Have you bought him yet, user?
Have you bought him yet, user?
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had a game today where an alarak player roleplayed as him the entire game
Did he do it well?
i mean i guess he said stuff like alarak might say but it was all cringey as fuck
No. I don't like him
That a new Kassadin skin?
Fuck off Drew
>30.1% winrate
Telekinesis is high skill ceiling.
People play this?
it sits at third most played moba game way ahead of SMITE or any other game that's not LoL/DOTA2
>Way ahead of SMITE
Based on what?
playerbase/market share.
Post it. I can't find anything in the market share regarding how well HotS does individually. Or anything about the playerbase other than China disbanded their esports team and people who played it via esports said it was shit.
HotS is the best moba.
It's the only one that doesn't take itself more seriously than "just a fucking video game"
>not knowing how to google "moba market share 2016"
here you babby, do you love being spoonfed?
>Dota 2 only takes up 14%
What the fuck. The biggest prize pool in esports history and it's that fucking small with over 100 million unique players this month? But LoL boasted that same number of unique players. There's no way it's that big of a gap.
Not in HotS, but I've been playing as his commander in coop in SC2
I just assumed everyone is talking about SC2 since he was just released as a commander
They chose him as a commander specifically because they were making him a HotS hero anyway. I mean let's face it, Terrans are due for their 4th commander for a long time now.
Why is this game so dead? Literally more people are playing Warframe on Steam.
Because dota is backed up by valve who can afford such price instead of one studio with one game
Because like Blizzard said, half the people who buy SC2 ever since WoL play the campaign then never touch it again, they have no interest in the online component.
All that's left is the ladder fiends, people who REALLY like Desert Strike, and co-op players.
Awful map editor and a sub-par RTS
>people who REALLY like Desert Strike
It's a fun game until the bullshit spirals out of control
I bought it for the custom maps but blizzard in their attempt to make sure another DOTA does not slip through their fingers made the system stupid as fuck so no decent map makers will ever touch it.
The issue isn't even with the map editor. You can make that work if you put in enough dedication. The problem is with their policy on custom games.
>Infinite Crisis, a dead game, has more players than Awesomenauts
Didn't Valve do the same thing with Dota 2's custom games?
Awesomenauts gets old after the 10th or so game
Infinite Crisis was actually a really cool idea. Shame League was the first moba made after WC3DOTA - there are so many cool ideas that just can't fly now that the first is still around and soaking up the market by virtue of just being the one that came first.
Kinda surprised Marvel hasn't thrown its hat into the moba scene yet either - capeshit has more than enough characters to make a cast for one of these games and lord knows they have enough costumes to make skins for years.
>the canned infinite crisis
Although I'm really hoping for some kind of marvel equivalent. I really want a marvel freemium game that isn't the diablo clone or the insanely shitty fighting one that is basically just attack and STRONG attack buttons with crouch.
What's the issue then?
They own any maps you make so another dota scenario, as another poster said, never slips through their fingers you make. This is in the EULA.
A lot of people just don't feel like making maps as a result.
At 15k? Nah, I'll wait two weeks for a price drop.
their fingers again*
I'm gonna wait 2 weeks till he drops from 15k to 10k gold, also too busy playing reworked butcher with his anti christ auto attack damage.
>its ok when valve does it
Also can we take a mometn to appreciate how many NEW heroes hots has added in the time it took for valve to port pit lord to dota 2?
It's true. I only played the campaign, had no interest in online.
My only problem with Alarak in coop is he's really weak early on. You basically need to be semi-carried on Hard or higher until you reach level 8 and obtain Ascendants.
New heroes in a small rooster is shit easy. Valve is slow as fuck but atleast their game plays better. I still love Hots although.
I want to add that people don't play multiplayer because they're either intimidated or don't want to put in the time it requires to be a decent pvp player. And while I love the game I can't say I blame them. If you jump into multiplayer as someone completely new to Starcraft you're most likely going to get rekt and that's not even the bad part. The worst part is that it's not clear to the new player WHY he got rekt. In CS:GO you can be pretty bad at aiming or at reaction times at first but you instantly know where to improve. In Starcraft you have to analyse what exactly it was that you did wrong and what's a good tactic to counter the opponent and most people don't have the patience for it or it's to much to them.
Because SC2 is shit. No I don't play online, and I didn't play online for Brood War either aside from the insanely gimmicky custom maps and modes.
Only thing that would convince me to play again would be Duran or Prince Aidan
Aidan is on that list
The next coop commander will probably be Matt I'm guessing.
My biggest problem is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of different strategies you can do with him. It's always mass supplicants, mass slayers and then add on different units later. Maybe I'm missing something? I tried to go full robo on one map but my army got decimated way too fast. Also what's up with the wrathwalker? For the investment you make you get a really slow walking, slow firing, easily killed unit.
Doesn't Valve do the same thing though with custom maps?
CS:GO is broken as shit.
