dva since it builds with damage. I'll agree at least that it could use a bit more health, but you're almost never going to kill yourself and ONLY yourself with it, so it just doesn't make sense to remove the self damage.

>Mei freezes faster

>Mei's icecycle is instant and hitscan

>Zarya's beam is visually representative of her range

>Mercy has to finish her line while ressing for it to count

>Soldier's run is faster

>Phara now can boost left and right not just up

>buffing Mei

>Mei's Icicle is now instant
>And hitscan
Fuck off

Mei is really weak compared to almost every other hero

>Anas nanoboost should automatically reload target's magazine
>Symetra's Teleporter automatically adds +25 shields to whoever used it
>Winston's Tesla cannon now bypasses armor's damage reduction
>Graviton Surge can not affect you without Line of Sight

All of these are amazing, the rest are suspect and are so bad you may want to consider suicide OP.

So all and all not bad.

Fuck off dude she has the upper hand against anyone 1 vs 1 if she striked first.
>freeze faster
It takes 1 second to freeze you stupid faggot, all she needs is to do it behind or next to them and they can't do anything.
>instant and hitscan
So better than Mcree
Mei is already overpowered, she doesn't need to be more.

Full melee character

Reduce ult farming rate
Reduce trap holding rate

Fix hook's hitbox
increase healing cool down time to 16 seconds

Either Remove ability to shield self or ability to shield friends. She cant have both.

Decrease fire rate or decrease damage

Increase M1 damage
Decrease armor
Revert defense matrix to how it was at the beginning

Cant heal when in wraith form

Orb of discord has a cool down.

Slow down ult farming rate
Alter passive no she cant no longer abuse it by flying with a phara

Hammer damage does 100
visual cue when shield is about to break
Wider rage.

Enemy team no longer announces teleoporter

Im not sure

Switching from sentry to turret has a cool down
Slightly faster running speed

Hes alright i guess

Either making a short range gunman or a long range marksman. He csnt be both
Stun grenade just blinds you instead of completely stopping you on your tracks.

Can climb walls (hes a monkey after all)
Slightly touching the edge of a wall while pouncing doesnt stop your momentum completely, neither does brushing your toes on a surface.

Increase in lighting damage.

Bubble shield is stronger.

Remove from game
Remove from game

>inb4 anal devastation.

>Decrease armor
She needs more if anything.

>give winston 140 ammo
>drop shield cooldown to 11 seconds instead of 13

>75 damage fast projectile that doesn't have falloff until 25 FUCKING METERS

>Instant 200 damage freeze+headshot combo

>Ult that freezes everything within 10 meters, dealing 95 by itself, and lasting 5 seconds

You must be a supreme shitter to think Mei needs hitscan and faster freeze. She is shit on offense yeah, but post-buff she is an asset on defense now.

These are the worst suggestions I have ever seen.

You should uninstall your operating system and go live in a cave.

>she needs more
A with an orb of hamony and a pocket mercy is unstoppable

>not wanting to fix roadhog's suv sized hook hitbox

I know playing fair is a foreign concept to most of Sup Forumsand they usually go for the dirties, cheapest characters, but please try to understad it at least

Biggest issue I have with the game is the amount of down time and waiting between actually playing the game.

Matchmaking, hero select, prepare time, the hour long end of match potg/stat screen before a new match starts...

Seriously there is about 3minutes of nothing for every 10 minute match. 30% of all my play time in Overwatch has been doing nothing but staring at the screen waiting.

Make Reaper unable to use wraith form if he's caught in a Junkrat trap. Tracer can't dash or rewind, so why should Reaper be allowed a get out of jail free card?

>Add a heat mechanic to Dva's shield. The more people firing into it/the higher damage stuff makes the shield's duration tick down faster.

>Nerf Roadhog's hook's range, cooldown or his damage entirely.

Can increase how many shots he has to compensate for a damage nerf, but mostly to prevent or lessen how often he can do the one hit kill bullshit.

>Reduce how long Mei's slow/freeze effects a player after they're no longer being hit.

Players should be able to break line of sight and have some kind of chance to get away from a Mei. As is, a lot of the time if shes started to slow you, you're fucked even if you manage to break line of sight.

>Reduce McCree's mid to long range damage a bit.

Hes a bit too viable at long ranges and still insanely useful at short ones. Kinda think hes a little too well rounded overall at the moment.

>A tank with a team's entire healing is hard to beat
Okay, whatever you say bro.

