What's your excuse for not owning one?

What's your excuse for not owning one?

It's kind of hard to justify upgrading to an XL when my original 3DS still works fine, though it is tempting


I am over the age 12

I own one, but I regret it. Every single game is lackluster, to say the least.

>all the pokemon games are casual trash, including the mystery Dungeons spinoffs
>Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, SMT, Etrian Odyssey, and etc are too weeaboo and not enough good gameplay (and I'm not sitting through 50 hours of cringeworthy voice acting just to get to it)
>Mario hasn't been good in ages
>too many ports that I can just emulate
>Metroid is kill

That's not even getting into the hardware.

>hate the aiming
>severely dislike the touch screen
>I refuse to consider two screens to be good design
>terrible addons that don't make up for a lack of a second analog stick (and the only thing that's better is a KBM, so if I want a good twin stick shooter or rail shooter or FPS, I'll just go on PC).

Just for starters.

Get a load of this faggot.

I owned a 3DS since before the XL came out.

This is the worst case of buyers remourse I've ever had, its worse than the PSP and DS in terms of hardware and libraries.

The ds xl felt flimsy and fragile, and so does the 3ds.
First iterations of both handhelds were the best.

pokemon isnt fun

i dont care about animal crossing

wii u smash is better

At least you didn't buy a vita.


I bought the 3DS on release date like a fucking retard.

Should I just go with a 2ds? My gf has one and wants to play together. The library doesn't look all that appealing. Worth it?

Exactly my experience.
Monster Hunter is the only reason I got this console. I'm having quite a good time, but the worst thing is knowing that it would be so much better on vita.

It's what? $80? Do it you poorfag

i hate the fucking circle pad

Get monster hunter

I can afford the new but I'm cheap as fuck. Is it worth upgrading or just settling with the 2ds?

No games, poorly manufactured, and most of its library is being ported. Emulation will mean no one will bother going back as well.

But I do own one,a XL thats been gathering dust for 5 months, though now with smt apocalypse and DQ its time to give it some deserved use

jokes on you

i've bought six

it's the most fun i've ever had on a gaming system, and i rarely played the first party titles outside of ACNL

This, as underwhelming as the hardware is, the selection is worse.

I play it more than my ps4 desu

I'll never understand what people see in Monster Hunter. It bore me to death.

I still love my 3DS XL though. I might upgrade to a New 3DS XL soon too.

Easy way to spot someone with shit taste and Nintendo loyalty. I bet you're a real mess irl.

Have a 2ds and cfw

Only 10 games tops on a $200 console.

Nintendo fans have some weird exclusive form of autism. Theyre like those creepy neighbor kids that screeched really loud when they lost at a game.


I did get one recently but I enjoyed it a lot more than the 3DS. The 3DS' issue for me were that outside of a few games none of them were memorable, I honestly played DS games on it instead of games made for it.

Also the OS feels slow as fuck.

Because everytime I buy a handheld, a working emulator for it comes out. At this point, I'm going to wait

bought it for ace attorney
completed whatever mario was given for free when i got it
got bored of link between worlds somewhere in the middle of the game and pokemon x after getting to the first town
my rabbit ate two chargers when i was playing chinatown wars

easy to spot a Mature Gamer when he shits on Nintendrones

i bought two 3DS's for my young cousins, and i gave another two away

i am a nintendo fan, though the company's going to shit lately. i like what i like

I just don't like handhelds

SMD is as difficult as the series has ever been. What are you on about?

I find satisfaction in the grind. It also feels nice to get your ass handed to you the first time, and are able to read the monsters movements after your Xth time fighting it.

>Buy one on a whim
>See you can get cool face plates
>They're only for tiny jap versions
Fucking nips.

I currently borrowed mine to my mom so she can play Professor Layton. I'm not missing it. Considering selling it...


I don't care about the facplates but I prefer matte systems. Why are the XL systems glossy?

>all these sonyponies

how's bloodborne?

yes I own a ps4 as well, but at least the 3ds has games coming out this quarter that I want to play

I do, has a great library of games

just get the "new" 3ds XL

i couldn't get into MonHun either. i can't get past its repetitive, grindy gameplay

I just want the wood one.

There's fuck all accessories for the new XLs. I just want a not shit case.


you fucking retard

because i own a 2ds

you sure samefag a lot op

I live in Turkey, the country of taxes and roaches. Its 500$

I own three, used to be four but I gave one to my brother to give to his step son (not even memeing right now).

