>hundreds of thousands of man hours are put into making a game
>you play it for 15 minutes and decide it's bad
do you ever feel bad bros?
Hundreds of thousands of man hours are put into making a game
>a game cost millions of dollars to make
>therefore you MUST like it
No. If a game is shit, it's shit. It doesn't matter how much money went into producing it. Capitalist morality is bogus.
No, why would I, if they spent hundreds of hours in something and it's shit it's their fault.
There's just something sad about being so dismissive about something hundreds of people took years of their life to make, y'know?
One can respect the effort that went into the product, but that respect has no bearing on the actual value of the product. Especially if said product is consumer interactive, and the interaction is mediocre or poor.
No, because I'm perfectly fine with PS2 level visuals and budget, if it means I'm getting a complete game.
It's game companies fault for continuiosly trying to push "WOW LOOK AT THE FUCKING GRAPHICS ON OUR CONSOLELELSLLS!!!!11". Nintendo was smart in that they didn't have an HD console last gen, and barely got one this gen. They keep their games humble, and that's why their budgets are low, and their profits are high even if they don't sell a lot.
>Put hundreds of millions of dollars into a game
>it becomes obvious that this was a bad investment after playing it for 15 minutes
Better question, do developers feel ever righfully ashamed?
Activision and destiny are very pertinent to this.
I'm actually going to start playing Destiny again on Friday after not doing so for a whole year.
Get that muscle memory back before RoI hits.
Actually, what's sad is that a team of hundreds of people couldn't make anything decent after multiple years of working on it, while some games are made by team of 10 people in less than a year yet are still fun
those bloated budgets aren't toward game development
80% of that is spent on all marketing
like concentration camps?
If game is bad, it ain't my fault
>Play some Destiny after months of not doing so
>KDA of 0.2 in deathmatch
I'm worried.
go away white supremacist frog
throwing money and millions of lines of code into something doesn't make that good.
When all there is into something is money (mostly in thrown into marketing anyway) without any real vision or passion than it's usually trash.
No? Especially since all that budge is wasted on garbage.
>can't paint for shit
>spend hundreds of hours staring at a blank canvas
>finally paint a bad stick figure
i used much of my time, so it has to be good, right?
Welcome to creating shit, enjoy the critics and get better by creating more shit. Cant handle people not liking your shit? Get the fuck out.
And there is something sad and INCREDIBLY stupid about you sucking up to them, considering it took hundreds of millions of peoples lives and several hundred years to rid our society of the notion that simply because people with money and power do something that this something does not have to be judged solely on its own qualities, but on that very likely misspent money and power.
A mountain of poo sprinkled with gold is no less shit just because of all the gold wasted on it.
>Spend millions
>Forget to make it fun
A game's first hour is usually an indicator of its quality and whether the player will enjoy it. So no, I don't feel bad about trashing games if they play like shit right from the getgo.
All those movie with bloated budgets... and I didn't even pirate them. How's hollywood still afloat?
Do people still think Destiny cost $500 million to make?
Only if the canvas was crazy expensive.
If yes, national gallery of modern arts, AHOI!
>the biggest most polished games
>most polished
>AAA games
Well, there's 6 billion people in the world that can potentially consume the product.
you took years to make and nobody feels bad about dismissing you
>A game's first hour is usually an indicator of its quality and whether the player will enjoy it.
The trap in this viewpoint is that the beginning of the game is usually the most polished part, because publishers know this as well.
If these companies actually gave a fuck about the product they were producing, it wouldn't be such poor quality anyway.
90% of budget is on marketing.
Also big publishers and devs bloat the entire dev team with 1-2k members on staff, all over the fucking world.
>6 billion
you're too old to browse this site grandpa
Not really, the second i put down the cash i expect the best possible product and, in 99% of all cases, pay no mind to the hardships of game development.
Doesn't really invalidate the argument. I mean sure, you can have the first hour be as flashy and bombastic as you want. If the core gameplay mechanics are no good, it won't make a difference.
Exactly. Same goes for video games not really, not too many gaymin pcs and cucksole units in the world, but who cares
That's and awfully precise number you got there.
Most of the budget is blown is stupid shit like graphics, music, marketing and character design so no I don't feel bad.
>100 s of thousands of hours out into game
>can't hold he interest of some normie for more than 15 min
They fucked up
There is a difference between criticizing a videogame (good or bad) and recognizing its faults while acknowledging the effort put into all its aspects by people and classyfing the good and bad points made by the effort of people.
and just being an entitled asshole who closes arguments with "its shit" reflecting the apathy and lack of presence of that person at all.