Limited ammo
Ammo pick ups placed on the maps

Seriously though, theres really no reason to not just spam your weapon. Maybe you won't hit anything, but hey you never know!

Limited ammo would force people to get better at aiming, bit more conservative, understand the map layouts to know where ammo can be found.

But instead we get hanzos throwing logs down choke points on the off chance they may hit something.
Or junkrats just lobbing grenades into the air.
Or Mcree just blindly firing because his shots are strong even on simple body shots.

Winston's jump needs tweeking. It should do 50 damage when you hit someone period, instead of being able to do up to 50 damage but usually averging around 25.

He's got no means of spike damage aside from his jump and most of the people he's going to jump onto and attack take long enough to kill that they can easily delete him before he's killed them. Changing his jump wouldn't break him entirely but it would make him a bit more of a consistent threat.

If Genji can have his 50 damage slash on top of the rest of his kit, I don't see why Winston can't have a full 50 damage jump in his.

>Matchmaking, hero select, prepare time, the hour long end of match potg/stat screen before a new match starts...
>potg/stat screen before a new match starts...

You can leave the match pretty much as soon as it says: "Defeat"

>If Genji can have his 50 damage slash on top of the rest of his kit, I don't see why Winston can't have a full 50 damage jump in his.

The reason is that Winston is a tank and not an offense hero. If tanks had similar killing power as offense heros then there would be almost no reason to pick them. Tanks are already very strong as it is.

Not related to the gameplay but giving every hero a set of domination/kill lines would fix the issue of them all having fucking boring personalities.

Pharah gets armor health. She's in a suit of armor, how does she not have it by default?

Oh and..

-Increased speed/jump height or health/shields. Make her either mobile or tanky so that she can actually be viable in a fight. Right now shes only okay if people ignore her.

-Barring the rest, increase damage and projectile speed.

If shes not to be mobile or tanky, then she should be a glass cannon and capable of much more damage than she is currently. As is her damage ramp up takes too long and charge shot too slow to really be useful.

-Increase the amount of sentries that can be held. Decrease the amount of time it takes to set them up.

-Increase turret health to two hits minimum. Can make it also so that Sym's shields can be set on turrets too to slow down set up a bit if it feels like too much.

-Increase turret damage or slow, so that they're a bit more effective in smaller groups.

Buncha suggested turret changes cause frankly they're really only handy when grouped up in kill rooms or used as shitty tripwires. They're too easily destroyed or ignored entirely. Setting them up takes too long, especially when moving them to another spot.

Last but not least..

-Let Sym charge her ult after she set a teleporter down. But make each full charge increase the amount of teles left.

Just a small change, but something to give the ult meter something to do while a tele is set, and would give even bigger priority to destroying it.

Just some overall suggestions, not all of them need to be applied, but just general thoughts on the areas shes weak.

I could see her having 175 HP and 25 Armor, but the only problem with that, is that armor mitigates her one weakness: Hitscan weapons.

Her having any more armor than that makes her much to potent of a threat in skys where hitting her is already more cumbersome.

The only thing I want is +25 armor for the duration of her ult and no self damage so you don't instantly die every time.

Ya but then you have to try your luck at matchmaking again which recently has been a longer wait if you were to just try to stick with the match you are in.

>PotG eligible for postgame nominations

She moves so fucking slow user, anyone can pick her out of the air. Her weakness is that anyone who can shoot a gun can pick her off.

>either run through 6 turrets of death or destroy them all and die


Remove competitive.

Re-balance the spawn timers to encourage forward holds more. Something like having the spawn timers change halfway through a point.

Having fewer defenders on the point than attackers slows the rate of capture instead of stopping it completely, however segments don't lock unless the attackers have the point to themselves.

Everyone moves 10% faster.

Map changes. There are way too many points where all the alternate routes end up in exactly the same choke or take so long that they aren't even worth the time to take. Also sightlines need to be changed. There are too many places where it's way too easy to just hang back and spam at chokes. Basically just way fewer chokes/make chokes more risky to defend.

Differentiate Roadhog and McCree a little more because they're both basically just Stun -> Delet at mid/close range. Preferably give one more utility while making the other better at blowing people up.

Recode scaling splash damage so it isn't the same 13-80 for everything.

Give Torb some actual range on his hammer.

Reduce the particle effects or make the projectiles fired by characters more noticeable by giving them glow/outlines a la TF2.

Give helix rockets more AOE but scaling splash damage.

