>muh pc gaming play old games from years ago

>tries to install sims2 , cant even install game million of problems i have to google for it still cant install game .

yeah PCgaming everyone.. You cant even play a game if you wanted to play it , please buy our new gpus

you fags talking shit about remasters but i rather have remasters then to deal with this shit. Fucking hell...

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Yahoo answers&defid=6943896

Just install more ram

can you play sims 2 on a PS4?

No i cant but i also dont say you can play on PS4 either.

There is no way to install this game on PC. And no i dont use botnet 10. I am at 7

>hurr durr I'm retard cant install gayme
>PC gaymes guise xDDD

tech illiterate everyone
at least explain your problem ,idiot

fuck off casual piece of trash

Installing the sims 2 from a torrent is literally easier than installing it from either a disc or origin. I'm sorry you're so retarded that you can't even double click something user.

stupid ass not installing on a VM

I can play Sims 2 on my PS2.
It barely takes any space on my shelf too.

i literally download from torrent. Nice bait .

>you need to be uber nerd - software hacker to play a casual game

woah pc gaming, i am also computer engineering student(software engineer) but gaming on these machines are joke.

>computer engineering student
and you can't install a game??? are you retard or what?? you're a software engineer and you give up so easily?? with this attitude, you should change your life choice FUCKING RIGHT NOW if you don't want to live under a bridge.

Console players love to talk about how they're too poor or too stupid to play games on PC like they are valid arguments.

You people need to realize how fucking retarded you sound when you make threads like this.

>get game that was made when your operating system didn't even exist yet
>try to run it and fail
>hurr how do I computer, durr how do I troubleshoot thing
>doesn't even bother to use google
>instead comes to Sup Forums and types out some digital excrement

You need to do some self reflection, and think about what causes you to behave this way.

>i am also computer engineering student(software engineer) but gaming on these machines are joke.

what did he mean by this?

let him live under a bridge, everyone will be better off

There is no way to install this game faggit. Either PC client of install shit is bugged in newer OSes or disc versions are bugged not working anymore.

I searched even EA itself admitted.No way to run this game beside buying their origin versions(which basically is downloading installed game files to your HDD)
>you need a patch to install a game
pc gaming..

>computer engineer
>can't use torrents & doesn't know how to troubleshoot his own issues properly
>types like a retard
I hope this is just bait. Kill yourself otherwise.

>you need a patch to install a game made for an OS from over a decade ago on a modern OS
Really makes you think.

>b-b-bb-buuut Sony

erry tiem

Low quality bait. 4 year olds can install games better than bait OP

>I'm retarded so it's the PC'S fault
Console Gamers, everyone.

then show me your install of Sims 2 in any current OS faggit. Game is literally bugged in installation.

No way to install like at all.

either be a good goy and buy sims 3 or 4
or eat shit.

I am ashamed to be doing the same degree as you.

Can you play Sims 2 on an xbone?

>you need to be hacker to do a simple task called playing video games.



>computer engineering
>can't write for shit
>tech illiterate and quick to anger
enjoy your new job as Amazon support.

Good , i couldnt care less.

>being this dumb and blaming the platform for the own lack of knowledge to make an old game run in your system

Sup Forums has their "Stupid Questions" thread, you should visit and stay there as you sound very stupid like your problems

Download a Russian repack you stupid piece of shit.

What fucking problem could you possibly be having?

I just installed the base game and OFB (the only two for that game I had) and then used Daemon Tools to install every other expac. It runs great for me. Don't even have to disable UAC or any of that shit.

>Clicking 'go' on an install is "hacking"

>you have to be a mechanical and electircal engineer to devise a way to turn on your console


Just buy it if you're this retarded

you can't deny someone entry into a degree program just because they're special needs.

This reeks of bait.

Working as tech support in India is not as lucrative as you think.

Not everyone makes their dreams true

I'm actually impressed that someone had that much autism to go through all that effort for a console war shitpost.

