Wow the big update for the harry potter MMO is finished and will be released today along with the expansion of secrets...

Wow the big update for the harry potter MMO is finished and will be released today along with the expansion of secrets for free

Patch notes for the harry potter Hogwarts MMO
>Fixed a glitch that prevented people from finishing a quest
>Added optional random house sorting in character creation
>Fixed a glitch that allowed people to escape the map when playing quittage
>Added the ability to fly your broomstick around
>Readded areas outside Hogwarts(see the official site for details)
>Finished the chamber of secrets raid
>Added more story missions with the expansion
>New game modes
>Fixed a glitch where people would not be able to enter their common room
>Added rooms for players to customize go to the blue door in your common room for details
>More info in our website
Thanks for the support guys I hope you enjoy the update

Also we will be leaving the wire frame table in to show how far we have come

>There are people on this board that aren't in Ravenclaw
Worst board on Sup Forums

>There are Hufflepuff posters who were not even randomly selected into it

Ed, Edd and Eddy is the better MMO, fight me dorks.

it's over

let it go and move on

harry potter games are never coming back and the new book killed the fanfiction scene

no its not, once you beat it there is no content except for one raid

This game is doing well user we have a bunch of expansions that are almost all free planned and our player base will grow with this expansion

found the salty hufflepuff poster

I cant guess these fucking riddles to get into Hufflepuffs commonroom, wish i went Sluterine instead.

Any /huffs/ here that can give me todays password?

spoken like a true huff


when will we nerf avata kadavra in the combat training simulation?(pvp)

Is this just a joke? I can't find this game

[OOC] Its like those spongebob Smash bros threads or the ed ed n eddy online threads, the screenshot was from a potential game that was shut down

hogwartslive is the closest thing we have

Well that sucks. I actually got kind of excited

>tfw slitherin
feels goodman

yeah shitposting in this thread makes me really want a harry potter MMO :(


Dev here

due to hufflepuff and slitherin cheating in the contest for points all points on teams will be wiped

didnt even think hufflepuff was smart enough to know how to do the point dupe glitch

Until the point dupe glitch is fixed the contest for this months best house will be postponed



As a Hufflepuff, I can vouch for my Housemates and say that we never cheated. We would never stoop so low.

the logs say otherwise

no matter what we are wiping all points and delaying the monthly contest

shame wanted to see what the trophies looked like in room customization outside dev mode

>tfw this thread was autosaged

Well you can go fuck yourself you filthy dev.
I'm going back to a superior MMO where the devs actually care.
Jagex knows how to treat their playerbase right.

>filthy dev

m8 I give all the expansions for free and I have not handed any bans out for the players that did this

EVERY house points are being wiped man

im sure not all of hufflepuff exploited but plenty of players have

hufflepuff salty as ever

The quest for that spell is super hard it would be unfair to nerf it

Yeah, whatever, it just seems like no one ever wants to let Hufflepuff get ahead. Every time we're close someone fucks it up and you devs decided to punish us for it.

And I don't care if I look salty, you can say whatever you want about it, in the end you're losing points too. I'm allowed to be salty if I want to so fuck off

why dont you guys make mmo's instead of wasting your time memeing about fictional ones

Racenclaw exploited just as much as we did so dont try to paint our house as the bad guy

What did he mean by this? Fucking muggle.

I don't have to "Paint your house", everybody knows, they're just too scared to actually say anything.
Go ahead, DDOS me if you dare, I'll find you if you do

Guys where can I buy a fingerbox?
Not a single shop in Hogsmeade has one apparently

Nah. There is no fingerbox in Hogsmeade. I searched. The dev confirmed fingerboxes for this update though so it may be there now. I found one near the Whomping Willow yesterday.

This game will always be shit unless they remove the Griffindor buff, also, Slytherins can't do most of the main quests.

oh boy is that some neverwinter nights aurora toolset

>Worst board on Sup Forums

There's a harry potter MMO?

>not being up to date on latest memes
Worst poster itt

Cause making an MMO costs a fuckload of money and I'd nearly bankrupt myself just on the HP license.