So I'm ready for a gaming PC but have zero interest in building it myself and I don't know anyone that can do it for me...

So I'm ready for a gaming PC but have zero interest in building it myself and I don't know anyone that can do it for me. Are there any good sites that will let me pick the parts and then build it for me?


dont get a gaming pc unless you build or want to build it yourself.

just stick to your locked 30fps on overpriced outdated console hardware with online paywalls.

What PC games do you plan on playing besides Overwatch?

>ready for a gaming PC
>zero interest in building it myself

Pick one.

Honestly man, it's pretty easy. Just look up some tutorials on youtube. Its good to know how to do it anyway.

I'm tech illiterate but I did my research and buliding my own PC and getting all the parts by the end of this month, power supply just came in this morning

Learn to evolve and grow as a person, it isn't difficult from what I've seen in videos. How are you going to let someone spoonfeed you it?

Building one is easy as fuck. If you're not going to build it yourself and learn your PC from the inside out then just stick with consoles.


depends where you're from

cyberpower is good one for the UK

Just get a prebuilt from HP. If you use the
coupon then the price goes down by 25% making them not that bad of a deal but still more expensive than self built.

Do you have some local computer store where you can drop off all your parts and they will assemble the computer for little money?

>GTX 1080

Das it

I'm willing to pay extra for nice neat cabling and such. Who cares if I don't build it myself? I'm willing to replace individual parts later on but I want the initial build to be nice and neat.

That's not a bad idea. I'll check around.

That doesn't make any sense. I don't care about that. I just want to enjoy the advantages of PC gaming without going through the hassle of putting it together.


>500W Bronze PSU

enjoy your housefires

Well then damn just build one from ibuypower

>being so autistic you can't into adult legos

Wouldn't being autistic in fact mean the opposite?

Just buy a pre-built from Best Buy or something then, I don't know

Literally anyone can learn how to build a PC.

Well yeah but Legos are like an autistic's best friend

I think they're even used to test for autism in kids

It's good for the US as well.
t. dumb lazy faggot that didn't want to build one either

Again, doing it myself would provide me with no sense of accomplishment. I want the initial build done right and ready to enjoy right away.

I enjoyed my first build right away. Just lurk about what each part does (cpu heatsink, mobo, ram, gpu, psu) because you gotta maintain it.

OP here. To clarify I did build a PC years ago but have been using consoles since the 360/PS3. I don't really have a problem with replacing individual parts. I'm older and have extra money now so I'm willing to pay a little extra for a nice build. I think I'll go this route

The difficult part is choosing your components. Once you've done that, actually assembling the thing is a doddle.

But I guess you've made your decision.

Its not that hard my 50yo dad build himself one.
Jesus people these days.

You guys all suck. I'm not OP but am in the same situation. I built my first gaming PC a few years ago with an 8800gt, but it was a fucking pain. The mobo got lost in the post and I missed the delivery for a couple of other bits. After all that it wouldn't boot up for some fucking reason so I took everything apart again, built it again and it worked. With anything like this there is always something that's fucking broken or missing or some bullshit.

I'm an adult with a job and money. I literally couldn't give a fuck about the "accomplishment" of building it. I have better things to worry about. I'd rather spend a bit more to save the time and potential hassle of stuff getting lost or being DOA.

then fucking get a console then you faggot. Building a pc has never been fucking easier.

>Mobo got lost in the post
Sorry you live in an irrelevant country.

I have a console you faggot!

Wales is the most relevant country ever to exist!

oh you're welsh. im sorry for calling you a faggot. welsh people are cool

Fuck off back to you god damn nazi

then buy the parts and pay some Asian at a local computer store. if you are "an adult with a job and money" you should have the disposable income to do this. because for a functioning member of society like you claim to be, you seem very incapable to build a PC when you have the entire information ocean that is the internet.

>Pepe is now a symbol of white superemacy
Why are normies so autistic?

I have no idea how anyone can honestly say that building a PC is hard.

>falling foe the psu meme

PC gaming is overrated as fuck, especially if you mostly play multiplayer games. Only do PC gaming if you want to play max quality singleplayer games.