>My biggest problem is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of different strategies you can do with him. It's always mass supplicants, mass slayers and then add on different units later.
No that's pretty much it, he's there to bring pure power while your partner provides something else to achieving victory. Alarak is amazing at attacking targets and defending points, but that's about it.
HotS has tighter gameplay, a faster pace and a smaller playerbase. It's Sup Forums.
DotA is mainstream normie garbage using recycled Blizzard resources and being shilled by Gabe. It's reddit.
Icefrog definitely gets all his design decisions from the feedback on Reddit. The game's become increasingly casual friendly with all these catch-up mechanics.
I just wish HotS wasn't so insulting with it's design choices like shared EXP and no items. Overwatch has the same team stressed gameplay but it did it much better. There's more of a sense of individuality in Overwatch.
hots is casualized garbage shit out as a cash grab and played by fucking retards
So it's every Blizzard game ever made save for Diablo.
I'm betting it'll be Nova. Here's a couple reasons why I think that it's going to happen:
1. Terran commander (duh)
2. Nova is going to have her last mission pack in a couple months (I think) and that might be good time to also drop the commander as well or slightly afterwards.
3. She could be the first Terran commander that enters the battlefield herself like Kerrigan or Alarak
4. We haven't seen any ghost units with either Raynor or Swann. I can image her having an interesting army composition.
Of course this is just my own reasoning but I'm very convinced this will happen.
>I just wish HotS wasn't so insulting with it's design choices like shared EXP and no items
this is the biggest turn off for me
even though i play the game a lot, the fact that you have to share your xp with your team when you could be getting to level 20 on your own and wrecking shit is a turn off
it's like they want to create a safe space where nobody feels truly useless, even if they are
He has one of the best skins in the game
That doesn't seem to stop people from sucking ass at it. I tried playing with my friends WoW guildies and it was worse than QM pugs. All the quest grinding must have lobotomized them.
forgot pic
In HotS or SC2? I haven't bought him in either though I might get him SC2 eventually since Coop is pretty fun
I initally made this thread because he was just released in SC2 and I don't play HotS but I guess this thread is for both now
He's in both.
The developers want people to win and lose as a team
The strict roles for characters completely restricts what heroes can be picked and whether or not a game is over by the drafting stage. It's stupid.
>queue for a quick match
>10 minute wait time
God damn this game is dead.
What? It takes me like 2 to 3 minutes in QM.
its a good character but, if you use a good chen in a fight, you can win this motherfucker
Took me almost a minute to find a game as Gul'dan in QM.
I think he has a good kit, just needs some mov speed and small number tweaks i think
Does his quotes/click pokes have any references to 'you know what'?
valve has their userbase pay for tournament pool prizes. also, only slavs and peruvians play dota 2 and while they are a horde of their own, it still won't surpass mainstream western numbers.
>not all warriors can solo-tank
>assassins split between the mages and melee hitters
>specialists aren't even interchangeable at all
>implying most Dota games aren't decided by the drafting stage either
I am confused by the exact meaning of your statement and wish for an explanation
>accidentally queue up for QM instead of HL
>final push on tomb of the spider queen, we're all killing the core when azmodan suddenly decides to go for the fully intact (towers, gate and everything) keep on top instead of core, this leads to us getting teamwiped when core is at 16% hp
>"why would you go top keep when we were all pushing core; that was a baffling decision"
>"no it wasn't"
>"yes, that was actually quite stupid"
>"The player is ignoring you."
you know, i'm not even angry because i didn't go into QM on a hero I needed to level anyway, but what would lead someone to do this
how do they arrive at the conclusion that they should push a pristine keep when the rest of their team is pushing core
>the only decent and fun game in Blizzards roster
>paywalled and largely ignored
SotIS crew should have just gone to Valve with Eul and IF
>Paying for characters
Disgusting. Games that do this are disgusting and the retards who defend it are even worse.
How is Medivh these days?
People were always pissed when I played them awhile ago. Despite me saving their asses with shield, having one of the highest exps, putting down portals they never seemed to use.
Is it still a "your team needs to not be idiots" type of hero? People always said he was a worse abathur.
>Is it still a "your team needs to not be idiots" type of hero?
pretty much, yeah
essentially works best if he's used to build around a specific hero in your comp, like illidan or something
otherwise he's just an average pick
I'm actually kinda relieved this game is doing fine. I like everything about the game, expect playing it. Something about the gameplay just doesn't fit well with me, but I like keeping up with whatever's new in the game. Maybe I'll get back to it one day.
It is slowly rebuilding itself into a decent-ish DotAClone, now that old man metzen and chillton stopped caring about its turnout
Why isn't he a support? Seriously like everything besides his Q is supporting. Yet they just make him a specialist.
>blizzcucks and LoL cucks force a hero to be only 1 assigned "role"
>It is slowly rebuilding itself
Have they made any significant changes or are they just adding more content?
No its just that I want to do support quest as Medivh. The others are meh besides going psi storm tassadar.