Just recently bought one since a friend who loves Pokemon wants me to play with him. I dont really care too much for pokemon but I am willing to try.

In the meantime i am interested in monster hunter.
Do I get 3u, 4u, or gen?


to trigger mature gamers like you

4u > Gen

never played 3u

is monster hunter just for autists?

3U is on Wii U
4U was pretty good if you don't mind everyone using the Insect glaive in your hunts
Mhgen if you want 4U with flashy weapons
The lance is shit in all of them

I'm serious.

It's region locked so I didn't want to support it. I might get a second hand one and pirate on it at some point, but I'm not in a hurry.

Gen it is


why does it matter how he spends his money

>people tell me that monster hunter is the reason to own these things
>play it for an hour and can't stay awake
I don't get it. Cured my insomnia though.

It's curiousity.

>lance is shit
>tfw you wanted to be a lance bro

at least the hunting horn and I became friends

didnt want to get a 3DS because of price
> bought 2DS
> used it for about a week
> havent touched it since

Not worth more than $80 to me.

>tfw people don't understand hammer bros have dibs on the head and a long sword memer runs up to me, and complains when he gets fucked by my charges

There are literally 0 good games for the vita outside of persona 4

I don't want one, and therefore will not purchase one.

using 11.0 reinand, whats A9Hl and should I use it? Does it auto boot into CFW for me?

As good a thread to ask as any seeing all the sonyshiters.

Is there a good, running n64 vita emulator yet?

the 3d part looks cool, I just play solitaire on it lately

Original user here:
I barely touch that thing, and mostly gave it to her to see if i'd miss it, and I barely do. Even though I haven't finished any game I currently own, something just puts me off playing it. I don't know why.

Says you, people differ in taste, you know.

so am I fucked if I updated my 3ds?

I'm not paying $80 let alone $200 for a machine that plays a waifu simulator, and rehashes of games that I can play on the Dolphin emulator.

There's also the Citra emulator to look forward to when it functions properly.

Please name these amazing vita games so I can pirate them

Fuck, meant to post pic related

I do and I never play it. I wish I had bought a Vita instead if only for the cross and remote play.

I uh really like handhelds.

I'm going to buy one just for this game.

cool I will download this now

Already told you, tastes differ. I don't know what you like. Since you're a piratefag already, why not just try them all out? not like you waste any money on it.

Bought the 3d land bundle 2 weeks ago and installed a9lh and Luma but only for DGS when it gets fan translated. Would get some EU and JP games but I dunno any that are worthwhile. Any suggestions? Is that hero academia fighting game any fun? What's europe only the fun? Those One Piece games looked kinda interesting.

>No Mortal Kombat
>No Platformers(barely)
>No Action Games
>No Racing Games
>No Decent Spider-Man games

The Gameboy Advance had all of these and more.

I have a tablet that has better specs than PS3 and I'm playing Witcher 3 on it with ultra graphics in 1080p60fps.

i feel the same. i was thinking of maybe getting one for sun and moon + dragon quest ports tho. the small screen of the original is kinda lame.

its a shame games like animal crossing come out so early on these little shits. or I could have easily waited for the xl.

I own two, an xl and the og 3ds

I've asked this about every single time a 3ds thread is started and I never get any answers. Guess region locking doesn't matter in the case of the 3ds


Actually I do, I own 3.

>regular 3ds
>3ds LL
>New 3ds XL

The second one was because this was years before 3ds hacking was a thing and I wanted to play japanese games. The New was because the regular 3ds was getting all beaten up and a New barely costs more than a normal 3ds xl


posting old picture but the dust level right now is comparable

Do you seriously not play games on it? I have like 200 hours clocked on Pokemon X, and that's just the version I use for breeding.

I got it just for MH and it's been worth it considering the amount of hours I've put into it.

>tfw just hacked my 2ds last night
>Tfw suddenly a shit ton of timesinks
>super mystery dungeon, super deluxe and planet robobot
>alpha sapphire
I do not regret this one bit

I'm thinking about getting a new 3ds xl for sun which one should i get?

Maybe the fact that I'm not an autistic nintenyearold?
Seriously, what grown man gets a portable console?
I bet your parents are really proud of you.

I own one and I'm happy now that I can play games for free.

>Pokemon X

the cheapest one

Can it play SNES games?

Nah you're just autistic for posting here.
Yeah it's weird that people like Pokemon. Real snooze inducing.
