The mystery behind g-man could have been discovered in hl3

>the mystery behind g-man could have been discovered in hl3
>it will never get released

He's very obviously future Gordon/clone.

>He's very obviously future Gordon/clone.

he's gman and Alyx's son

>playing half life for the story

Look at him for Christ sake, he's the spitting image of Gordon except older and without the beard.

Nah m8

Even if hl3 becomes a thing they'll never reveal what the Gman actually is, the whole point of his character is to be a mysterious other worldly force, he doesn't need character development because he's technically not a character, he's a thing.

Yeah, but what the fuck is his purpose anyways? He always talks about "hiring" Gordon or some shit, this is what I want to know

This. The g-man is just a plot device

He's probably some kind of alien businessman.

Well that is explained in the game, he is basically a glorified outsourcer who takes contracts from humans/aliens/extra dimensional beings.

What they might reveal is who hired Gordon in the first place for half life 2.

Not that it matters what with Shapiro being, you know, dead.

That makes Breen & G-man.

Watch it be some bullshit like humanity hired him after they finally won because they knew that he was the reason why the won so they hired him to do everything he did in the past.

Reminder that HL-3 is still in secret development to create hype.
>inb4 the hype is already dead!!!!!!!!!
You and me know that literally everyone would cream their pants if it was announced anyway.

Maybe they're holding it back until they can get a leap as big as the one from GoldSrc to Source for Source to Source 2.

This. You faggots aren't gullible enough to think Half-Life 3 isn't being worked on right?

He was already explained in Fringe's last season. They just made up the thing about them being bald to throw us off.

He's not you retard. People don't suddenly develop a widow's peak.

>le videogame mistery that was never answered to me :(

How fucking pathetic are you, my man?

Source 2 would be on par with modern game engines.

Not even Valve knows, I'm sure of it.

I think they kinda hint in hl2 and the episodes that it was the vortigants that hired him from the gman to help them stop breen and the combine from creating a portal to connect the dimensions, that's why as soon as you stop the portal gman grabs you to put you back in limbo as technically your contract was up. The vortigants not happy with the services rendered decide to pull you out of the limbo that gman sent you to.

I dunno, guy in charge of creating the world design for HL2 left to create Dishonored saying that Valve "doesn't make epic single player games anymore" or something like this.
And not that long ago main writer left.
inb4 >ebin


His story explanation doesn't matter. All that matters is what he represents thematically in the story.

If you don't understand that, well then you didn't understand either Half-Life and probably Portal.

why would they do this
i mean if you're never gonna release hl-3 you could atleast tell us what the fuck happens in some shitty comic or something

>That moment in episode 2 where everything pauses
>"Dr Freeeemaaaaan"

Again, they're just doing the "Lol we're not working on it guys xD" meme
HL-3 will come along with Source 2, it's fucking obvious

Dota2 is already on Source 2 though.

Is Half Life the biggest cliffhanger in the history of videogames?

>Source 2
Maybe we'll get Garry's Mod 2 along with that.
I really wish I had a good excuse to play Gmod with Sup Forums

They kinda ruined it with portal 2 when they decided to give GLADOS character development.
Portal 1:
malevolent rogue AI forced to make test subjects and puzzle rooms for the portal gun, all the while wanting the protagonist to fail to satisfy that underlying blood lust.

Portal 2:
Oh actually Cave Johnson had a secretary and made her a robot to look after aperture when he's dead.

Like hl2 with gman, GLADOS didn't need character development because she's technically not a character, she's a thing. But they kinda ruined that mysteriousness with Portal 2.

I like what i'm reading

Do you think that Barney knows Gman too?
Any info about that cat?
Did father Grigori survive?
They unfucked some shit with a rocket and a gnome, can they unfuck the rest?

Blue Shift 2 when?

I bet in HL3 you take out the advisor that killed Eli and enter his memories through the dead asvisor's brain to learn what he was going to tell you about the G-man

the way it looks right now is g man is someone above all the universes. imagine the universes are simulations running by gods, hes the character controlled by them inside this simulation, and vortigaunts are some kind of virus like smith thats the way i see it

>Do you think that Barney knows Gman too?
I don't think so
>Any info about that cat?
It died a messy death while they were testing the teleporter
>Did father Grigori survive?
It's left up to the players
>They unfucked some shit with a rocket and a gnome, can they unfuck the rest?
No because there will never be a sequel


HL1 was a cliffhanger, HL2 was a cliffhanger, and Ep 2 was the biggest cliffhanger.

Valve love blueballing its fans