This is as masterpiece and one of the best games of all time
This is as masterpiece and one of the best games of all time
Everyone knows
Yes. And this is the best weapon. Prove me wrong.
It's good until the level design and monster variety shits the bed towards the end.
>towards the end
Towards the half.
im playing it right now for the first time and its pissing me off how fucking difficult it is. it makes me not want to play it
Playing it through for the first time and actually the way weapons and stats work are the #1 thing I have a problem with. I get cool new weapons I want to try out, but I can't get a sense of how effective they are without investing tons of stats into them. I've got a Zweihander and Balder Side Sword and every point I put towards one puts me further from the other, and isn't a point I put into endurance (which seems like it's just the best stat).
I got the halberd early on but never really gave it a chance because I didn't want to invest into DEX. It seems like this game would be far more fun the 2nd time around when I already know what weapons I like and could build intelligently around them.
Everything before lordvessel is a masterpiece. The rest is meh. (Excluding the DLC and 4kings)
More like overrated shit.
The game sucks ass as a base game after anor londo
It's a half finished mess. 2 and 3 were both better by a huge margin.
What were your issues with New Londor and Catacombs? I get Lost Izalith and maybe Dukes archives but the other 2 were fun.
You're correct op but you're still a faggot 2bh.
For a first time player I'd actually recommend you split your stats between Hp, Endurance, Strength and Dexterity. This lets you use a ton of weapons and if you find one you like that swings one way then you can put more points into that stat.
Nice meme. Duke´s Archives, New Londo Ruins and Tomb Of Giants are pretty good areas, the only meh areasare Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith
People will talk about this game for a lot of time. It's perfect.
it is and makes game very easy
>Everything before lordvessel is a masterpiece. The rest is meh.
This meme is stupid. Only lost izalith is mediocre (but centipede Demon is still a fun boss fight, he'll so is Demon firesage). Dukes archives + caves, tomb of giants, new Londo ruins are all fantastic. Woods and everything there are also all very good, especially sif. Then of course there's the God tier dlc.
More like the best game of all time.
Exactly. This second half is bad meme is full retard literally spouted by parroting faggots that probably only play souls because they were memed into it and don't even really like the game.
Duke archives and Tomb of giants are cancer
I agree with everything you just said. In addition, people bring up the Bed of Chaos as being bullshit but I gotta wonder why exactly? Ok you take out one orb and the floor falls you die. You come back take out the other orb then hop onto the central tree trunk and finish it off. Where is there any bullshit in that? Once you die due to the floor falling you know to be careful and to avoid it no?
Don't forget the god tier painted world m8s.
Why are they cancer?
You're cancer.
New Londo ruins was pretty awful too, dont understand why people think the second half of the game was any good at all.
Because he's bad.
Its okay. Maybe it would be if they bothered finishing it
Demon ruins and lost izalith are the only areas that needed more time spent on them. Fuck off with this unfinished meme.
Bloodborne is objectively better but Dark Souls still holds strong because without it's popularity we wouldn't have gotten BB
What about all the unoptimized areas that run at 15 FPS?
Maybe when the 60fps Bloodborne releases. The framerate and PvP hold it back.
Yup. And considering the sheer size and complexity of the level design, especially when including the dlc, it's hardly a big deal.
Why do the gargoyles fly you to anor londo when all the other ones are hostile
mad because someone insulted your game?
>le muh waifu maria xD
Your opinion is irrelevant retarded weeb
I preferred the second.
Nah. DaS is better than bb, but only marginally.
Damn I'll never forget how much fun I had with das1's online when it was new man. So many builds, so many awesome invasions and pvp/coop. Great fucking times. Will never forget that first Das1 playthrough either.
>le cancer greentext
He said finishing, which implies working on content. Frame rate problems are independent of that and come under optimisation.
She's not my waifu by any means but she's adorable when she's being bullied
Lots of these das2 cucks around these days dunno what's up with that.
>good areas
>shit bosses
4 kings
Bed of chaos
Are all jokes as the "4 big end game bosses"
Its bullshit because the fight is fucking terrible
If you say so buddy, then I'll reword my post.
Its okay. Maybe it would be if they bothered finishing and optimizing it.
So the second half sucks ass solely because you didn't find the bosses hard enough? BoC I give you since its a gimmick fight but out of curiosity what bosses DID you find hard in the first half? OandS I presume.
Bed of chaos is bad, seath isn't bad, just meh.
Kings and nito are fine.
Can't really feel your pain with framerate dude since I played on pc.
Waifufags ruined leveling up, it was practical and immersive when it was done in bonfires. Now we need to 2 loading screens only for that because sexual frustrated virgins wont play a game without a cute woman on it
>the only meh areasare Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith
and the valley of drakes and ash lake and darkroot garden and the crystal caves and the kiln oh and the royal woods.