>you seem very incapable

I'm not incapable. I'm lazy and miserable with a shit postal service.


It's hard if you build it from scratch rather than just put together premade hardware.

cheese it and get a boxed pc from Office-mart and change the PSU and GPU

Where are you from OP?

Cyberpower PC has some legit good sales. Wait for a holiday. Decent customization options. I'm sure they'll have one for Halloween. I've gotten a system there for cheaper than its component parts.

NCIX lets you pick parts and shit

NCIX is fantastic, but only if your a canuk

bad idea because the mobo is probably shit

I was in the same boat, but I got a used custom pc from some site like Craigslist, also alternatively Fry's will help you choose the right parts and build it for you for a little more cash. Also s m h no one's bothering to help in this thread


lel, it's easy as fuck

He's right you know. Multiplayer games die faster on PC than any other platform. Plus it's an indieshit moba machine. I guess have fun playing World of Warcraft and League a Legends on max settings.

>With anything like this there is always something that's fucking broken or missing or some bullshit.

yeah dude, putting part A into slot A is really fucking difficult, huh

>memes, memes, and more memes

>I just want to enjoy the advantages of PC gaming without going through the hassle of putting it together

but knowing exactly what parts/specs and exactly how it's hooked up is one of the main advantages of pc.

But what other games are on PC?

thousands more than whats on console

Thats why it was in inverted commas.

It is if Part A is missing.

Call your local small business computer shops. Find one that will build it for $75~$100. Order all your parts, take them in. Bamf, done. I had to do this one time when I ordered my parts then had to work a 100+ hour week and had zero time to do it myself. No complaints, they got it done same day for $100. Dropped it off on my way into work, picked it up on one of my breaks.

Then order your shit correctly. What do you want me to say? That building a PC is soooooo hard, and yes user, you're right, it IS bullshit that sometimes the postal service is incompetent, and yes you SHOULD have a doctorates in computer science to be able to put one of these space machines together. Do you feel better now?

More than you could ever have time to play? There's literally thousands of games, PC is a single platform that has been going since before a console ever existed, it also has emulators for -every- console almost, giving it access to all previous gen libraries.

Almost every game today is multi-plat. There are a small handful of exclusives to each. You have to be a fucking retard to even ask this question.

what country are you from op? I ask because where I am from sometimes business are stupid and offer a computer with the latest cpu for under 500

you can slap together a pc in like 30 minutes if you ignore cable management then just install the the os overnight. what's the point of paying someone else to do it because you have no time if you're going to have no time to use it anyways? i've actually had my parts just delivered to work and built it on the clock with the ruse of it being "educational" for all the other employees.

>I'm an adult

you're saving yourself around 300$ if you build it yourself.
if your time is worth more than 150$ an hour then don't build a computer.

>it wouldn't boot up for some fucking reason so I took everything apart again, built it again and it worked

sounds like you're too fucking stupid to build a pc. just order an alienware and be done with it you adult. my second pc build was a 8800gts agp sli setup and i was no older than 15 when i made it and it was ezpz

As I said, one time thing back when Wrath launched, 30~45 mins of your 1-2 hours free to play on launch night? Yeah I was cool with spending $100 to be able to just get home and log in, esp when I had 60 hours of OT that check.

lmao rage harder fag

if you want to let some other man put his hands all over your shit only for you to take it home then that's fine with me. maybe when it needs maintenance you can drop it back off and he'll take care of it since you aren't able to. maybe he'll let you watch

>op being a retard

>7200 RPM HDD
>500W PSU

ahahaha oh wow.

b-b-but the drop in box warranty flier and mcaffee 30 day protection

1 week of research, 3 hours to build while going VERY slowly to make sure nothing was fucked

That's all it takes. You must be retarded.

It's actually easier, with Lego you can accidentally put stuff in the wrong spot and fuck up the build for way later without realizing it. PC parts LITERALLY WILL NOT LET YOU PUT THEM IN WRONG. If something isn't fitting it obviously doesn't go there.

saws pls

>Jellypoorfag detected.