ADD IN AMMO to decrease the spamminess.

>McCree's LMB now has proper recoil that needs to be accounted for

Instantly fixed and no longer OP


+50 Armor

Bullet spread during automatic starts later, especially while crouching

Increased base damage
Shorter hook cooldown
Venom mine blinds victim but can only be placed

Barrier has 1000 health
Barrier has 9 second cooldown and does not expire on its own

Tighter M1 spread

Rip tire detonates if it collides with a player

Can't collect health while in ghost mode

This. Hero select and waiting on a room should be combined for a total of 30 seconds. There is no point in waiting in the damn room for a minute right after having already waited in the hero select screen.

Also, just fucking spawn defense on the point right at the beginning. Its annoying to have to run all the way to the point every time you start defending. That way heroes like symmetra can effectively set up all of her turrets instead of setting up 3 amd hope to god some asshole tracer doesnt kill you before your cooldown allows you just to set up another single one. I mean theyre destroyed in a blink of an eye anyway so why no just give her that advantage.

Increase all characters base mobility speed.

No. Fuck off.

That's the point isn't it? Risk and reward? It stops torb from just turtling and gives him more of a reason to leave his turret, thus giving the opponent more time to attack it without torb repairing.

With reaper, he has enough tools to move around and be safe when at the frontlines

Reduce Rip tyre's up time. Thats all I ask. Its ridiculous that it can circle the map looking fir someone to kill.

If youre gonna leave junkrat's OP ult farming rate then atleast have the decency to make it short.

Slight longer charge rate on ana
Had to deal with 3 Ana ultis within 1 min.
Trying to fight a boosted rein is near impossible without popping at least one ulti followed by a beyblade reaper, and weebstick genji

This game isn't played 1v1 though. It's mainly about teamfights or small skirmishes, both of which she sucks ass in because she either requires godlike aim that would serve you better on someone else or for you to manage to keep attacking a single target for one second straight. Meanwhile she's hopelessly outclassed by McCree 1v1 because of his longer effective range, easier attacks to hit with, and his stun/kill combo being basically instant instead of taking a second to even get the stun off.

Her combo isn't instant, it literally takes a full second to get the freeze off. Also an actually instant 200 damage combo still wasn't enough to save the pyro from being fucking worthless in TF2 and 200 damage went a lot farther in that game. And again, McCree and Roadhog exist and are much better at removing people from the game in an instant. And at range her icicle spam is unreliable and outclassed by dedicated long range or spam heroes.

She's annoying, not good.

It's not the hitbox that's big, it's that the attack is actually calculated client side for Roadhog and is hitscan. The windup and animation is just an illusion, if he clicked on you, you're getting hooked.

Having 3 anas should be ezpz for your team to destroy

For the most part the game is decently balanced minus hanzo shooting logs and Ana getting ultimate within 15 sec

Install a 1 hero limit for quick play too.

Mostly because all of the balancing is around the hero limit anyways, and some combinations can be damn near game breaking.

>Remove Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, and Mei
>Game is instantly better

Yes, but the point of torbs E is to provide support, and the only way he can get said scrap is to go out and get it. But at the moment, he has to literally get within 2 meters of a corpse to get it, which is really overextending for a defensive character with no mobility options and low fire rate.

With that change in mind, he could at least get within 6 meters of a corpse and still get with scrap without having to walk half way across the map to literally touch it from the victim of his turret or teammates.

Otherwise Torbs scrap ability goes serverly underused, which is why he is quite low tier, even for a potent defensive character. If he could offer more support as such he would be more viable.

1 second is a short period to completely immobilize someone. And it is even easier when the duration of being hit by her endothermic blaster that your fire rate, move speed, and rotation speed are reduced.

You don't seem to understand that she is a DEFENSE character. Her ability to 1v1 eliminate squishies with ease is a french benefit when she can block off areas, separate teammates, slow down/freeze threats, and lock down entire objectives.

Please don't talk as if you know the game when you clearly suck shit as Mei.

The graviton beam only working if it has a line of sight defeats the whole purpose of it being a fucking "grav"iton beam you yard. All these suggestions are retarded other than reaper only picking up souls from his kills or assists

Global health buff
Introduce ammo
Custom servers and custom maps.
Remove competitive mode, introduce player run leagues

Genji is fine, remove Roadhog.

The thing is McCree and Roadhog both do her job 200 times better than her. Meanwhile she dies if she ever has to face more than one person at a time and doesn't get a perfect wall to separate them. Also what the fuck is a french benefit? I don't even know what you were trying to say there.

