>Boss heals himself
Boss heals himself
> boss summons adds that heal him
> kill them first
> boss re-summons them at full health without using his turn
>boss heals you
> boss mind controls one of your party members
> uses a mega elixir to heal the boss
>Boss turns back time and starts the fight over again
>boss dies instantly if you use a specific attack/item
name 5 games that do this
>boss drains your life
> undead boss
> cast life on him
> he dies instantly
> no exp
>boss revives
>boss dies instantly if you touch its tail
>boss rapes you
>you end up liking it
>boss has multiple life bars
>boss is invincible
>boss stacks turns and kills your entire team before you get a single turn
>kill boss
>cut scene comes up showing boss killing you
>boss kills himself
>Boss has invisible life-bars
>boss charms one of my party members to heal him
>the only way to stop it is to kill said party member
>it's permadeath game
>Boss dies
>Another one spawns
>shoot boss
>it explodes
this is from those girls eating worlds hottest pepper, right? I only saw the thumbnail
>boss dies
>you didn't get the item you wanted
>have to wait in that spot for 3 hours until it respawns
fucking everquest
> completely obliterate boss barely touched you no healing items shat on his face
> cutscene shows the boss unharmed and you almost dead / dying so you can't chase after him
>Boss screams at you very loudly
>Boss has multiple forms
I saw that video, and did that girl have some kind of allergic reaction or something, or was she just such a tremendous pussbag that she screamed for HOURS after eating something that was too spicy?
>right after you struggled to kill it
I remember my brother playing HOMM V and getting super mad because he couldnt win a fight.
He would awalys reload right before he actually lost. I tell him to let me try I lose and a fucking cut scene pops up showing you were supposed to lose. My sides were in orbit and he was mega mad.
>Boss is just filler
>No cool gimmick, just beat it to death
>boss asks you to kill him
>boss rapes you
>boss seems impossible to beat
>expect your loss to be scripted
>defeat boss
>"Stop! If you kill me now you'll become just like me."
i can't remember the exact game, but one of the later FFs has a boss mob that zombies your party then casts full heal sporadically to one shot dudes.
I think the idea isn't unique to FF though.
>Boss heals himself
its fake
If you've never had a Carolina Reaper before you don't understand the strength of that pepper. I'm a fucking insane asshole and I eat shit like that all the time and even I feel pain when I eat a Reaper. If you don't do spicy food regularly, your intestines will be on fire and your stomach will be in knots at the experience for a solid 15+ minutes straight. If your body isn't used to it, it'll feel like you've been stabbed and someone poured gasoline in the wound. It REALLY sucks, which is why you should not fuck around with it unless you eat superhots on a regular basis.
>Boss has a command that allows him to give himself MORE MOVES
>In one turn he gains enough to severely damage everyone who is unprepared for him
>Boss Revives
>He becomes a SNK Boss
>He kills you in one or two hits
>Boss Revives
>His second form is weaker than the previous one
Any Final Fantasy boss that uses a cure spell to heal itself. Just use Reflect and bam, free HP
a woman? Being a coward?
no.....it couldnt be....
>Boss runs away
>Masquerades as an NPC the rest of the game
>boss can remove your buffs
>beat boss without taking damage
>next cutscene he is undamaged and you are scratched all over
>kill boss
>he wins
Lufia 2 - Master Jelly
Breath of Fire - The final boss, Tyr otherwise known as Myria
I'm sure a few anons can fill in the rest.
>Boss escapes after be defeated
>boss never existed
I'm surprised more feminists didn't complain about that
I guess it just goes to show that women don't actually play videogames
El Shaddai gave one hell of a twist.
>boss turns into a DBZ character in phase 2
>Boss dies
>You weren't the one to kill him
Megaman X Command Mission
>boss takes up the entire screen
>MC calls boss out on his bullshit and kills him anyway
>Defeat boss
>Get a huge emotional speech about how killing him would make me just like him
>Rocks fall and he dies
>that one machine boss in BoF2 that had protagonist's father embed into the machinery
>takes HP from his father to heal itself
>killing it while keeping dad alive would alter the ending
>not even the final boss
too bad that game sucks though
It was the secret boss. You have to be good at the game to get to it.
>boss is supposed to defeat you to continue the story
>buget of part 4
Stardust Crusaders is worse without a doubt. But it seems like the budget of SC was insane compared to part 4. What in the hell.
>Boss has the ultimate 2 Hour cooldown of every class in the game
>only way to cancel the ability is if a party member of that class uses the 2 hour ability at the same time as the boss
>devs dont tell players that
>can full heal itself
>last more than 20 hours
>1.98 mb
>trash tier image
>Boss has OCD
>undead boss
>cast life on him
>he comes back to life
>now he's stronger
>actually living in Australia
That pic is 1.98MB though.
>Boss permanently kills party members in one hit to enter the next phase.
I hate this shit.
I struggle against what I assume is just an insanely hard fight but no, his health and attack power has been artificially inflated because I'm not meant to kill him. Then he hammers me, I dread restarting the fight and the cutscene plays out.
>Boss punches you so hard your HUD flies off the screen, not allowing you know your own or his health, status, or options
>boss reaches half health
>casts magic reflect on the party
>if you have a full heal spell ready to go, it'll bounce off an restore him to full health
>He has 12 million HP
mgr? at the start anyways
>boss taunts you if you lose
>taunt him back once you win because you got really salty
>boss charms your party
>receives a full heal
>Boss gets low on HP
>Starts spamming OHKO attacks every turn
>He changes his identity
>The boss is a Jojo reference.
>Boss gets to half HP
>He heals himself back up
>boss removes his own debuffs
>you can prevent that by buffing him
>Boss is a former party member
>he has all the gear you worked hard to equip him with
>once you kill him, the gear is gone forever
...What game?
>the boss crashes this thread and ruins already low reputations
are you the extra credits guy?
>undead boss
>normal attacks heal him
>healing magic damages him
>no healer in party because until now one wasn't needed
The boss is Di-
Not exactly what that dude said, but in Deus Ex: Human Revolution there's a particular series of events that, if they happen, make one of the bosses able to disable your augs for the fight, and your HUD will turn into a complete "SYSTEM FAILURE" "FAILED TO LOAD" "REBOOTING" mess
>boss makes you love videogames again
>boss requires online objectives to be met in order to even be fought
>system doesn't support online anymore
>boss is a beetle
>The entire game is a final boss battle.
I know of that fight, but that's clearly not to the level of "boss punches your HUD clear off the screen"
Honestly, the only thing I can think of that does something like that would be Undertale, which even then is only a character attacking a single element of the HUD.
Brad from LISA: The Joyful heals you
>Boss has something like 50 hp bars, each one containing a fuckton of hps
>Boss suddenly casts reflect on you but you dont notice
>You cast a white magic that recovers all your hp on your team
>Boss spends the entire fight running away
>You start the game off with the final boss battle
>1 hour boss fight
>he fully heals himself after falling below 5% HP if you don't kill him before his next turn
fuck amelia that op heal