Oh look, it's what Minecraft should have been

Oh look, it's what Minecraft should have been.


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This just looks like a very shitty combination of Cube World and Minecraft, jesus

>cube world

That madman isn't even looking where he's jumping.

The Japanese are going to eat this raw

>Cube World

Neat idea, but I don't like minecraft to begin with. Even if it's really streamlined it looks more like mlaak/mlaadl than anything and those games had a disappointing amount of content.

>going to

>Oh look, it's what Minecraft should have been.

does the 3ds version even compare to the pc? mods need not apply.

>played it for a bit on Vita
>thought it was just building
>monsters are around the world and you can fight them in real time
>you collect stuff in the map to craft weapons and armor, as well as housing stuff

Fuck this is better than I thought.
Never played Minecraft or any of those building games but this one might be good.

How's the framerate?

looks kinda neat, is it full price?

Its stable. Theres nothing really performance consuming in this game.
Unless some big enemies shows up after some point, or if big buildings you make affect FPS.
But to the point I played I had no prob with that.

yes but the price will drop within a few months. plus black friday and shit like that is near.

might pick it up then. yeah it's kinda MC garbage but it looks done right, and it's charming

Looks kinda cool because it seems a lot like terraria more than minecraft, will probably get it even though I'm not into dragonquest, making dungeons could be fun too.

Looks comfy

You can get the Vita version for free

The dev is actually active on twitter so i still have hope

No the 3ds version has shitty fps on a regular 3ds. It doesnt even have the moon lord. Only up to the guardian golem.

Just when I thought I was done with voxel building games, this shit has to come out.

I'm not a native speaker, is there something wrong with the "going to" in that post?

3DS is getting an update for 1.3

it's already out there since months, like every DQ game. They're waiting for 2 now.

Why is there no PS3 release in the west?

Because PS3 is absolutely dead now.
Lots of PS3 versions of PS4/PS3/Vita games struggle to sell even a fourth of what the Vita versions do.

>not dead
I'm pretty sure PS3 games still sell more than Vita games in the west

Wait a minute is this a genuine sequel to the original trilogy? Fuck I'm interested now.

>you bought cube world when you could

No multiplayer mode, no buy.

Nope, ps3 is even deader than Vita now.
PS3 releases don't even sell 10k in the west.

It is a lot more fun than I expected, just from playing the JP demo alone. Building is simple, crafting is automated, doesn't require you to guess or look up guides on how to place pieces.

>sales beta
>stop communications shortly after updating it a couple of times
>goes silent for nearly 4 years
Nah, I don't trust anything he says or promises anymore.

>mfw I still have it installed

>"Wallpaper" that changes a group of blocks to whatever you want so you aren't taking apart block by block to make everything even
There is so many great things to say about DQ Builders. I hope there's not going to just people saying "naw I don't want this shitting Minecraft clone since I have Minecraft!"

what are the main differences between this and minecraft? not trying to shitpost, i dont like minecraft too much but this game looks pretty fun so i want to know a bit more about it


You don't beat up trees for hours to get wood, just to make planks to make sticks with, etc. You just get raw materials and auto craft items as long as you've learned how. Building is simply laying down blocks and crafted furniture.

>Minecraft should have been
But this game is bad too.

>Tfw this is literally the only game on PS4 I care about but I'm not buying a console for a single game

Shit sucks.

Own a Vita? Personally this and World of Final Fantasy are the only PS4/Vita games I care about this year.

They already did. It's been out there for ages, this is just about the localization.

Also "going to eat this raw" is a kinda funny turn of phrase I'm not sure I've ever heard before, although it does make sense.

>Ways to attract NPCs/village inhabitants to your towns as you build

Minecraft would be a lot better if it implemented these things. That, and ways to make light sources that aren't torches. I just want to make lanterns and all that and not have blocky light sources that require redstone or are bulky like glowstone.

But that camera angle makes me wonder if you're going to encounter problems if you try and build roofs or multi-level structures in this game.

Don't own a Vita for the same reason, it doesn't have enough games I care about for me to want one. Plus there's the matter of Sony's bullshit proprietary memory format that you can't get a microSD adapter for.

>Been playing Terraria
>Say "I wish there was a game that offered more and gave me more meaningful reason to build things."
>This shows up
>PS4/PS Vita
Fuck you, cursed monkey paw.

I get you about the memory card fuckery. I only got it because I was able to get a "good" deal during black Friday (still bad but not as ass rapery). But there are a good number of good games on the Vita. But only if you enjoy really weeb games. It's a super Japanese paradise in games and nothing else.

He is still working on it. I kind of hate that he refuses to hire people to help him, but also respect it in a way. Guy is worried that too many people will sully his vision.

I do wish he would put out "content" updates to the Alpha build, but maybe in another few years we will actually see Beta. That's going to be weird, seeing that first thread go up in the longest time. Or will Sup Forums even be around by the time he's finished?

If you're on New 3ds it's amazing. Uber comfy, controls extra great if you have a comfortable grip. Don't forget hacks so you can properly clock the game.

Vita wins again, baby!

I have heard this excuse endless times on the internet. What happens? The creator becomes burned out, retires, then prevents fans from continuing the project.