Sorta yes, sorta no. 1 v 1, Mei is going to come out on top most of the time if not all the time.

She also has a lot of defensive tactics as well, using her walls offensively or defensively to cut off retreats/advances. Iceblock to hold points and heal.

Not to mention her icicle does massive damage especially if you land headshots.

Mei is actually in a pretty good spot. And if shes in a fight with two or more people, she can handle them easier than they can handle her due to her stalling options.

>Soldier 76: Spread has been reduced 50% and damage falloff has been increased 20%
>Pharah: flying speed has been increased 50% and increased mobility on the Y plane during flight.
Just fixed two of the most cucked characters in the game to be playable.

>all these baddies that want to nerf fucking JUNKRAT
Holy shit I bet you think Bastion and Mei are OP too
Every character in the defense section other than Hanzo and Widow need buffing

I think the issue with her is that other's do the "defensively blowing up scrubs that try to flank" thing better than she does and even though she can do a few other defensive things they can't do the other options have talents that are more useful than what she brings to the table. They're also way easier to play because you don't have to learn to land her crazy wonky projectile reliably.

I'm not saying she's shit but I think she could use a few small buffs as she is and that she probably needs a good rework to make her less fucking annoying in the hands of a less skilled player.

Mei IS OP.
>B-but if you fight her 3 vs 1

>Make her either mobile or tanky so that she can actually be viable in a fight

She's fine as she is. She's a support character, and her M1 does enough damage as it is.

>Rockets now do 75% less direct hit damage
>Health reduced to 150
>Can now move 5% faster
>Falling speed now greatly reduced at all times
>Rocket jump cooldown reduced to 1s

I think that would make her the most balanced character but people would probably still bitch about it being OP

She does a fine job dealing with flankers as is though. Especially characters like Genji and Tracer who just get royally fucked over by them.

Not to mention her main role is stalling tactics and dividing up the enemy team.

The problem is more that less skilled players simply don't use her well enough, which isn't a problem with the character itself.

Good god this is embarrassing
Post your Skill Rating, I'll give you eix trillion dollars if it's above 2000.

Actually fix Mercy's POTG.
I'm still getting way too many retarded POTGs with her.

You've never played sym, have you? Her M1 only does enough damage if its held on a target long enough. Shes incredibly squishy however, and thus doesn't have the durability to actually stay alive even 1 v 1. This coupled with the fact that shes crippled at range makes her pretty damn useless.

The only time Sym is actually useful is if the team panics or they simply ignore her in favor of other targets. Both of which only really happen at low skill level play.

I'm a QP shitter, where she is the most annoying since all fights are 1 vs1.
I play for fun, and guess what is anti-fun? Mei.

>sombrero skins are le edgy reap man's default costumes

game fixed

>Junkrat's right click can be configured so it deploys [and detonates upon a second press] his mine

>Reaper's teleport doesn't require ten minutes of standing still and aiming because the game doesn't recognize the ledge you're trying to warp to

>Genji's reflect animation now matches it's hitbox [roughly a quarter of Reinhardt's shield]

I think that's all I have. Biggest nitpick I had was Genji being able to bypass Junkrat traps when Tracer couldn't do the same, but it's been fixed now.

I dunno, I just feel like she requires a lot of skill to be usable and at the end of the day fulfills a roll that isn't exactly necessary and can be covered by other, more powerful characters who can also do other things well. She's good at her role but I don't think it's a role that's really worth dedicated a whole character for ATM.

Now if they released/re-balanced a bunch of maps with way better flanks than the current ones and way fewer choke holds I think she'd be pretty great. However with basically every single map in the game right now being so chokey and spammy I just don't think she's worth it.

Other changes that could make her better:
Buffs to flankers.

Some ult charge is lost upon death/respawn times changed so that getting a pick on defenders is way more meaningful. (I guess this also counts as a buff to flankers)

Ammo is added/pickups on the map become actually important.

Overall movespeed buffs.

>Rockets now do 75% less direct hit damage

Considering it takes 2 rockets minimum to kill anything at full health, that is the most stupid change.

High Noon


That doesn't make her OP you fucking noob. Torbjorn and Symmetra are also anti-fun and they're both trash-teir

>there are special skins you can only get for playing competitive maybe some of the skins are animated
This would actually make me consider playing competitive instead of piss colored weapons that CAN only look decent with chrome white/gold outfits