Yes some of these areas have good music and interesting lore but as far as gameplay and exploration go, these areas are severely lacking
>BB has better combat
>better aggressive bosses that actually don't do the same shit even when they're almost dead
>weapons are all varied and have unique strengths that you can stick with through an entire game instead of multiple knock off inferior versions of one weapon
>consistently good level design right until the end
>dlc is the best thing from the franchise
>best OST of the series that uses REAL orchestra
Anyone who thinks Das isn't 2nd best is one delusional nostalgia faggot
What are some good areas in your opinion user?
Can't wait until that word is filtered along with the rest of the meme speak.
I really don't understand how you think that way
Even if we take the DLCs both into comparison, BB style's all over the entire base game of DaS and the DLC with points to spare
Orphan and Ludwig are some of the best fights if not the best fights in the entire series and DaS brings nothing except O & S to be on the same level as them
The areas in BB are much more beautiful and haunting which fits the game even more
The biggest downside to BB are it's semi-linearity and Nightmare Frontier
The biggest downsides of DaS are Anor Londo, Tomb of Giants, Lost Izalith, and Duke's Archives
The biggest positives of BB are all the excellent boss fights that are all unique if you don't parry/visceral spam, the weapons all being done perfectly, the combat, and the music
The biggest positives of DaS are Gwyn, O & S, Blackknight Great Axe, and the amazing potential for fashion souls which BB sort of but not really fails at
>>BB has better combat
It's different, wouldn't say objectively better. DaS has better weapons balance though. No reason to use anything in bb apart from cleaver.
>>better aggressive bosses that actually don't do the same shit even when they're almost dead
Yeah bb has the best boss fights.
>>weapons are all varied and have unique strengths that you can stick with through an entire game instead of multiple knock off inferior versions of one weapon
DaS still has better weapon variety and more of them. As well as way more build options.
>>consistently good level design right until the end
Much smaller game than DaS and the level design isn't as impressive overall in terms of layout/ connectivity. DaS only falters in lost izalith and when you consider the size of the game that doesn't matter.
>>dlc is the best thing from the franchise
Best dlc, but not the single best thing in the franchise cuz DaS is better overall.
>>best OST of the series that uses REAL orchestra
>Anyone who thinks Das isn't 2nd best is one delusional nostalgia faggot
Why are u mad about video games?
Bb's pvp and invasions are pure shit tier. I also preferred the much greater variety that DaS had over bb, both in builds and even the environments themselves. Bb has its strengths but I still prefer DaS for different reasons.
Is it worth getting a ps4 pretty much just for bloodborne? There's some stuff like nioh and yakuza 0 that I'm sorta interested in but Bloodborne is the main thing for me.
>le copying discount edgar allen poe and a few american horror clichés makes the setting not repetitive meme
Dark Souls did more with Medieval influences than Bloodbrne ever did with Lovecraft's.
in DS1?
the ones I didnt list. Dont get me wrong I think areas like the Kiln and Ash Lake are very interesting and I adore the music in ash lake but in terms of gameplay and exploration, like I said, compared to the rest of the game these areas are very disappointing. I just didnt find exploring the Valley of Drakes or the Crystal Caves for the first time was anywhere close to the Catacombs or the Painted world for example
>Anyone who thinks Das isn't 2nd best is one delusional nostalgia faggot
I agreed up until this. Das is dead last
Why does everyone like the DLC?
It's just the same shitty forest, a small town with DaS2 levels of enemies, and an uninteresting dark cave. Artorias and Manus would have been fun had I not already played DaS3 and experienced much better bosses.
>The biggest downsides of DaS are Anor Londo, Tomb of Giants, Lost Izalith, and Duke's Archives
Nice meme. Only izalith is bad.
Bb does have the best bosses.
Whether someone prefers bb's art style or Das1's is purely down to personal preference. They're both great but I love the variety and colour that Das1 has.
>had I not already played DaS3 and experienced much better bosses
Well there it is.
Artorias, the dragon dude and manus are hard and much faster fights than the main game which was refreshing. Lore wise seeing the furtive pygmy was great plus more abyss. And I liked exploring the town with end game gear.
>hard enough
It's not about hard you fucktard
When you hype them through the entire game as end game bosses i expect them to be fucking engaging and have a good experience when fighting them.
>seath isn't bad, just meh.
He is, literally only spams his shitty AOE attack, most boring piece of shit
>Kings and nito are fine.
Yeah the "kings" that only whack you in one way and go down easily, damn that's such a fun fight with nice movesets.
Nitto was even more of a joke with his hyped up lore and god tier design yet the only fucking thing he's capable of his a slow ass slash and again, a AOE attack.
Seriously the fucking big skelly's at the back if you trigger them are the only way to male the fight remotely interesting.
Anyone who says the 4 end game bosses weren't a joke are just delusional nostalgiafags.
The game is lucky Gwynn saved this shit since he unlike those 4 shitters was far more engaging if you don't parry him.
Not him but
>Undead Burg
>Blight Town
>Anor Londo
>Painted World
These are the only good areas in DaS. The rest aren't bad but they're not good either. They're just really uninteresting gameplay wise.
>It's different, wouldn't say objectively better.
It is better you fucktard, BB teaches you to be quick and agressive while Das encourages you to be a fag who rely's on shields and don't dodge enough at the very base.
