My friend wants to have access to my steam library to "see what his options are"...

My friend wants to have access to my steam library to "see what his options are". I have about 76 games but he only has 8, most of which are cheap indie games. I feel like Im getting scammed here. but he let me play DanganRonpa 2 on steam. Is it wrong of me to not want to share my steam stuff with him?

How long have you known the guy?

I mean, he let you play dangaronpa 2, so it seem like he trusts you, so why not trust him back?

Just screengrab your library, retard.

Its not that I dont trust him, but I feel like Im getting slighted on this, he gets 76 new games to play while I only get 8 weak ones.

You're not losing anything by sharing with him, you can also remove him anytime you want. Just do it.

Steam has this family share thing. Although, never got the hang of it.

we are using family share.

I guess I sorted get it, maybe you should let him just play one game he really want to play? I dunno.

Regardless, It's probably nothing to worry over too much.

you already got ripped off by playing a meme """"""game""""" like danganronpa

I wish there was a feature to only allow certain games to be played with family share

There is a feature, but why would you be this autistic to begin with, with someone you consider your friend? Sharing your library is zero effort on your end and will never impede your ability to play your own games.

Can't you just disable the family share then? Maybe give him a period of time to play some games.

He obviously shared DR2 with you and wants you to family share so he has more games, so he can be like Chiaki. Then he'll dress up as her and return the favor by sharing himself with you :3

>Tfw no cute Sup Forums faggot to just talk vidya with and lewd sometimes

You know what you need to do user, sure you'll get a lot of socially awkward neets and other assorted weirdos - but think of all the potential lewds~

posting contact? I'm not sure user. I just came out of dealing with one that got a bit too much obsessed with me. I just want a friend with benefits kinda thing. Not sure if I should retry so soon.

Steam friend or a friend in real life?
If steam only don't give him your info.

Only if you know him in real life
Kick him out of your familiy share list if he ever tries to play a game which you just bought

You don't lose anything by sharing the library user, so why does it matter?

It's a shame, but I guess those who crave company the most have greater tendencies to get emotionally dependent - and perhaps obsessed with those they get close with.

It's probably best, if you decided to every try again to keep in contact via absolutely disposable means. Regardless you'd have to find somebody aside from me to get the more... specialized benefits you seek. I do wish you the best with your endeavors, and that you can find a qt to casually bond with soon~ :3

ok post an email or something and I'll send a thing as soon as I get back home, have to leave soon

>wants to have access to my steam library to "see what his options are"
what does this mean

if he just wants to try your games why can't he pirate them or do research on whether it's the type of game he likes?

How young are you? Obvious, blatant, and old scam.

Fuck that noise. Even if it's a close friend, never trust them alone with something you've spent hard earned money on. It's easy enough to go on Youtube or even pirate a game if you want to see what it's like in motion, so asking for access to your Steam library is actually pretty fucked up.

OI ANOOOOOOOOON~~~~ AM ~~~ I QT!~~~~~~ ENOUGH~~~~ FOR YOUR~~~~ TASTES~~~~~~?


I'm sharing my 300 A-AA games library for a friends 100 AAA games library, which I think is far. You honestly have nothing to gain in your situation, but if you wanna put up with the bullshit of verifying computers and accounts from time to time, there's no stopping you.