Did Half-Life 2 ruin storytelling?
Did Half-Life 2 ruin storytelling?
HL1 / 2 are 1 of the few FPS stories that are good, so no. and im not clicking your shitty youtube channel
>posting some "fucking who's" youtube video
how about actually listening to his reasoning?
Also anything that say is inherently wrong because of it.
Ive been thinking this for weeks every since I played HL2 for the first time in years and realizing how FUCKING BORING the game is making me walk down pre determined cutscene hallways and not talking to anyone just listening to some pre recorded dialogue
Like people say its immersive but whats immersive about loading every 5 minutes after the actors perform their little Shakespeare plays with you in the room
i dont need to listen to somebody who is far less intelligent than me and has far less knowledge about game design/story than me
fanboy confirmed
No. Why would you blame someone who was doing something original and awesome for everyone else who fails to improve on it?
if you're so goddamn intelligent, surely it should be no problem for you to make a counterargument, right?
a lot of people complain about games like in Uncharted where you pass through a crevice to mask loading times but i'd take that over the abrupt loading messages in valve games. at least add a transition like a fade to black.
HL2 has aged terribly and everything modern games are attacked for HL2 has as well. Boring unskippable uninteractive cutscenes. guns that sound unsatisfying. lack of variety. shitty braindead puzzles. and a plot thats more fun to read about than it is to be apart of
>inb4 but the gravity gun so fun!
fuck off it was fun then and still is but the levels dont even really take full advantage of it. the shooting segments in general are all very underwhelming
this is literally what I've been saying for years
if you've ever seen someone in MGS hate threads defending it because it has real gameplay where as half life has cinematic gameplay, that was me
Just played HL2 a week ago. It's great. The guns feel good and there are a ton of setpieces, almost leading to too much variety and not enough of the parts I found exceedingly awesome. No cutscene is interactive, that's why it's called a cutscene, but HL2 at least lets you look around and play with the machines a bit.
>HL2 came out in 2004
>lets critique it based on 2016 standards
>man I am so smart.
I honestly think it holds up to 2016 standards anyway.
Thief II was much better at storytelling and was released in 2000
It does for sure I think many people also fail to realize what the competition was like in 2004. HL2 was leaps and bounds ahead of what was being done on consoles at the time.
FMV cutscenes and journals?
thast terrible logic. if I had to refute everyone who had a retarded point of view or opinion, i'd have to dedicate all my free time and spend 24 hours a day and id still only end up refuting 1% of them in 100 years
holy fuck am I talking to myself? this 100%
I played thief 2 recently for the first time and its easily one of the best if not the best game ive ever played
>Came for discussion
>Saw dumpster fire