Vampire: the masquerade - bloodlines

what drives wesp?

>what drives wesp?

>what drives wesp?
Autism. There's no other reason someone would work on patches for a game for 10 years for free.


not everyone is a piece of shit like you user, please try to understand

Fucking kek

what I don't get is people who shit on his work

calling him autistic is mild, some people are really fucking bent out of shape because of his patches


of what? how? what?

recognition? that people attribute to him fixing the game?

The dream of a perfect game.

What fucking fuckgame is this?

Japanese version of Bloodlines.

worthless people who never created any content are always the most jaded ones

fuck off

kill yourself you weeb scum
you will never get laid, no one will ever love you, no one will remember you

The fact that he can get his ass up to actually do something worthwhile with his life, I imagine. Just think of all the loser user NEETs who complain about not being able to code their own game, and shit on those developers that do.

Is this that new h-game everyone is getting excited about?
I can make my Vampirefu in it?!

honey select

wesp please go

German autism

I guess you don't remember the True Patch shitstorm a decade ago?

>there are STILL people recommending it over the Unofficial Patch just to be contrarians

actually that's what I'm referring to

I don't get all this drama, the last official patch fixes society of leopold crash, it's the only important thing.

tessera go home and mastubate to your oblivion OC.

Being rational is not the internet's strong side.

It was more about TP's author being a psychotic bitch and not about the patch itself. She lost her fucking mind in a month while Wesp has largely been dealing with all the shit for years basically professionally.

I've always appreciated the plus versions of his patches, the changes and shifting of shit - it's helped inject a tiny bit of freshness into my playthroughs over the years when the mood takes me

I don't get the purists who reeeeeeeeeeee, knowing it's all optional, knowing they can pick and choose whatever version of the patch they want, or not

But he moved Fat Larry

post card

Check the thread in /vg/

translation when