>DaS has better weapons balance though. No reason to use anything in bb apart from cleaver.
This is how i know you're bullshiting, weapons like BoM are fucking god tier which shows you really only used 1 weapon.
Literally all the weapons are good enough for endgame unlike in Das.
Das doesn't have better variety when a good chunk of them suck. No point having alot of garbage.
>muhh it's a big game so it's okay to have shit tier levels at endgame
And crystal cave was horribly designed why are you pretending to ignore it?
Well keep sucking up to this overrated shit and sprint/roll around in your giant ass havel armor like all those Das faggots.
Here you go, you can put your post inside.
Bb's pvp is pretty shithouse. Pvp and invasions is way more fun than pve, so I wouldn't say bb is objectively better in the gameplay department. Just different.
Never felt the need to use anything apart from cleaver. Every weapon I tried was shithouse against it. I've done deathless all boss runs of bb btw. Have u? Doubt it.
Crystal caves is great.
I don't know why you're so upset that I like one game in a series more than another.
its oka
2 and 3 cocked it up massively though
DS1 is a modern master piece that is flawed like every other game and anyone regurgitating that post Londo rhetoric is simple minded fool that doesn't play many games period.
I hate all the anti-Dark Souls sentiment that came after DS2. I wish that game never happened.
>Better PvP and invasion = better combat
Ah see you are a dumb fuck then again you think the cleaver is the best and only good weapon so not suprised.
It's a pretty great game. Just got the platinum trophy for Dark Souls like 30 minutes ago.
I had more fun get the platinum for Dark Souls 2
>I don't know why you're so upset that I like one game in a series more than another.
Aspergers syndrome.
>I don't know why you're so upset that I like one game in a series more than another
>proceeds to say things as objective facts when they're wrong
Not even that guy but you're clearly asking for it
That's what I thought 2bh
>Duke´s Archives
Reused enemies out the ass, shitty 2d trees, invisible gimmick used like shit
>New Londo
>Tomb Of Giants
Ok I guess. Could do without the skeledogs though.
>Could do without the skeledogs though.
Sounds like someone got assraped lol. Git gud scrub.
How does one defends the ghosts in New Londo? They're not even hard, it's just lazy DaS2 encounter design mentality, but without the varying movesets that the enemies have.
Do I even bother with this game?
Yes, you fucking faggot.
I like the first one more but damn the framerate is absolute shit so I usually feel more like playing the second one. I wonder if From will remaster DaS someday.
Are u on Sup Forums all day dude? Leave your basement pls.
Demons souls is shit btw.
>a unique enemy type which requires a unique strategy to defeat
>casuals hate it
like pottery
You should play DeS, but don't listen to this user and their shit taste. All souls games are worth playing. Demon's Souls is the least fun Souls game though.
Still a solid 8/10 game
>How does one defends the ghosts in New Londo?
How about using transcient curse?
your taste a shit fyi
How has your stupidity not resulted in your death yet?
Why does no one like demons souls like the others? :'''''(
Silver Knight Spear, salutes you!
Because they haven't played it and probably only got into the series recently.
The entire series has had only had 1 proper weapon really if you count DeS/BB: DeS Estoc. And yes, I'll prove you wrong.
>R1 poke isn't spammy infinite or frame trap but decent.
>Rolling R1 is a god-tier long distance poke that can combo into L1,R1 with an off-hand katana or just an extra R1 either 1-handed or two handed, while the move itself can be baited and punished.
>R2 is slower and more punishable than R1 but leads into the same combos as Rolling R1 (L1,R1 with a katana off-hand or R1 in 1-handed or 2-handed stance). Although slower and more punishable, it has better lock-on tracking and the hitbox lingers more.
>Dash R1 is even slower than R2 but combos into an R2 leading into legit devastating 3-hit/4-hit combos (Dash R1,R2,L1,R1 with an off-hand of Dash R1,R2,R1 1-handed or 2-handed). Very slow and difficult to use with insanely high reward.
>f+R1 pirouette attack stuffs BSes, cant be parried and can be used as a combo ender instead of R1 making it a great utility move with no weaknesses aside from moving you outside Estoc's optimal range.
>Blocking R1 stops katana horseshit with ease, but is easy to parry.
It has not one bad move, the unique combos work in both stances, there are no infinites or brutal frame traps, adding a shield gives you more defense and a special offenseive move while adding a katana grants one additional hit to every combo. It's best poke can be baited and punished, it's higher reward moves are slow and deliberate, and it's weak against weapons with hyper. There you have it, the finest weapon in the series.
Halberd has like two good moves, 1-handed is completely shit, and if you miss an R1 you stagger like a retarded weakling. It's also more basic than any weapon in BB.
>implying bitches don't know about zweihander giant dad
People who actually like games don't own consoles.
>Every single person in this thread
How do you even enjoy yourselves if you don't believe in souls
thats a funny way of saying "mediocre combat" and "memes"
No shit
because it feels good hehehehehehe
can someone explain to me how the artorias dlc was god tier?
they literally just added enemies to a level layout already created beforehand and a generic dark cave with a lore boss.