Thats wjy games should never have had this much graphical advance in such short time. They are pretty to look at but most of them are shallow as fuck. Which is the very reason we have so many movie games and indieshit.
>tfw 2004 was the best year for gaming
>tfw it's been 12 years
guess I should have lowered my standards
I picked up destiny with all recent expansions for 30 bucks
>hey thats not that bad
I currently have around 20 hours in it and the story at times loses me but for the price its a pretty good game
It's their own fault for trying to "advance" things, I'd still buy new gamecube games if they were made
Employees get paid to work on a game. They were rewarded on the base of their payment. They get to work at a nice office with their friends in a nice air conditioned environment ESPECIALLY if the game is expensive. Craft in itself is a reward and no one can really take that away from them. If not don't fucking work in the creative industry.
Effort does not entitle you to critical or mass success. You either have something people want or you don't, that's just how life works.
>put 90% the budget in marketing
>think it's going to be fun for more than 15 min
>do you ever feel bad bros?
Those people already got paid for the time they put in, I'm not getting paid for mine, on the contrary, sometimes I'm the one who's paying to waste MY time, so it better be good.
No. While I think money usually DOES make a game better, it reaches a tipping point where the risk of not making it back kills anything unique about it. Best example in recent years is Bioshock Infinite. If you're really familiar with Levine's work you can see all sorts of genius that got clipped down to generic action. Even that can be good in moderation (fuck games that go full art).
But my responsibility is to get value for my money, not ensure they provided value for theirs. Your first duty as a dev idn't your goddamn artsy message or making your publisher happy. It's making something your audience wants to buy. Because doing that makes all the rest fall in place. If your team can dump that much time in and still get it wrong, your team is bad. That has nothing to do with me. Why would I feel bad?
You're shit.
that´s why I like capitalism
if your game is shit, nobody will buy it
you can´t force us
> muh feelings
fuck your feelings
get a better designer next time
Literally the same for most things retard.
Cars are expensive
Movies are expensive
Music can be too
Just because time and effort was put into somthing, it doesnt mean it'll be good
Not even a little bit.
My standards for games were set by games from the past. If you can't meet or exceed these demands then I have no pity.
There is this new thing I've noticed lately where people spend money and support corporations/businesses based off of emotion like 'but they worked so hard I feel baaad'
This is idiotic, fools and their money etc.
How did you do it? I got it last Christmas and just found it too dull and boring to play.
dumb supremacist frog poster
welcome to capitalism
nobody gives a shit about anything you do
Nope, because if a game is so bad I quit after 15 minutes, it's absolutely irredeemable.
No, a big expensive turd is still made of shit.
Nope. Inflation of budget =/ compelling reason to play.
>spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a game
>less fun, less polished than Flywrench
How does AAA fuck up this bad every time?
I guess I'll see when FFXV comes out
They aren't. Hollywood is dying, everyone is leaving for Netflix or doing something else with their money. Good riddance
Good gameplay doesn't take millions of dollars to implement.
>hundreds of thousands of man hours are put into making a game
>Nobody developing it stopped and thought "Hey, this is pretty bad."
Yeah it took hundreds of of people years to make shit games where as other groups of devs who you can count on fingers have made better games in their basements.
Sometimes. Some games are clearly filled with love and bad anyway. It is a sad reality of the creation process.
Yes, it sucks that you spent years making something bad, but if you really do care, you take the critique to heart and improve so your next project doesn't blow.
>AAA game
>it's obviously rushed and feels incomplete
t i m e
Underrated post
>A product who's sole purpose is to entertain me doesn't entertain me
>"no u cant say is bad because it took a lot of time to make!"
no, in the same way I dont feel bad when a movie turns out to suck that was similarly expensive to make
I'm trying to think of the last AAA aside from D44M that didn't feel like that Leaving out the multiplayer and I actually can't. Dishonored?
degenerates pour thousands of hours into making furry porn on deviantart
that doesnt make it any less repulsive and shitty
Because, like film, the vast majority of that reported budget is spent on marketing.
Well i have some friends who were having fun with it so i got the taken king edition and got the level 25 boost and made it to level 40 in a week just by following the basic storyline so now i can do raids. The game gets way better at level 40 and i find it fun to try to get the best weapons. It feels to me like the weapon system is kind of like borderlands which is one of my favorite games so it feels natural to grind for good loot
>game is released that actually has fun gameplay
>it's early access and absolutely bare bones in terms of content and features
>3 years later
>still early access
and liberals wonder why execs get paid so much, its so you dont have giant flops.Sometimes they get paid a ton and still flop but thats the risk you take.
my face when I have tons of fun with extremely cheap, one man-made games like Cave Story or Spelunky, but uninstall shit triple A's after 15 minutes maximum. I still play Sonic 2 at work. I have loads of fun and have been playing it for about twenty years.
