Försöker du göra reklam för ditt egna spel OP? ;^)
Försöker du göra reklam för ditt egna spel OP? ;^)
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I think it looks great and seems to play nicely, but it's a shame it'll attract furries
low poly and isometric artstyles are too rare these days
looks cute
Mite B cool.
Low poly graphics that have learned from the pitfalls of old PSX and N64 era games and an artstyle that embraces those limitations, combined with modern band aids like lighting effects to smooth over shortcomings and imperfections. I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon but it's already miles ahead of lazy faux-pixel art.
First off, quit trying to shill your garbage here you fucking hipster chodes.
Looks like yet another top-down zelda ripoff. Hell that character's wearing a green tunic, you're not even trying to hide it. Now that I think about it the graphics remind me of some auto-insurance commercial.
And it's Sup Forums not Sup Forums you dip.
Looks like a bunch of really nice pandering uninspired garbage.
It looks ok, but fucking hell, this video is shit. Redo it and use a song from the game or something.
I want to like it but because the MC is a fox its automatically furry and therefore bad.
And i don't want to offend anonymous people i don't know on the internet who dictate my tastes.
He sounds like the guy who makes Overgrowth and it immediately makes me skeptical.
if you have to shill your game use the video of PC gamer, the interview makes it sounds much better
And since you're doing zelda 1 I hope you're doing it right. Not "it's zelda 1 but when you play it it's actually WW" tier
I forgot to add, please add a fucking way to turn of DoF, I don't want to play games with that much vaseline on and props for having a cute lain style fox hood
They guy looks like he could be the next Phil Fish. Other than that looks neato.
>PCGamer video
>in-game prompts are Dualshock prompts
>dualshock is not a PC controller.
Every controller belongs to PC, consolecuck
>Sup Forums
No, the Xbox controller is the de-facto PC controller. There's a reason why Logitech PC controllers mirror the Xbox button mapping and placement. You can't run DS4's without installing drivers, and even then, most games only support Xbox prompts. Meanwhile you just plug a 360 controller in and it's done.
lmao, the obvious shilling itself didn't tip you off?
>No, the Xbox controller is the de-facto PC controller. There's a reason why Logitech PC controllers mirror the Xbox button mapping and placement.
And the PS4 has the same layout. Only the "name" of the buttons are swapped. Are you so retarded that you need the prompt. The PS4 controller works with the basic driver if required, DS4Windows just expands functionality and gives support for the games that have drank M$ kool-aid and use xinput only instead of directinput.
PC has always been about control input diversity
and now microsoft is trying to destroy it for homogeniztion to create the "shared framework" shit and compete with steam
>just plug it and it werks
another fucking cancer that is ruining PC gaming along the
>you can build a pc (toaster) for 400$, PS4 btfo
>Sup Forums
kill yourself
Competent games natively support all popular controllers and change prompts accordingly
>You can't run DS4's without installing drivers
Its direct input plug and play.
But DS4windows is so good that compatibility is no longer a reason to choose the xbox controller