Sup Forums calls Dark Souls 2 shit because it throws multiple enemies at the player at the same time

>Sup Forums calls Dark Souls 2 shit because it throws multiple enemies at the player at the same time
>Bloodborne which Sup Forums calls the best Souls game throws +20 enemies at the player at the same time right at the start of the first level

Explain yourselves, faggots.


anyone who says souls is about 1v1 combat needs to off themselves immediately.

Sonyponies need something to hold on to, eh?

Otherwise half of them would already be hanging from the ceiling by now.

No one has said this, kys

>dark souls has slow combat and evading system

>bloodborne has fast combat with high speed evading system

those enemies also die in two hits and there's a recover health mechanic to mitigate damage taken.

please at least acknowledge design differences. i know you won't because you're a shitposter though.

In the city center or whatever it's called. Where all the hunters are gathering.

you fight like 1-2 at a time...

>not a single person has complained about the mobs in Dark Souls 2.

Is that what he said you dumb faggot?

>">Sup Forums calls Dark Souls 2 shit because it throws multiple enemies at the player at the same time"

Then you attempt to be clever and reply

>"not a single person has complained about the mobs in Dark Souls 2."

fucking kys and get some reading comprehension.

>Where the hunters gather

"I didn't play bloodborne"
You're an idiot.

You can enter literally any Dark Souls thread and find at least one person criticizing Dark Souls 2 for it's mobs or the areas containing mobs.

Hey guys Sup Forums here, just wanted to apologize for calling ds2 shit. OP is 100% accurate and I agree with everything he says. I hope you can all forgive me as I am just one person.


Is it the weakest game out of the 3? Yes.
Was it a disappointment? Sure.
But its not a bad game, however I wouldnt say the base game is great either. Though the DLC and SotFS are amazing. It doesnt help that so many people lose their shit even when you criticize the parts of the first game that were bad, people like to pretend DS1 was perfect when so many of the bosses and themes were completely forgettable, when so many bosses were poorly executed and when so many areas were (excluding level design) just uninteresting and poorly done.
The souls fanbase is among the shittest in existance and as much as I enjoy the series I hope From are finished and move on to something completely different.

Bloodborne's player character is fast and agile and can handle dodging around multiple enemies at once.

Dark Souls 2's controls are clunky and slow, even compared to DeS and DS1 which are themselves less fast than BB and DS3. Because of this, a lot of DS2's enemy encounters with multiple foes are more annoying and time consuming than enjoyably challenging.

>Bloodborne's player character is fast and agile and can handle dodging around multiple enemies at once.
Not only that but they even give you a fucking gun that you can use to aggro individual enemies.

OP is a retard.


You can do that in any of the other games but all 5 games' best levels had multiple monsters in it. DaS2's criticism is wrongly directed at ambush encounters over its fundamental mechaics that are poor as shit.


>Dark Souls 2's controls are clunky and slow
I found the combat took a little time to get used to and was more punishing. DS2's combat was a significant improvement over DeS and DS, maybe the only thing it got right but it was a step up.

uhhhhh.... that's not why DS2 is shit. no one has ever said this. it's shit for many reasons.