The only modern expensive games I have thoroughly enjoyed are Skyrim, MGS:GZ/V and GTAV.
I shit you not, yesterday I played a shit Squeenix game about dumb animus at war and I have totally forgotten its name.
>character design
>stupid shit
Go play pong then you insufferable dickshitter
It's only going to get worse with the no one's a winner policy in schools. You tried is enough.
Film budgets don't include marketing.
Because it feels like half the time the devs shit out a minimally viable product, spend millions on advertising, make 50% RoI on preorders then %100 on week 1 sales. Then laugh all the way to the bank holding a big "we don't care we already got your money" sign.
I can spend a few hours programming my own breakout or pong clone. It has fun core gameplay. When you spend hundreds of millions on a game and the gameplay sucks, you've fucked up on a fundamental level. It's a sign of incompetence.
Just because someone spent thousands of hours trying to take a shit doesn't mean that I am in any way obligated to somehow appreciate or enjoy their shit--it's still shit.
>one single autists sits down at a computer for two years and creates Transport Tycoon and Rollercoaster Tycoon
>he did it completely on his own
>he wrote the games in motherfucking assembly
>20 years later
>thousands of 'professionals' with a budget of a few gorillion dollars shit out a product on schedule
>it's garbage that doesn't come close to what the autist made on his own
how does it keep happening?
So what, do we give people a "You tried" award for being shit at something? No. Fuck no. If I buy something, I want my money's worth. If I spend my time playing something, I want my time's worth. If I don't get those things, you bet I'll be pissed off.
Will Destiny 2 be on pc, bros?
I'd be sad if i liked the game and it failed/died.
AAA's problem is never taking any risks when it comes to gameplay and putting all the money into marketing and muh grafics.
Destiny actually suffered from this pretty badly.
When I was a kid I'd get sad that people didn't buy the discount shit candy because I thought all candy deserved to be loved and eaten to bring joy.
So are you a kid?
>the longer a game takes the more you HAVE TO LIKE IT
Fuck off with this shit.
To be fair, would you be taking great risks as a company with a game that cost millions to make? A game thousands of jobs depend on?
I'm not a fan of it either, but from an economic standpoint it's kind of understandable.
Guns N Roses also spent 20 years making Chinese Democracy
turns out it was shit
time spent on a project doesn't mean anything.
Direction versus publishing, mostly. Since people want to feed their families but also want to make their video game, they rely on the big time scam artists to loan them the resources to create the game full time, but giving them everything else in return. If publishers aren't happy with progress, or they run test groups and find out that the director's vision doesn't sell well with 10% of a certain demographic, it gets butchered until they finally run the deadline and release a shitty, unfinished trashpile. The development studio is then disbanded and eaten by a bigger development company who also happens to be a big publisher.
you make technology to be better than technology that came before it. you can remake the same program as many times and with what ever budget you want, but we already bought the first one and you keep making the same old shit. the question is not if we feel bad but how bad do you feel
I worked on one of the biggest AAA releases this year, which took 8 year to make and is already forgotten. I can say this guy is completely right Employees KNOW when the game sucks but what the fuck are you going to do about it? At the end of the day, it's a job. Nobody is going to listen to your feedback at a company with hundreds of other employees, especially when a lot of money is spent on focus groups and market research. I left after three years and I'm never looking back. It's a shitty industry.
Is it? Unless you have a brand that is guaranteed to sell like hotcakes (think MGS or something) spending all your time and money on one big project is tempting fate. If that single product underperforms you have to lay off half those people. If you split the millions between three projects with 300 people each, you can still eat a loss on one that gets mismanaged or comes out like shit.
Maybe I just really don't get economics
>we put in effort
>don't bitch about the result, praise us for the effort
Millennials plz go and stay go
Why would I feel bad just cuz some games have bloated budgets? Shovel Knight was a seriously good game and it's budget was very small, meanwhile, you have games like mighty number nine that completely choked on their own money.
Money doesn't make good video games, passion and understanding does.
Most Triple A games with over-bloated budgets are boring as hell, the good gameplay comes from new ideas and experimentation by middle-land and indie developers.
>I spent lots of time on it, so it must be good
This is kindergarten-tier reasoning.