>60fps webm

This doesn't seem BB at all, but shitposting aside I agree with , I'm also impressed

Let me give you a spoiler,who did this animation is actually pcuck(written his video description in youtube)


GEE i dont know .Their stupid flash animation from maxis came but game just doesnt get installed on machine. Setup processes get freeze

hey OP do you have brain damage?

>i am also computer engineering student
I first year student that is dropping out of school them, I suppose. It's not rocket science, retard. Just google your problem and fix your shit like a normal person.

>yahoo answer
oh boy, you are a retard

and is a bad thing? with your post you just admitted that your """"secret console club"""" is a bunch of retard kids, and that's not true. you know that console have problems too. console war are retard af
>inb4 PCkek
I've a ps4

I got it to work on mine, maybe you're just underage and retarded

Nah dude it sucks to be me i guess, you know have to go internship for Intel this autumn, but all Sup Forumseddits here declared me as faggot already since i cant install a "PC" game.

Have you tried running the installer in admin mode?

It's surprising how often it's something simple like that.

>yahoo answer
Whats wrong with yahoo answers though?

did you try turning it off and on again?

it sucks to be you, but because you're dense.

you're a faggot for blaming pc gaming for you being too fucking stupid to install a game you didn't even buy.

What the fuck is admin mode.

ITT: retards who thinks that searching on google and fixing basic problems is "hacking"

>anonymous meme
>fat as shit
>shit skin

holy fuck i thought it was memes

PC Gaming is like a self-weeding garden.

You haven't even told us what version of Windows 7 you are using or shown us what the folder you're installing it in looks like. How is anybody supposed to help your retarded ass with basically no information? What program are you using to mount the ISO also?

>Sup Forumsirgin has trouble installing a game my little sister plays

Daemon tools ,Windows 7 pro 64 bit.
Its typical ea folder that im installing,nothing special. Thing is i already gave up. There is possibly no way to install this

yes, give up.

close your browser too.

go study or something, fuck.

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Yahoo answers&defid=6943896

i don't give a shit about racism, religion and shit, but if you use yahoo answer for tech help, you're retarded like the one in that site.

post screenshots of folder you fucktard

First of all use WinCDEmu instead of Daemon tools, run the Sims 2 installer in admin mode and try installing anywhere but the program files/Windows folders.

Works for me ;^)

this is worse than bait threads on Sup Forums saying you need to be a hacker to use linux

I don't want to argue about you giving up on that task, but saying, that there is no way sounds just wrong. I'm not even using google and when I search the problem several solutions come up on how to troubleshoot possible problems. I won't try them as I don't have Sims 2 nor I want to play it, but with a topic this precisely documented it seems unlikely, that non of those guides can help you.

>Refusing to help ppl who know less than you
That's why nobody likes pc gamers

It's your own fault for being a retarded double nigger, nigger.

Are you retarded or what

I played 1000000000 hours on sims 2 on a win7, just simply install it nigga

don't generalize, I'm a "pc gamer"
and i fucking love solving PC problems because it's my job. To bad OP is a turbo faggot and don't post what the fuck is wrong with the installation

>proceed to play sims2
You JUST don't make that shit up. Sonykeks are literally there, unironically.

I generalized bcause that's what most ppl see, although I acknownledge that there are good pc gamers


I only post to call you a dumbass.

OP do you use any RATs? If so I can help you install it and show you how to trouble shoot these kind of things

>you need a patch to install a game
>patches are simple and 99% of the time free

>you need a different console to install a game

Pick one

>There is no way to install this game on PC

what the fuck are you talking about you inbred mongoloid?

>not 1


>joke tabs
bless you, user

>so retarded he can't install a video game on a computer
The very fact that your go-to comparison for the level of technical skill needed to deal with apparent software installation difficulties is "hacker" tells us everything we need to know.

Are the hats on the dicks?

that no widescreen support though

I'll admit, I like 1 way more than 2, but still

how new are you