what did blizzard mean by this?
What did blizzard mean by this?
It won't eliminate Horde and Alliance as factions that's for sure.
One of WoW's biggest problems. Two major factions ruined it for good. Should've been completely factionless.
I haven't played WoW in years, at least since Burning Crusade, but why don't Night Elves get along with Tauren? They're a bunch of hippies who get butthurt about cutting trees down. Seems silly they'd pick these two since ideologically they're pretty fucking similar.
>One of WoW's biggest problems. Two major factions ruined it for good. Should've been completely factionless.
nah nigga u got shit taste.
Should have gone the ESO route, factions don't mean shit in PvE and only in PvP.
Tauren chose the wrong team, that's all. They're aligned with orcs.
They do get along lorewise, they're specifically referring to ingame mechanics of opposing factions trying to group up for a quest.
Old enemies?
>remove the Warcraft from WoW
Removing factions would improve wow massively, no more need to balance classes and races around one against the other.
It should have happened even earlier.
It means you best start preppin' the bull, boy.
taurens have different tribes
bloodhoof are under cairne's leadership
they are aligned under the horde
tauren tribes in the broken isles are neutral but are closely aligned with night elves because of huln's involvement with the war of the ancients
PvP is an important component of the game. Removing it would be unthinkable.
>should've been completely factionless
you mean normal realms
>he doesn't know shit about warcraft lore
>he doesn't know that it's not canon that horde and ally even fight at all
I didn't play WoW past free 20lvls trial
Can you play together with two factions or it's forbidden?
I only know they got rid off one faction per server bullshit
I really liked the Taunka in WotLK. Those guys looked far better than Tauren.
last time I checked on w3, Humans and Orcs were allies
>Alliance allies with a faction of Tauren in Cataclysm
>It's never bought up again
>That higly detailed Tauren face
>Everything else is low pixel shit
Absolutely disgusting
Bravo Blizz
>nobody gets this means elite quests
>elite quests haven't been a thing for 3 expansions now
So this is the kind of people WoW caters to now
The only don't get along with the Horde tribes because they're aligned with the Orcs and Blood Elves.
The Highmountain tribes on the Broken Isles don't give a fuck about their shitty wars.
Horde and Alliance characters can't party, quest, dungeon or raid together. They can barely communicate with each other as it is.
elite quests are back in legion
and you cant solo them
unless youre a tank
Nigga, removing factions wouldn't remove PvP. Open world PvP would still be a thing, only now you'd have to watch your back even more. Battlegrounds would work exactly the same way (maybe randomly set up teams or something but still), arenas would still work the same way.
Yeah but you still can't team up for dungeons/raids with the opposing faction in PVE servers. Same for BGs.
You can solo them as anything as long as you don't play like a retard.
i dont know what they mean by this
>Those armor textures.
>what they mean by this
Nice meme.
Because Blizzard fucked up. They made the Tauren the Horde druid faction, which they weren't at all back in WC3 because Druids were a night elf exclusive thing, and even made these weird neutral druid factions with them and the night elves in it. Outside of this they still simply keep them aligned to the Orcs, which for some reason starts out at war with the Humans and Night elves even though WC3 ended with them allied, and the Tauren followed suit.
One of the big complaints about how WoW became "ruined" was how you could solo nearly everything in the game, whereas in Vanilla you would often need to group up to complete quests in each area.
The Horde vs Alliance war really doesn't make sense. There's literally always been bigger threats to worry about.
>which for some reason starts out at war with the Humans and Night elves
Orcs are orcs, the sooner we remove them the sooner we can have peace.
so basically like Rift did a few years ago? when you queue for pvp, you have the chance to randomly spawn as a mercenary for the opposite faction and fight for them in that particular BG
The best MMO of all fucking time had THREE factions.
And the best PVP experience of my entire life. I miss it every day.
>The best MMO of all fucking time had THREE factions.
Which one?
Night Elves are the supreme race on Azeroth.Why would they got along with lesser beastmen races?
And Highborne, Illidari, Satyrs, Naga, and High and Blood elves are just mutated inbred Night Elves
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Dark Age of Camelot
WoW actually has a mercenary mode as well
it's only for ashran and unrated battlegrounds, but they did it due to long queue times
I get that it's easier and far more performant to make high quality textures only for the faces but god damn blizzard what the fuck are you doing
Burning Crusade was supposed to introduce the Illidari as a third faction. But they decided it was too hard and instead just started fucking up all of Warcraft's lore forever.
Because going through BRD 40 times was fun right? I had to get a group together just to smelt some fucking ore.
Vanilla was fun, but it had a lot of bullshit restrictions.
Things being harder increased the sense of achievement for certain people upon achieving things. Modern WoW basically hands these great feats to players.
How can Nelf boys compete?
NEs are mutated inbred trolls
I thought Tauren were also more Shamans
It was really only Jaina's faction that was allies with the horde. The rest of the alliance was still under the mindset of fuck the horde
ist that witch?
i dont know man
I really really really want to kill Magatha and Azshara.
I'm assuming Azshara will be a raidboss during an Old God expansion and the likelihood of Magatha ever returning being next to zero.
How would y'all like these two handled if they did become relevant?
>"Tauren and Night Elves don't actually get along. We strongly advise against approaching the opposite faction for help."
Elves fucked up literally everything by being retarded multiple times
Looks like a guy walking into that thing.
The actual fuck is that
>siege of thunder bluff
deepest lore
Built with PVP in mind from the start, so skill sets and party synergy worked perfectly for it, on most shards faction warring affected active zones, and some end-game content even required either PVP or cross-faction co-operation, which is where the real fun came in.
Being on the battleground with two enemies meant occasional shaky short-lived truces. >TFW Highlander
>Friar-leap up to a Midgardian Troll Thane to punch his shit
>He's about to drop the thunder
>We hear a pack of pussy elf Bards fluting over the ridge with a group of XP-pinata Sylvan Druids
>Pull my punch and nod to the Thane
>He raises his fist to me and speedbuffs the group
>TFW Crushing hibernian hippies together like bros before going back to killing each other
There's never been a game like it, best MMO experience of all time.
Trolls were always bros
but FUCK kobolds
You and your wife's son get to watch your wife's bull and his LFQ plow her hard right in front of you
which witch?
>tfw no muscle back NE gf
That sounds pretty badass actually why have I never heard of this game before?
He's going to stretch that tight elf pussy
I don't know who started the trend of giving girls sick lats in media but I am damn glad for it
because it was an early era mmo so the tech was still developing. Also the studio that made it went on to sink a Warhammer MMO
A hero.
>what did blizzard mean by this?
You're gonna have to group up unless you're playing a Blood DK in which case you literally cannot be killed.
Some DPS specs can solo them too if they can burn cool downs and play smart.
>and you cant solo them
I don't understand. He's the blood elf and the girl is the orc?
>affliction warlocks being smug about literally anything
i dont remember a single group quest in legion that wasnt a dungeon quest.
People who say WoW is an Everquest clone are completely wrong. FFXI is an Everquest clone, WoW is a Dark Age of Camelot clone
>that back
>those abs
So great